Issue - meetings

Minutes (Pages XXXXXXXXX)

Meeting: 31/08/2010 - Marlborough Area Board (Item 3)

3 Minutes

a.    To approve, and sign as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2010.


b.    Matters arising from the previous meeting.

Supporting documents:


a. The minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2010 were agreed as a correct record with the following amendments and signed by the Chairman.


Agenda Item No.36 - Waste Collection - MaVCAP Vice Chair Mr Edmonds asked the following questions on what technology was being considered for eliminating land fill from the Eastern area following collapse of joint project with SBC.


  • When will the contract for Hills waste Solutions MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatment) Plant at Westbury be signed (go ahead 23rd March) and why is it for 25 years? How much is it costing us?


  • Following the collapse of joint venture talks with SBC (Swindon Borough Council) what technology has been selected by WC for waste treatment - presumably this is for East Wilts. Will this be another eternal partnership with Hills?


  • Waste collection per household for East Wilts is shown as £31 per household. North £50 South £69 West £48.50. It sounds as if the unified service, or which the only additional benefit is a doorstep cardboard and plastic collection in East Wilts is actually threatened to cost us more. The sums do not add up. If all areas go to the East Wilts cycle plus a Plastic and cardboard collection then there should be a reduction.


That answers to these questions would be sent to Michael Edmonds in due course.


Agenda Item No.33 – NHS Wiltshire Update - Out-of-Hours Service.


Question from Joan Davies (Savernake PC) - during the time that the Out-of-hours service is operational, when will there be a doctor or nurse from this service at Savernake Hospital.  As the service is only available by telephoning the Out-of Hours number local people who need to use the service need to know if they are likely or not to be seen at Savernake Hospital.



That an answer to this question would be sent to Joan Davies in due course.


b. There were no matters arising.