Issue - meetings

Chairman's Announcements

Meeting: 08/06/2010 - Children's Services Select Committee (prior to 15 May 2012) (Item 75)

Chairman's Announcements


1.        Special Educational Needs (SEN) seminar


Following a request from Cllr Osborn, a seminar would be provided by officers on Special Education Needs (SEN) provision prior to the Committee’s next meeting on 22 July 2010. This would provide some context to the SEN Review post-consultation report due for consideration at that meeting. The seminar would begin at 9.30am and it was requested that all councillors be notified of the seminar.


The Vice-Chairman requested that two Rapid Scrutiny Exercises be arranged: The first to look at the SEN Review consultation process. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman felt there has been weaknesses in the way the Review’s rationale had been communicated. The second was to consider the SEN Review consultation results in order to add value to the recommendations to be submitted to Cabinet. The findings of both exercises would be reported to the full Committee’s next meeting and considered alongside the post-consultation report.


Cllr Darby, Cllr Hubbard, Mrs Kemp, Cllr Osborn and Cllr Soden expressed interest in taking part in the exercise.




To undertake Rapid Scrutiny Exercises into the SEN Review consultation process and consultation results prior to the next Committee meeting on 22 July 2010.


2.        Letter regarding the proposed closure of the Special Learning Centre, Longleaze Primary School


A letter from Mrs Ceri Seal and sent to Jon Hubbard was circulated.  The letter outlined Mrs Seal’s protest over the proposed closure of the Specialist Learning Centre at Longleaze School in Wootton Bassett. An officer response was also included for noting.


3.        Laverstock schools visit


The visit to the St Edmunds, St Josephs and Wyvern College schools in Laverstock requested at the previous meeting would no longer take place on 29 June 2010. The Senior Scrutiny Officer would contact councillors to arrange an alternative date.


4.        New Corporate Plan


The new Corporate Plan was approved by Full Council on 18 May.  The Plan outlined the Council’s priorities and where resources would be allocated to ensure the Council’s goals and vision were realised.


The Plan’s focus, in relation to children’s services, was on improving Wiltshire’s primary schools, pupil performance at Key Stage 2, and the reduction of attainment gaps between all children with Special Educational Needs, Looked After Children, children receiving Free School Meals and their peers. 


A Delivery Plan would be produced by the Department of Children and Education (DCE) which would provide details on how these targets would be achieved, which was expected to be ready for consideration by the Committee in September. 


5.        Downlands School funding


At the Committee’s previous meeting, Neil Owen, Secondary Parent Governor representative, expressed concern over the Schools Forum decision in January regarding Downlands School. 


The decision related to the School being over-funded in previous years due to a mismatch between their census form and the formula used to calculate the appropriate funding. With this in mind, the Schools Forum agreed to implement a transition period whereby the school’s funding would be reduced to the correct level over a period of four  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75