Issue - meetings

Partner Updates

Meeting: 06/10/2011 - Westbury Area Board (Item 6)

6 Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partners – Parish and Town Councils, Police, Fire and Rescue Service, CAYPIG, BA13+Community Area Partnership, NHS and Westbury Group Practice on the progress of the PCC.

Supporting documents:


Partner updates were received from;


Wiltshire Police

Lindsey Winter, Sector Inspector for the Westbury area expressed her disappointment at the performance figures for Westbury and the surrounding villages that showed a 5% increase on figures for the same reporting period last year.  She reported that a huge amount of work has been undertaken by Police, Youth Services and Wiltshire Council. There had been a successful application to the Magistrates Court for an Anti-social Behaviour Order and a number of Anti-social behavioural contracts have been agreed.  This work has resulted in 44 less incidents of anti-social behaviour in the community compared with this time last year.


Wiltshire Police continue to strive to make this the safest county and there is reduction across the Westbury area in violent crime.  In total there have been 35 fewer victims of assaults.


101 is the new non-emergency phone number for Wiltshire Police.


The roll out of this new non-emergency number is part of a national programme to make it easier for you to contact your local police. 101 will be used for non-emergencies such as:

·       contacting local officers

·       getting crime prevention advice

·       making us aware of policing issues in your local area

·       making an appointment with a police officer

·       for any other non-emergency

She went on to explain that there was a new operating model for response units. All response teams would now work out from 4 hubs Trowbridge, Chippenham, Devizes and Salisbury with a newly devised shift pattern which will provide officers in the right place, at the right time and can provide the appropriate cover for the night time economy. Police, Fire and Rescue, PCT and Wiltshire Council as partners, are working together to reduce crime.


A question was raised regarding the number of crimes in relation to the percentage of detections.  Lindsey explained that there were a number of stages to go through to get detections, and this remains a challenge. She would explain the process with a presentation at the next Area Board in December.


Cllr Cuthbert-Murray thanked Lindsey for the improved visibility of officers in the Westbury area.


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Mike Franklin reported that there had been 2 accidental fires in the last two months, the lowest number of fires in the last two years.  The Fire and Rescue Service are proactively engaged in Home Fire checks and working closely with Wiltshire Council on the Warm and Well Scheme.


Mike stressed that people with open fires should have their chimneys swept every 3 to 6 months.


Mike agreed to provide a written report for the next meeting, which the Chairman explained would be easier for people to understand.



Sally Willox and members of the CAYPIG updated the Board on young people’s issues in the Westbury community area. The main issues the CAYPIG group are currently engaged in are Multi-media room development, 13-19 Youth Strategy/Youth Services proposals and Youth Shelter project.


The group are turning a redundant room in the centre into  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6