Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 6 December 2016 6.30 pm

Venue: Calne Library, The Strand, Calne, SN11 0JU

Contact: Edmund Blick  Email:

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present at the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies.



To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 4th October 2016 as a correct record.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 4th October 2016 were approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chairman.


The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack.


They also advised those considering applying for grants to apply before the next area board meeting, as it was the last opportunity under the present funding year.



Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a.     Wiltshire Police

b.     Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.     Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group

d.     Town and Parish Councils.

e.     Other

1.     Including a proposal to build a Performing Arts Centre on the site of JBS School from School Governor, Hugh Pilcher-Clayton.


Supporting documents:


Town and Parish Councillors


There was an update from Local Parish Councillors. In particular, there was an update from Calne Town Council. Mayor Tom Rounds gave an overview of the Neighbourhood plan which was being prepared for a consultation process in January 2017. He appealed to the Area Board to view the plan, either online or by collecting hard copies at certain locations. He explained that they were in the final stages of the plan and that a consultation period would run up until 11th January 2017. The plan would then be submitted to Wiltshire Council for review and the final version would come back to Calne for a local referendum.


Mayor Tom Rounds also reported that Tesco Supermarkets were going to start development in the area. A member of Calne Parish Council asked what the planning processes would be. To this Cllr Alan Hill said that Tesco would be paying for a Community Hub and Bus Service. Members discussed potential benefits to the area and they expressed optimism about the development.


The John Bentley School


There was also an input from representatives of The John Bentley School. Hugh Pilcher– Clayton and Peter Grant explained that the school were seeking to build a Performing Arts Centre. Peter Grant gave a passionate talk on the benefits of creative arts to young people, describing it as life changing and being inclusive to all children of all abilities. He also suggested possible benefits to the town through creating industry and employment.


Cllr Hill gave his support to the initiative of The John Bentley School and proposed that the Area Board support them in their endeavours. Cllr Trotman seconded that proposal and was also keen to support the school. However, he questioned what was actually being asked from the Council and said that they would struggle getting funds from the Council. This was discussed by the members and additional sources of revenue were suggested such as Central Government Grants and other European Union Grants.


Members voted unanimously to support the initiative of John Bentley School, in principle, but said that they could not guarantee them any financial support at this time.


South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust


A representative from South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust attended the Area Board to give a demonstration of a defibrillator as part of a national campaign to increase their availability and usage. The model being presented was a Cardiac Science G5. Some of the technical and practical functions of the device were explained, along their utility and efficiency in saving lives.


The example of the Netherlands was given where there is an 86% out of hospital survival rate compared to 2% in the UK. In the Netherlands, it is compulsory to have a defibrillator in every public shop. Members of the Area Board noted there value and a member of Calne Parish Council said he would try and double the numbers of available defibrillators in the Calne area.






Our Community Matters

Councillors will provide an update on community issues and progress on area board working groups. This will include:

·       Calne’s s.106 Working Group Update

·       Calne’s Dementia Friends Working Group Update.

·       Community Area Transport Group Update.

·       Calne’s Air Quality Report Group Update.

·       Older Peoples and Carers Champions Update.

·       Health and Wellbeing Centres Update.

·       An update from the Community Engagement Manager on the latest meetings of the Joint Strategic Assessment


Supporting documents:


Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups.


 S.106 Working Group Update


Cllr Trotman gave an update on the progress of the working group stating that they were focussing on cycle paths and new maps. He said that they would also be looking at the Tesco Developments.


Calne’s Dementia Friends Working Group Update


There was an input from Chairman Cllr Crisp who informed the Area Board that she Chairs the Dementia Action Alliance Steering Group and looked at recruiting organisations to the cause. Cllr Crisp proposed to keep supporting Dementia Friends through the Area Board. This was seconded by Cllr Marshall and all members voted to support the group.


The actions agreed were:


·       To support the Dementia Action Alliance Steering Group (through the involvement of the CEM and one member)

·       To have a standing item on each Area Board agenda to promote and report on progress (the existing dementia Friendly working group update should be renamed ‘Calne Community Dementia Friends’ Update

·       To arrange 4 Dementia Friends Sessions in 2017 – including 1 for young people.


Community Area Transport Group Update


The group discussed the updates from the reports and noted the most significant of those to be the proposed traffic lights at the Silver Street junction with the A4 and also the resurfacing of the Mile Elm road. Cllr Trotman said that the resurfacing had made the road a faster road and that some more chevrons and signage would be beneficial.


Calne’s Air Quality Report Group Update


Cllr Ansell said the working group had been getting complaints about school parking and that the group would be trying to encourage families to walk to school. She also confirmed that the Tree Planting Project would continue in Spring 2017. Talks then turned to the appeal of Hills Recycling Centre and the news that Wiltshire Council would not be defending the appeal. Cllr Hill explained that the case would be defended by a private alliance of Wiltshire Waste Alliance. He said that there would be a 3 week consultation period in February once the appeal is addressed.




Older Persons and Carers Champions Update


There was an update from the working group stating they were looking for new volunteers and premises for the “Men’s Shed Scheme”. This was described as a social activity for older men to promote health and wellbeing and to address social isolation, whereby men would get together, adopt projects and work together for fun. The next meeting was also identified as 31st January 2017.


Health and Wellbeing Centres Update


There was an update from Cllr Hill reporting that the Leisure Centre was being used well and that there were refurbishment plans. He said that there was a budget of 5 million which would include heating and insulation of the building.


Joint Strategic Assessment Update


Jane Vaughan, The Community Engagement Manager, provided an update on priorities coming out of the Joint Strategic Assessment Meeting. She said that there had been 78 people  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.



Locality Youth Network

There are 2 items from the Youth Grant funding scheme to be


1.     £4999 sought by Young Futures

2.     £1200 sought by Bromham Youth Club

Full details may be found in the attached report.

There is also a short video from the Locality Youth Facilitator to

show in this section.

Supporting documents:


Youth Grants Funding Scheme


Community Youth Officer Helen Bradley introduced the Youth Grant Funding Scheme applications.


The Young Futures sought £4999 for a continuation and expansion of the project which provides assistance to children in need but also sponsors young person’s enterprise projects. A video was shown demonstrating some of the work that the organisation had done on cyber bullying, which was funded by the Youth Grant funding scheme. Cllr Marshall gave his support to the project and proposed awarding the grant. This was seconded by Cllr Hill. Cllr Ansell asked what the money would be going towards and it was explained that the cyber bullying project would be expanded. They would also be extending help to young people in need of employment or education and the money would also be used for the establishment of a virtual network to help vulnerable young people. Members voted on the grant and it was approved unanimously.


An application from Bromham Youth Club for £1200 was also considered. It was said that whilst the club was part of the Devizes area, the majority of young people who attended the club live in Calne and go to the John Bentley School. It was clarified that the club were also asking Devizes for some money. Members voted and gave unanimous support for awarding the grant.


Calne Skate Park


Two young people, representing the skate park explained some of the work they had been doing to improve the image of young people in the area. They spoke of some fundraising activities they had been doing and reported on the Wiltshire skate series which they had co-hosted. They also raised the issue of the stage two development of the skate park which is expected to cost £150,000. The Board gave their support to the work of the group but said that they were unable to offer financial support at this time.




Area Board Funding

To consider 4 applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


1.     An Application from Goatacre Cricket Club of the amount of £1700 for benefit of the Junior Cricket Improvements Project.

2.     An application from The Open Blue Trust of the amount of £3898.33 for a Bus conversion.

3.     An application from Calne Rugby Football Club of £1000 for new floodlights.

4.     An application from Cherhill Toddler Group of £400 for group resources.

Also, for the Area Board members to note the grant of £380 approved under Councillor Alan Hill’s initiative, to provide improvements for Calne Community hub and library.


Full details of all of these grants can be found in the attached funding report.


Supporting documents:


Community grants


The Chairman introduced the Community Grant Schemes and after noting the details and benefits of each, Cllr Hill proposed awarding all 4 grant applications, This was seconded by Cllr Marshall. Members also were asked to note the delegated grant of £380 to Calne Community Hub and Library.




All Community Grant applications awarded.




Open Forum

This section is to enable members of the public to raise issues to Councillors and Members for consideration. 


If a member of the public should wish to raise an issue in this meeting then they are advised to contact the Democratic Services Officers, as above, to enable research and consideration. 


Two questions have already been raised by Mr Boaler and Mr Morris and these will be addressed in the meeting. Full details can be found in the attached report.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman relayed the two questions asked prior to the meeting by Mr Boaler and Mr Morris. She then directed the Board to the cabinet responses which had been written in response to those questions.


Mr Boaler asked a further question in regards to cuts to the bus service and its impact on Calne but he was advised to put the question in writing so that it could be addressed by the relevant cabinet member.




Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.