Issue - meetings

Highways schemes proposals 2017/18

Meeting: 09/03/2017 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 11)

11 Highways schemes proposals 2017/18

The Board is asked to review these proposals, and to suggest any amendments or potential future sites for treatment are forwarded to the Highways Asset Management Team for further investigation.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman noted that the Board had been asked to endorse the list of proposed schemes for 2017/18, as detailed in the agenda pack.


Comments and questions included:


Salisbury Pothole Watch

Noted that the proposals were for a mile of resurfacing works in total, however he pointed out that there were over 100 miles of roads in the city centre. Salisbury had a quarter amount of resurfacing works planned than in Devizes which was smaller.


In terms of pothole patching the response was very good, but that was temporary patching and did not last long. The areas that keep coming up should be raised by the Area Board. The A36 central car park, this had been identified as WC responsibility, it was not on the list so needed to be added, along with:


The roundabout by Parkwood Gym on London Road

Pembrook Road – Bemerton

Ravens Croft had lost the top surface of the road, so there must have been an issue with that when it was laid.

Coombe Road – gyratory big areas

St Pauls Road

Churchfields Industrial Estate – some work done in May but not all of the roads.


The Chairman gave the following response:


In terms of the distance I am told that roughly the same amount of money was spent in each community area.  The A338 sliding away from hill, was going to be extremely expensive. We were waiting for confirmation of contractors.


The slip road on the A36, thanks for all your work in nailing down who was responsible for that. I am assured that extensive pot hole work on that road would be done. 


St Pauls Road – extensive pot hole filling would be carried out rather than resurfacing.


The Area Board was able to feedback requests for the order of priority to be changed but not to change the schemes on the list.



Delamination – at Hedly Davis Court, the sheltered housing scheme had many residents with mobility issues. It was not acceptable for the Council not to consider the factors such as this, causing real problems.



The SCC Transport Committee Members repeatedly voiced concerns over the roads. Most concerned for the A30, but the repairs were substandard temporary repairs, it was a pointless exercise. Wasting time energy and money by not doing the better repairs. They were frustrated for Pembroke Road and felt it was quite dangerous for cyclists.


There were 700+ roads in Salisbury, and there was approximately 100 years of work here. Could we have money from other budgets to give to repair roads for older people?


Older people who fall over end up in hospital costing public health money. This needed joined up thinking across departments. This list was a product already of discussion. There was a longer list the Board hoped to see the light of day in the future.


The roads on Bemerton would never be done as they were concrete overlaid with dressing. Need to make sure somehow that each electoral  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11