Issue - meetings

Wiltshire Dementia Strategy

Meeting: 21/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Wiltshire Dementia Strategy

Report by James Cawley - Associate Director Adult Care Commissioning, Safeguarding and Housing

Supporting documents:


Cllr Keith Humphries, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Protection Services, Adult Care and Housing presented a report which sought Cabinet’s approval of a draft Wiltshire Dementia Strategy for 2014-21 as presented for the purposes of consultation.


The Leader welcomed Ted Wilson, Group Director - N&E Wiltshire Group and Dr Celia Grummitt, Wiltshire Dementia GP Lead who attended the meeting for this item.


The proposed strategy would set the strategic direction for the Council and NHS Wiltshire CCG in supporting people with dementia and their carers and families.  It included a commissioning action plan for 2014/2015 which detailed the actions that would be delivered to achieve the objectives and priorities identified.


The aim of the strategy is that all people with dementia in Wiltshire are treated

as individuals and are able to access the right care and support, at the right time so that they can live well with dementia and can remain independent and living at home for as long as possible within supportive communities.

A DVD on dementia was shown to the meeting which highlighted the issues faced by sufferers and their families.


Mr Wilson commented that the strategy was a great example of joint working to benefit the people of Wiltshire. Dr Grummitt explained that a dementia assessment was now part of the NHS healthcheck offered to people aged between 40 – 75 every five years. She also confirmed that approximately 50% of dementia cases were straightforward in medical terms which meant that patients received care locally by their GP’s. This then helped to speed up referrals for more specialist care where it was needed. The element that could take still time was for the comparatively few cases where patients required referral for a scan.  It was noted that improvements had been made in reducing the wait for diagnosis and referral to a memory clinic from 9 months to less than four weeks.


The need to develop dementia friendly communities and towns was highlighted and some Area Board’s had already pledged their support. It was also agreed that the DVD shown be presented at Area Board meetings.


Cllr Christine Crisp, Chairman of the Health Select Committee confirmed that the Strategy had been considered by the Committee on 14 January 2014. It was pleased with the work that had been done so far and supported the Strategy. It did have some concerns about funding but acknowledged that the formal consultation would help identify the key priorities. The Committee would comment further following receipt of the post consultation report.


Ted Wilson and Dr Grummitt were thanked for their attendance and contribution on this item.




That Cabinet agree the draft strategic direction for services proposed in the Wiltshire Dementia Strategy 2014-2021 and agree that it can proceed to formal consultation.


Reason for decision


To give Cabinet an opportunity to comment and agree the strategic direction proposed in the Wiltshire Dementia Strategy prior to consultation.