Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Trowbridge
Contact: Yamina Rhouati Email:
No. | Item | |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Carter, Dow, Fogg, Hawker, Hewson, Chris Humphries, Moss, Ody, Parker, Phillips, Soden and Swabey. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the last meeting of Council held on 1 December 2009. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2009 were presented.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: The Chairman drew Councillors’ attention to the letter of advice from the Monitoring Officer concerning possible interests in the budget and setting of the council tax. Advice had also been given on declaring interests in respect of council garage tenancies when it came to considering the setting of garage as part of determining the housing revenue account.
Cllr Brian Dalton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of the housing revenue account in so far as the setting of garage rents was concerned. Cllr Dalton held a garage tenancies and left the meeting during consideration of that element of the budget.
During discussion of notice of motion no. 8 (minute no. 6 refers), Cllr Rook declared a personal interest in the item in so far as it related to Redland Park by virtue of it being close to where she lived and walked her dog.
Cllr Lay declared a personal interest in this matter by virtue of being a member of the local Community Area Partnership (minute no. 16 (b) refers).
Announcements by the Chairman Minutes: (a) Andrew Kerr – New Chief Executive
On behalf of the Council, the Chairman welcomed Andrew Kerr to this his first meeting of Council.
The Chairman commented that he was confident that Mr Kerr would find his new role challenging as well as interesting and rewarding and looked forward to working with him.
(b) New Years Honours List
The Chairman was delighted to announce that a number of Wiltshire residents had received national recognition in the New Years Honours list, details of which he read out to the Council. The Chairman congratulated them all noting that many had made a significant contribution to communities within the County.
the Chairman particularly congratulated Cllr Jane Scott, Leader of the Council who was made OBE. The Chairman commented that she had given sterling service to Local Government over many years and had worked remarkably hard to bring about the successful establishment of Wiltshire Council. This was a thoroughly well-deserved national recognition of her achievements.
(c) Royal Visit – St John School and Community College, Marlborough
The Chairman explained that the Vice-Chairman, Councillor Bill Moss’ absence was due to the fact he was standing in for him at the formal opening by Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall of the new buildings at St John School and Community College in Marlborough.
Cllr Chris Humphries was also attending the same function as was Cllr Fogg in his capacity as Mayor of Marlborough.
The Chairman explained that the school now had excellent facilities and the Head Teacher, Dr Patrick Hazlewood and his staff were to be congratulated on their achievement. On behalf of the Council he wished the school every success for the future.
(d) Wootton Bassett Repatriations
The Chairman remarked that all Councillors would be familiar with the dedication with which the people of Wootton Bassett had marked the repatriation of fallen soldiers when each cortege passed through the Town. He reported that this had now received national recognition.
In December 2009, the Mayor and some other citizens of Wootton Bassett responsible for organising the events surrounding each repatriation were invited to visit 10 Downing Street and meet the Prime Minister. They were also invited to the Military Awards – known as ‘The Millies” and were presented with an award for ‘support to the troops’ by HRH Prince William.
Further recognition was given to the Town when their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall visited Wootton Bassett in January 2010, when the Prince personally thanked the townspeople for all that they did to honour the fallen soldiers on behalf of the people of this Country.
(e) George Batten, Director of Transport, Environment and Leisure
During the course of the meeting, the Chairman reported that this would be the last Council meeting attended by George Batten who was retiring after 30 years service to the Council. The Chairman paid tribute to George’s hard work and dedication. George was considered to be very highly thought of across the County and ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Petition - Preferred Option for Chippenham Under Wiltshire 2026 Plan ‘To receive a petition with 1,044 signatories opposing the preferred option for Chippenham under the Wiltshire 2026 Plan.
Details of the petition and petition speech are attached together with the response from the Service Director for Economy and Enterprise.
Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of two petitions on the same issue, the Preferred Option for Chippenham under the Wiltshire 2026 Plan.
The first petition organised by John Palmer, Peter Humphrey and Kim Stuckey was presented by John Palmer, details of which were presented. Mr Palmer addressed Council on his petition which urged the Council to reconsider its preferred option for Chippenham. He added that if the Council insisted on making provision for housing in Chippenham, it should be in the South of the Town where the road infrastructure already existed and the environmental impact would be lessened.
The second petition was presented by Elizabeth Kennedy with specific reference to the Birds Marsh area. The petition urged the Council to retain the open space for the enjoyment and preservation of wildlife.
There were 2,009 signatories to the petitions collectively.
Cllr Brady, Cabinet member for Economic Development, Planning and Housing responded to the petitions. He explained that the 2026 Plan was in the early stages of examining the responses to the consultation. He assured the petitioners that their representations would be taken seriously and would be considered as part of the responses to the consultation.
That the petition be received and noted referred to Cllr Brady, Cabinet member for Economic Development, Planning and Housing to consider as part of the consultation responses to the 2026 Plan. |
Notice of Motion No. 8 - Wiltshire 2026 Plan - Chippenham - From Councillors Mark Packard and Bill Douglas Minutes: Declaration of interest
During the course of discussion on this item, Cllr Rooke declared a personal interest in this item in so far as it related to Rowden Park in the Redcliffe Homes proposal by virtue of it being close to where she lived and walked her dog.
For the benefit of the petitioners referred to in minute no. 5 above, with Council’s agreement, the Chairman varied the order of the agenda to deal with this notice of motion at this point in the meeting.
The Chairman reported receipt of the following notice of motion moved and seconded by Cllrs Packard and Bill Douglas respectively:
“This Council notes the consultation which has taken place on the 2026 Core Strategy for Chippenham and that these plans are currently in the process of further review. As the success of the Core Strategy depends on the integration of the increased population and the funding of the road infrastructures, this Council requests the Executive rescind the preferred option status which proposes the housing development to the North and East of Chippenham, on the grounds that:
1) The costing and sourcing of funding for the road infrastructure need further investigation. 2) The Green-belt land and valleys to the East and North of Chippenham will be devastated and access to the Birds marsh area will be cut off to the townspeople. 3) Chippenham Vision, an independent organisation established by the Council, have also voiced their serious concerns with regard to this preferred option. 4) There are other options in the consultation document which have not been sufficiently considered. 5) No consideration has been given to a geographically distributed option which would enable a gradual development and integration of the increased population over a period of time. 6) Sustaining the preferred option gives one set of developers an unfair prejudicial advantage.
Council is requested to rescind the preferred option until sufficient evidence has been gathered to make a considered decision”.
Cllr Parker spoke to the motion. The Chairman moved that the motion be debated and this was duly seconded and on being put to the vote, it was
That notice of motion no. 8 be debated.
The Chairman called on Cllr Brady to open the debate as the relevant Cabinet member before inviting group leaders and then opening the debate to other Councillors.
Cllr Brady referred to his previously circulated statement in which he responded to each of the points raised in the above motion. In the discussion which ensued, the following amendment was proposed by Cllr Crisp and seconded by Cllr Hutton:
‘That this council notes that a decision has not been made on any option for housing development in the North and East of Chippenham. When such a decision is required, all concerns expressed by residents, now, and in future consultations, will be taken into account.
The Council also notes that if a Conservative government is elected this year, it is likely that the Regional Spatial Strategy will be abolished and further powers ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Public Participation The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.
If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.
Members of the public wishing to ask a question should give written notice (including details of the question) to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Director of Resources) by 12.00 noon on Friday 19 February 2010.
Any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.
Minutes: The Chairman reported that there had been no requests for public participation other than the petitions referred to at minute no. 5 above. |
Budget 2010/11 To consider the recommendations of Cabinet dated 11 February 2010, details attached.
A report on the formal Council Tax resolution will be circulated as soon as possible.
A meeting of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee will meet on 16 February to discuss the budget proposals and a report will be circulated detailing any comments or recommendations arising from this meeting.
The Leader of Council will move Cabinet’s recommendations for the 2010/11 Budget.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Declaration of Interest
Cllr Dalton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item in so far as it related to the setting of garage rents as referred to in the proposals concerning the Housing Revenue Account by virtue of the fact that he held a garage tenancy. Cllr Dalton left the meeting during consideration of that element of the budget.
The Chairman explained how he intended to manage the debate on the budget. The Chairman reminded Councillors of the various budget papers which had been previously circulated. In particular, he referred to the various budget reports circulated with the Cabinet agenda dated 11 February 2010 and the recommendations from that meeting, the proposed Council tax resolution for 2010/11, the report from the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee dated 16 February 2010 and further information as requested by that Committee. The Chairman explained the order in which he would invite Councillors to speak on the budget.
The Chairman invited Cllr Scott, Leader of the Council to present her budget speech. The Leader emphasised that in her opinion, the budget proposed would protect front line services, give a below inflation tax rise, would put more resources to local communities’ stated priorities, make more efficiencies and would save to invest in further service improvements in the future despite the economic situation. The Leader moved the recommendations on the budget from Cabinet’s meeting dated 11 February 2010 to include the following additional proposals:
The motion was seconded by Cllr Thomson.
The Chairman then invited Cllr Jeff Osborn, Chairman of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee to present the report of his Committee.
Each Group Leader was invited to contribute to the debate on the Budget before opening the debate to other Councillors.
Cllr Rogers noted the high percentage of those who had paid their Council Tax and requested his appreciation to those people be recorded.
Cllr Carbin proposed an amendment, details of which were tabled which was duly seconded by Cllr Jeff Osborn and responded to by the Leader. A discussion ensued on the amendment.
At this point, the meeting was adjourned for lunch and to allow the Chief Finance Officer in his capacity as S.151 Officer to examine the amendment put forward.
On reconvening the meeting, the Chairman invited the Chief Finance Officer to give his professional opinion on the amendment. The Chief Finance Officer explained his concerns over the robustness of the proposals put forward for the reasons he outlined to the meeting.
Cllr Jeff Osborn explained that he took the Chief Finance Officer’s advice on board and in the circumstances although he stood by the aspirations of the amendment, withdrew it.
A detailed discussion ensued on the various elements of the budget proposals with the Leader ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Appendix 1 to the Minutes - Wiltshire Council Tax Levy 2010-11 By Parish Supporting documents: |
Statement of Community Involvement Cabinet at its meeting on 11 February 2010 considered and approved the Statement of Community Involvement with amendments for recommendation to this meeting.
The Leader of Council will present Cabinet’s recommendation that Council formally adopt the Statement of Community Involvement as amended.
The report considered by Cabinet is attached as background information.
The Statement of Community Involvement document as amended by Cabinet will be circulated as soon as possible.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Councillor Brady, Cabinet member for Economic Development, Planning and Housing presented the proposed Statement of Community Involvement for Council’s approval as recommended by Cabinet at its meeting on 11 February 2010. In proposing the document, Cllr Brady made an alteration at paragraph 5.14 to state ‘14 days’ instead of ‘21 days’.
The report considered by Cabinet in arriving at its recommendation was presented as background information.
During discussion of this item, a number of points were made which were taken on board by Cllr Brady.
(a) That the Statement of Community Involvement as presented be adopted subject to the following amendments:
(b) The document be reviewed when next updated.
(c) That a suggestion be made to the relevant Scrutiny Select Committee to look at how the Statement of Community Involvement could be improved when next updated. |
Councillors' Questions Please note that Councillors are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Director of Resources) not later than noon Friday 19 February 2010. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of questions from Cllrs Helen Osborn, Jeff Osborn, Clark, Carbin, Oldrieve, Packard, Caswill and Dalton.
Details of the questions and responses given were tabled at the meeting and are attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes.
Supplementary questions were made in some cases summarised as follows:
Cllr Helen Osborn – youth development as referred to in Briefing Note No. 23 – sought an assurance that Area Boards would be involved in the process and considered that it would have been prudent to consult town councils and local members before a decision is made.
Cllr Gundy confirmed that the whole process could be considered by Area Boards.
Cllr Jeff Osborn – Youth Development as referred to in Briefing Note No. 23 – Asked the Leader if she was happy that a Member Briefing Note was the correct way for the new provisions to be dealt with given that it was in his opinion, a contentious issue.
Leader confirmed that if Area Boards were particularly unhappy with the changes, the Community Area Managers would be happy to discuss it with them. Whilst she appreciated there would be winners and losers, the changes were made to rationalise youth provision services across the County. The Briefing Note was issued as a mechanism to inform Councillors.
Cllr Jeff Osborn – Youth Development and consideration by Children’s Services Scrutiny Select Committee in the Autumn – asked whether consideration in the Autumn would not be too late.
In the absence of Cllr Soden, Chairman of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Select Committee, the Leader pointed out that it was up to that Committee on managing when it would consider this or any other item of business.
Cllr Clark – housing services as referred to in the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) – asked about the steps being taken to overcome concerns raised by the CAA.
Cllr Brady – explained that the Council’s Housing Strategy was currently being prepared. The Council was currently in the process of recruiting an Empty Homes Officer to overcome some of the concerns raised by the CAA and would review other resources needed within housing. Cllr Brady and Cllr Greenman as Portfolio Holder for Housing were looking at the issue of voids with a view to improving the situation and reducing the number of void properties.
Cllr Clark – SAP – sought information on the gross cost to date of SAP.
Cllr de Rhe Philipe undertook to provide Cllr Clark with a written response.
Cllr Carbin – deadline for submission of questions – Cllr Carbin suggested that the deadline for submission of questions by Councillors should be brought forward to allow for the preparation of responses and their circulation to Councillors in a timely manner.
Cllr Oldrieve – tendering for Children’s Centre provision – asked for reconsideration of the support available to schools on the tendering process.
Cllr Grundy undertook to look at how best the Council could provide the relevant expertise to schools and that ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Appendix 2 to the Minutes - List of Councillors Questions and Responses Supporting documents: |
Executive Business (a) The Leader and/or Cabinet Members to update Council on any major activities within their respective areas of responsibility.
(b) The Leader to advise on any changes to the Scheme of Delegation to Cabinet members.
Minutes: Executive Updates
Cllr Keith Humphries, Cabinet member for Health and Wellbeing drew Council’s attention to the world’s largest corporate health initiative, the Global Corporate Challenge. A Briefing Note giving details of the initiative had been previously circulated to Councillors.
Cabinet Scheme of Delegation
In accordance with paragraph 9 of Part 7 of the Constitution, Council received a report setting out amendments to Part 3 A of the constitution in relation to the responsibilities of Cabinet members.
The amendments concerned the responsibilities of the member for Waste, Property and Environment and the member for Highways and Transport. The purpose of the changes was to provide clarity as to which Cabinet member has responsibility for some of the previous district council front line services such as public conveniences, litter, cemeteries and markets. The changes also provided clarification on responsibility for the management of open spaces.
The Leader took the opportunity to circulate details of responsibilities assigned to the 13 Portfolio Holders who supported the respective Cabinet members.
That the revised Part 3 A of the Constitution as presented be noted and included in the Constitution.
c. Area Boards
The Chairman referred Councillors to the letter previously circulated which explained that they could ask questions of a general nature concerning Area Boards under this item, but they must be of a general nature only and not on specific local issues.
No such questions were raised. |
Overview and Scrutiny The Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees to update Council on any major activities within their respective Select Committees Minutes: The Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees were invited to update Council on major activities within their respective Select Committees.
Environment Select Committee
Cllr Groom updated Council on her Committee’s consideration of the following matters:
Overview and Scrutiny Management and Resources Select Committee
Cllr Jeff Osborn updated Council on his Committee’s consideration of the following matters:
Children’s Services Select Committee
On Cllr Soden’s behalf, Cllr Hubbard updated Council on the Committee’s consideration of the following matters:
In the forthcoming months the Committee would be looking at:
· The sustainability of Local Collaborative Partnerships, once funding from Central Government runs out in 2011; · The new Placements Strategy for Looked After Children, which should increase the number of placements the Council was able to provide in-house; · The Council’s plans for taking on responsibility for 16-19 learning from the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) on 1 April 2010; · How to improve the performance of Wiltshire’s Primary Schools; and · The future viability of Wiltshire’s Small Schools. |
Minutes of Cabinet and Committees (a) The Chairman will move that Council receives and notes the minutes of Cabinet and the various Committees of the Council as listed in the Minutes Book enclosed separately.
(b) Chairmen of Committees other than Cabinet and Scrutiny Select Committees will be given a brief opportunity to make any important announcements concerning the work of their respective committees. Cabinet and Scrutiny Select Committees are dealt with under items 10 and 11 respectively.
(c ) Councillors will be given the opportunity to raise questions on points of information or clarification.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: a. The Chairman moved that Council receives and noted the minutes of the following meetings and this was duly seconded by Councillor de Rhe-Philipe.
Cabinet - 15/12/09, 26/01/10 and 11/02/10
Environment Select Committee - 12/01/10
Health and Adult Social Care - 14/01/10 Select Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Management - 21/01/10 and Resources Select Committee
Children’s Services Select - 28/01/10 Committee
Special Joint Overview and Scrutiny - 16/02/10 Committee
Eastern Area Planning Committee - 17/12/09 and 14/01/10
Northern Area Planning Committee - 14/12/09 and 03/02/10
Southern Area Planning Committee - 10/12/09 and 28/01/10
Western Area Planning Committee - 27/01/10
Audit Committee - 09/12/09
Licensing Committee - 15/12/09
Officer Appointments Committee - 14/12/09 and 15/01/10
Standards Committee - 03/02/10
Strategic Planning Committee - 16/12/09 and 20/01/10
That the above mentioned minutes be received and noted.
b. The Chairman invited questions from Councillors on points of information or clarification on the above mentioned minutes and gave Chairmen of those meetings the opportunity to make any important announcements on the work for their respective meetings.
The following questions were raised:
Environment Select Committee – 12 January 2010 Minute No. 44 – Waste Scrutiny Task Group Final Report
The Cabinet member for Waste, Property and Environment was asked if he would now be accepting the minority party report and did he accept all of its recommendations. Cllr Oldrieve sought information on the cost of the scrutiny exercise.
Cllr Toby Sturgis explained that he did not accept all of the recommendations. He further added that given the various policies proposed by the different political parties nationally, it would be prudent to await the outcome of the forthcoming General Election. Cllr Osborn undertook to ask the relevant officers to provide Cllr Oldrieve on the cost of the scrutiny exercise.
Strategic Planning Committee – 20 January 2010 Application No. S/2009/1527 – Amesbury: New visitor centre and associated works
Cllr Andrew Davis took the opportunity to thank Councillors for the manner in which they determined this important application. He also took the opportunity to welcome Andrew Kerr, the recently appointed Chief Executive to this his first meeting of Council.
Standards Committee – 3 February 2010 Minute No. 11 – Register of Members’ Interests
On behalf of the Chairman of the Standards Committee, Cllr Clark presented and moved the recommendations of the Standards Committee concerning the online publication of the Register of Members’ Interests. It was emphasised that this would be on an opt-in basis and that Councillors’ interest details would only be published online if Councillors expressly agreed to it.
The report considered by the Standards Committee in arriving at its recommendation was presented as background information. The report stated that the Council’s external auditors, as part of the Use of Resources element of the Comprehensive Area Assessment, had recommended the Council to give serious consideration to making the Register available online. This was to provide greater transparency and public accountability.
A discussion ensued during which concerns were expressed by some Councillors on making such information readily ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Wiltshire Police Authority To receive and note: Supporting documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the Wiltshire Police Authority meeting held on 3 December 2009 and the report of the Police Authority were received and noted. No questions on these documents had been received from Councillors. |
Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority To receive and note the minutes of the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority meeting held on 17 December 2009
Please note the documents referred to in items 13 (a) and (b) and 14 above were previously circulated to Councillors to provide an opportunity to submit any questions within the above mentioned timescale. The documents are also circulated with this agenda for ease of reference.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority meeting held on 17 December 2009 were received and noted. No questions had been raised by Councillors. |
Notice of Motion - No. 9 - Area Boards Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of the following motion moved by Cllr Caswill and seconded by Cllr Carbin:
‘The Wiltshire Area Boards initiative has great potential but six months on there are lessons to be learned and improvements to be made to local delegation. Members should have the chance to debate and recommend improvements, and not be limited to responding to a questionnaire. In that spirit, we propose that Council:
1) agrees that the Area Board initiative should be continued.
2) recognises that several aspects of Area Board work have already proved successful, for example the regular attendance and positive attitudes of the Council’s partners. Board meetings have sometimes been successful in attracting high levels of public participation.
3) recognises however that there is some way to go to achieve the stated goal “to provide a focus for community leadership, local influence and delegated decision making” (p. 27 of the Area Board handbook). The public will rightly be looking for evidence of actions flowing from Board decisions. Without this there is a serious risk that Boards will lose public interest and support.
4) expresses a number of specific concerns, based on experience to date:
a) that Board agendas are too tightly managed, which has led to elected members have too little influence over agendas, and Boards sometimes failing to address major local issues.
b) that issues have ended up on long lists at Board meetings, often without discussion, and then on a web site which too often simply disposes of issues once officers have had a look at them, without resolution and without the involvement of ward councillors.
c) that there is still a lack of clarity about the budgets which are allocated to Boards, and the extent to which they are earmarked for community grants, and for allocations to Area Partnerships.
d) that the budgets are in any case too small to allow Boards to address community needs.
e) that there is a similar lack of clarity about the role of Area Boards in the Council’s various consultation processes.
f) that the chairing of Area Boards by Cabinet members and Portfolio holders may inhibit open discussion, and may constitute a conflict of interest.
5) Notes the ambitions in the Area Board handbook that....... “(Area Boards) must be provided with the power to influence local services and respond effectively to local views” (Area Board handbook, p.31), and “Area Boards will help councillors develop a meaningful community leadership role” (Area Board handbook, p.29) .........and recommends to the Cabinet that:
i. Board budgets are at least doubled in the forthcoming budget process, not by increasing the overall budget but by releasing funds from central departments.
ii. the necessary constitutional and other amendments are made to specify delegations to Boards for decisions on the delivery of local services. iii. financial guidelines are produced to make clear that each Board has control over its own budget.
iv. guidelines are produced to make clear that Boards have control over their own agendas and all ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
Notice of Motion - No. 10 - Naming of Area Board Supporting documents: Minutes: Declaration of Interest
Cllr Lay declared a personal interest in this matter by virtue of being a member of the local Community Area Partnership.
The Chairman reported receipt of the following motion moved by Cllr Colmer and seconded by Cllr Hubbard:
'As a result of an issue raised by the Wootton Bassett & Cricklade Area Community, after consultation with stakeholders by the Northern Community Area Partnership, it is recommended to Wiltshire Council that the name of the area board is changed to the Northern Area Board’.
Councillor Colmer explained the background to his motion and urged Councillors to support it.
The Chairman moved that the motion be debated and this was duly seconded by Cllr de Rhe Philipe and it was
That the motion be debated.
The Chairman explained that he would call Cllr Thomson as Cabinet member for Community Services to respond to the motion before inviting Group Leaders and then opening the debate to other Councillors.
A discussion ensued on the motion.
Cllr Thomson commented that the Area Board should concentrate on dealing with local issues rather than what it should call itself.
On being put to the vote, the motion was LOST and it was therefore
That the motion be NOT adopted. |
Membership of Committees To determine any requests from Group Leaders for changes to committee membership in accordance with the allocation of seats to political groups previously approved by Council. Minutes: The Chairman explained the purpose of this item was to determine any requests from Group Leaders on changes to committee membership in accordance with the allocation of seats to political groups previously approved by the Council. This was to cater for any necessary changes only. Group Leaders would of course be invited to review the membership of committees within their allocation at the Annual Meeting of Council on 18 May as part of the annual review of the allocation of seats on committees.
The Leader of the Council in her capacity as Leader of the Conservative group requested approval of the following changes to the membership of the Appeals Committee in relation to her group:
Remove: Cllrs Payne and Gamble Substitutes – Cllrs Randall and de Rhe Philipe
Appoint:: Cllrs P Davis and A Davis Substitutes – Cllrs Wayman and Crisp
That the above membership changes in respect of the Appeals Committee be approved. |
Council - Dates of Meetings Recommendation:
That Council approve the following dates for meetings of the Council:
18 May 2010 (Annual Council)
13 July 2010
9 November 2010
Minutes: The Chairman invited Council to set the dates of Council meetings for the remainder of 2010.
That Council approve the following dates for meetings of the Council for 2010:
18 May (Annual Council) 13 July 9 November
Appendix 1 – Council Tax amounts by area Appendix 2 – Questions and responses |