Issue - meetings

Youth Service Update

Meeting: 17/01/2013 - Trowbridge Area Board (Item 10)

10 Youth Service Update

Kevin Sweeney (Youth Service Area Manager, Wiltshire Council) to provide an update on the changes to the Youth Development Service.


Supporting documents:


Kevin Sweeney (Youth Service Area Manager, Wiltshire Council) presented a written update on changes to the Youth Development Service.


It was stated the Youth Service had been interacting closely with the Youth Advisory Group (YAG), which as it developed would have 50% of its membership be aged under 19, and its Chair aged under 25, with the aim that young people would directly be able to hold the Youth Service and other service providers to account. It was emphasized the YAGs would build on the work of the former Community Area Young Peoples’ Issues Groups (CAYPIGs) to develop and expand opportunities for volunteering.

In response to queries it was stated that in some areas YAGs were responsible for directing some amounts of funding, and it would be down to the YAG and Area Board to determine how they chose to operate.

Meeting: 10/01/2013 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 10)

Youth Service Update

To update the Area Boards on current integrated youth services.



Maxine Gibson, (Principal Education Welfare Officer), gave a short update on the provision of Youth Services in Wiltshire.  There was a wide range of services provided, which were developed around a needs-led programme of developmental and community activities.  The objectives of the service was not just to keep young people engaged and occupied, but also to help them to develop the skills needed to undertake the transition from childhood to adulthood, and to encourage them to become active citizens.


The service employed a funding formula to allocate staffing resources across the county, based on a number of factors including population, deprivation and rurality. There were currently no plans to change this structure, which meant that Salisbury currently had one full-time youth worker, and 46 hours of part time youth work.


Youth Advisory Groups (YAGs) had recently been established to help shape and develop services from the perspective of young people, and to hold services providers to account.  YAGs were linked to the Area Board boundaries, and were chaired by someone under 25, with at least 50% of the membership under the age of 19.


The Area Board thanked Maxine for the update.