Issue - meetings

Safety Valve Deal

Meeting: 16/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 53)

53 SEND Sustainability Plan and the Safety Valve Agreement

To receive an update from the Chief Executive and the Corporate Director, People.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for MCI, Health and Wellbeing, Economic Development Heritage, Arts, and Tourism presented a report which provided an update on the SEND Sustainability Plan for Wiltshire and the Safety Valve Agreement between Wiltshire Council and the Department for Education (DfE) which was signed on 12 March 2024.


The Leader and Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion reminded Cabinet that the agreement is supported by the High Needs Block Sustainability Plan which details how Wiltshire Council will improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND and, through investment in early help and support, return the High Needs Block (HNB) to a financially balanced position, with a total cumulative deficit of £56.247m by the end of the last financial year (2023/24). The agreement confirms the DfE will provide an additional £67m of DSG funding split over the years 2023/24 – 2028/29.


Cabinet noted that the funding will be used to offset the cumulative deficit which, by the point that the Council reaches balance is forecast to be £137.2m. Leaving £70.2m which the Council will need to contribute from other funds to completely remove the residual forecast deficit that is a requirement of the agreement.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, acknowledged and welcomed the extensive consultation and recognised that this matter was not a consequence of actions undertaken by the Council. In response to a question about the level of confidence that the deficit will not return once it is written off, the Leader and Cllr Davies confirmed that they had a high level of confidence in the SEND Sustainability Plan, that was co-produced with partners with an understanding of the issues. With the right support from all involved and further reforms from Government, a balanced budget was expected although this was not guaranteed at this stage.  It was noted that there is a need for continued engagement and co-design with stakeholders to enable the successful delivery of the Plan.




That Cabinet:


1)    Welcomes the agreement that was signed and returned to the DfE in line with the Cabinet decision on 12 March 2024.


2)    Endorses the steps being taken to address the financial deficit in the High Needs Block.


3)    Approves publication of the High Needs Block Sustainability Plan for Wiltshire which underpins the Safety Valve agreement.


Reason for Decision:

This five-year agreement will shape the provision of SEND services in Wiltshire and will form a key part of the financial context for the authority. Cabinet will continue to be kept appraised of progress and public reporting is critical to ensure transparency of the programme and the Council’s approach to it.