Issue - meetings

Wiltshire Council Adult Social Care Winter Plan

Meeting: 21/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Wiltshire Council Adult Social Care Winter Plan

Report by James Cawley - Associate Director Adult Care Commissioning, Safeguarding and Housing


Supporting documents:


Cllr Keith Humphries, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Protection Services, Adult Care and Housing presented a report which gave details of the work undertaken in Adult Social Care to prepare for the anticipated additional demand over the winter period.


The winter plan was a contribution to the Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s Health and Social Care Communities Winter Plan 2013/14 which described the state of ‘system readiness’ of the whole health and care system for the winter period. The Council traditionally supported the annual NHS winter planning process, but this was the first year that the Council had formalised this support by producing its own written plan, which could then be shared, managed and monitored.


Cabinet thanked the CCG for their efforts. Cllr Christine Crisp, Chairman of the Health Select Committee confirmed that a task group would monitor performance against the Plan.


The Leader, speaking as Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board emphasised how important it was to consider and agree such plans and to ensure that through partnership working, the needs of individuals were met.




That Cabinet note the Council’s contribution to the winter planning process and the production of an Adult Social Care Winter Plan.


Reason for Decision:


To keep Cabinet informed of the contribution of adult social care in supporting the anticipated rise in demand for health services over the winter period.