Issue - meetings

Review of Local Development Scheme

Meeting: 21/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Review of Local Development Scheme

 Report by Alistair Cunningham, Associate Director - Economic Development and Planning

Supporting documents:


Public Participation


Statements and questions were received as follows:


Question and Statement from Ian James, Chairman, Bremhill Neighbourhood Plan,Steering Committee.


Statement from Ian James as Bremhill Parish Councillor


Statement from Steve Perry, Chippenham Community Voice


Questions from Mrs Anne Henshaw – CPRE


Details of the above submissions and responses to them were circulated at the meeting and are attached to the signed copy of the minutes and available on the Council’s website along with the agenda for this meeting.



  Cllr Toby Sturgis, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property and Waste presented a report which sought approval of a revised Local Development Scheme (LDS) for Wiltshire in response to the preliminary findings of the Core Strategy Inspector including the introduction of two new Development Plan Documents (DPDs) and to ensure the LDS is up to date.


Cllr Sturgis drew attention to an erratum circulated at the meeting which replaced the development profiles seen in Appendix B of Appendix 1 to the report so that the timetables correspond with ‘Table 3: Summary programme for document production’.


Cllr Sturgis in introducing the item explained the context, stating that it would be of great concern if there was no core strategy in place and it was important to adopt at the earliest opportunity to protect the County from inappropriate development.


John Kirkman, CPRE asked how the council was determining the appropriate level of growth for each area based on the disaggregation of 5000. Cllr Sturgis explained that, whilst appreciating there may be some places that couldn’t take any more growth, the starting point would be a proportionate split based on the levels of housing in the Plan and then constraints would be looked at.


Mr McDonic, CPRE asked if there would be a public consultation on the outcome of the independent review of affordable housing viability. It was explained that as the examination is the Inspector’s process, the Council would submit (the additional work) and it would be for him to advise on the next steps and if a public consultation would be needed. Submission documents would be available on the website.


Mr Morland asked if the starting point for disaggregation would be proportionate to reductions made previously. It was explained it was not as simple as that, and the starting point would be a proportionate split which would be tested at a local level.


Mr James raised concerns over flood and the need to have a sustainable approach to flooding. Cllr Sturgis noted that the Council ensured that any development outside flood risk areas considered the risk to flood plains, working with parish / town councils, Environment Agency and developers.


Cllr Bridget Wayman asked why, given the approved South Wiltshire Core Strategy was the area being asked to take an additional 12% housing. It was explained that the South Wiltshire Strategy had been subsumed into the Wiltshire Core Strategy currently under examination. Cllr Wayman requested that the Gypsy and Traveller DPD timescale be brought forward.




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