Agenda and minutes

Marlborough Area Board - Tuesday 17 July 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Broad Hinton Village Hall, Yew Tree Lane, Broad Hinton SN4 9RH

Contact: James Hazlewood  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the Councillors and Officers present introduce themselves.


The Chairman also noted the Town & Parish Councils who were represented at the meeting.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from the following:


  • Councillor Nick Fogg
  • Claire Perry MP
  • Simon Routh-Jones – Chief Fire Officer
  • James Cawley – Service Director




a.            To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 29 May 2012

b.            Update on actions and outcomes arising.


Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting on 29 May 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



Information Items


Localism Act - detailed briefing document

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the written information set out at pages 15-16, commenting that copies of the detailed briefing document were available at the door and online.



Wiltshire Community Bank

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the written information set out at pages 17-18 of the agenda, on work to prevent financial exclusion.


Councillor Peggy Dow added that the Marlborough Credit Union was open on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, from 11am-12noon in Christchurch, New Road, Marlborough.



Wiltshire Online: Digital Literacy

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the written information  at pages 19-20 of the agenda, on work to improve digital literacy in Wiltshire.



Paths for Communities - Grants for Parishes

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the written information at pages 21-24 of the agenda, on opportunities for Parish Councils to apply for grants to upgrade existing rights of way, or install new rights of way.



Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
  3. NHS Wiltshire
  4. Parish Forum
  5. Town / Parish Councils
  6. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)


Supporting documents:


  1. Wiltshire Police


Inspector Ron Peach commented that the crime figures were generally good, although thefts from vehicles at beauty spots were still high.  The victims of this were often tourists from outside the area, and despite warning signage, they often left valuables on display.  Signage, education and police presence would continue to try to address this.


Non-dwelling burglaries figures had dropped recently, following some targeted action against a known individual.


A number of public events had taken place recently, including the Olympic Torch relay, the Barbury Castle Horse Trials, Avebury Rocks, the Jubilee celebrations, and the Marlborough Jazz Festival.  These had all gone extremely well, with only a few very minor offences requiring action.  Councillor Jemima Milton added her thanks to the Police for their professional and good-humoured conduct during these events.


An incident was cited of a call to the non-emergency 101 number not being answered for over 20 minutes.  Inspector Peach commented that such incidents were unfortunate, but that significant investment had been made into the 101 service, and that the response had improved.  He added that emergencies should still be reported on 999, and that callers to the non-urgent 101 service could always try calling back later.


Andrew Jack, Marlborough Community Area Manager, undertook to include reference to theft from vehicles at beauty spots in his next monthly newsletter.


  1. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Mike Franklin gave an update on behalf of the Fire and Rescue Service, noting the written update at pages 27-28.


He commented that the total number of fires in June had dropped to 4, of which 3 were accidental.  Unfortunately, the number of fire safety checks had also dropped in June.  These free checks with free fire alarms were targeted at over 65s, families with children under 5, households with anyone with a mental or physical infirmity, families on low incomes, caravans, boats or thatched properties.  Leaflets were available on the tables and the freephone number to book a check was 0800 389 7849


The Fire Service continued to run events promoting safety messages, including an event during the Euro 2012 Football, and a multiagency event targets at year 6 children.  Also, a Safe Drive – Stay Alive event was planned for the general public at Marlborough College on the evening on 28 November.


  1. NHS Wiltshire


Noted the written update at page 29 of the agenda.


  1. Parish Forum


Cllr James Keith noted that the Traffic Initiative was well underway, with the 9 project groups meeting and undertaking work on the local strategies covering 17 villages. It was hoped that this stage of the project would be completed by the end of November, following which the groups would look to engage with Wiltshire Council highways on the next stage.


  1. Town / Parish Councils


No updates.


  1. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)


No update.



Visiting Cabinet Representative - Councillor John Brady

Councillor John Brady, Cabinet Representative for Finance Performance and Risk, will give a brief overview of that area of responsibility and respond to any questions. 


(Note: Written questions may be submitted in advance – please email to by 12 July 2012)



Councillor John Brady, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Risk, gave an overview of his area of responsibility.


Setting balanced budgets had been a challenge over the past 2 years, with £36 million of efficiencies being required and identified from the 2011/12 budget, and another £32 million in-year savings required from the 2012/13 budget.  The Council was on-track to meet the savings, and it was hoped that this could be achieved without impacting on front-line services.


Councillor Brady also referred to the recent information from the 2011 census, which showed that Wiltshire had grown beyond projections.  The Council was the joint second highest collector of Council Tax in the UK, on £238 million, compared to Birmingham on £271 million. 


In response to questions, Councillor Brady commented that the largest challenges facing the unitary authority were maintaining services to vulnerable elements of the community in the face of changing demographics.  As a result of the aging population, funding to adult social care was being increased, which only served to increase the pressure on the overall budget.  Similarly, following recent media coverage of cases elsewhere in the country, services to vulnerable children were under scrutiny as never before.


Responding to a question regarding redundancy costs of the move to one Council for Wiltshire, Councillor Brady commented that these had been offset by the efficiency savings achieved by the move to unitary.  The Council had also sought to further reduce costs and streamline management by deleting the post of Chief Executive and reducing the number of Corporate Directors to 3.  Although concerned at the time, the Council’s Auditors KPMG had since indicated they were happy with the management arrangements, and a number of other local authorities were considering following this management model.



Floodlighting at Marlborough Skatepark

To receive a presentation from Community Area Young People's Involvement Group on plans to install floodlights at the skatepark in Marlborough.



The Chairman introduced Jan Bowra, from the Marlborough Development Centre for Young People, who in turn introduced the group of young people who were working on a project to install floodlights a the Marlborough Skate Park.


Katherine Ford, Chair of the project group, explained that the site was a useful facility in the summer, but was underused in the winter, owing to the darker evenings.  This also had a knock-on effect as it reduced the available diversionary activities for young people in the town.  The proposal to install lighting would also benefit residents walking through the park, and this would improve safety.


The project was still at a very early stage, but letters had been sent to local residents, the Town Council and the Bowling Club to gauge opinion. Signatures were also being collected on a petition. 


The group expressed thanks to Andrew Jack, Marlborough Community Area Manager for his support in developing a survey as part of the consultation stage.


The Chairman invited questions and comments:


  • It was noted that the group was planning fund raisers and local events to raise money for the project.  However, it was not worth starting this until it was clear whether the project was viable and supported locally.


  • Most local residents so far had been supportive of the proposal.  Some issues and concerns had been raised in relation to rubbish and noise.


  • No formal response had been received as yet from the Town Council.


  • It was proposed that the lights would be switched off by 9pm.


  • Jan noted that while this project was being promoted and managed by the young people, they would need support in terms of getting planning permission and commercial/legal issues.


  • Costs had yet to be determined, and would depend on the specification.  Councillor Peggy Dow requested that a minimum of three quotes would be required for any financial support to come from the Town Council or the Area Board.  It would also be preferable for at least one quote to be from a local company.  It was suggested that the group could get in touch with the rugby club who had recently had floodlights installed.


The Area Board congratulated the project group on coming this far, and thanked them for seeking public opinion at this stage  It was noted that the Councillors were required to remain neutral to some extent on matters which might later come to a planning committee, so as not to prejudice their decision-making ability.  However, the Councillors supported the project in principle and wished the group the best of luck in taking the project forward.


The Chairman concluded the item by expressing the hope that the young people on the group would attend future Area Board meetings to represent the views of younger residents.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider a report from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) including a number of recommendations.


Supporting documents:


Andrew Jack, Marlborough Community Area Manager, introduced the report at page 31 of the agenda pack. The Area Board had received Community Area Transport funding of £13,600 for 2012/13.  The report set out recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group CATG) for the allocation of £3,112 of the budget, which would leave £10,488 for the rest of the financial year.



The Marlborough Area Board agreed to support the recommendations from the CATG to fund the following projects:

·         £2,012 - Implementation of Traffic Management plan at Ermin Street, Baydon.

·         £1,100 - New Street Light column at Chantry Street, Marlborough

Reasons – As set out in the report.



Area Board Development - protocol for those presenting at meetings

To consider a draft protocol as proposed at the previous meeting of the Area Board, to provide guidance for those presenting to the Area Board and to ensure that presentations are local and relevant.


Supporting documents:


Andrew Jack introduced the draft protocol which had been produced following discussion at the May Area Board meeting, in order to provide guidance for those presenting to the Area Board, to ensure that presentations were local and relevant.


The three main criteria were:

·         The topic and information provided is to be as local as possible

·         Debate from the audience is to be encouraged as much as possible

·         Where possible, the audience will be allowed to make a decision or give a view on the matter being discussed, as part of a genuine, timely consultation.


It was also noted that the Area Board would be encouraging involvement by younger residents.


The Area Board noted and approved the draft protocol for use.



Grants and Funding

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider an application for funding.


Copies of the grant application packs for theCommunity Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community AreaManager or electronically at


Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered 1 application for funding, from the Aldbourne Youth Council and Marlborough Youth Centre. The Community Area Manager introduced the application, commenting that, if approved, the funding would come from the Board’s Youth budget of £5,676 for 2012/13.


Jan Bowra presented the application, explaining that the project sought to provide a programme of activities for young people through the summer holidays. These programmes had been provided in previous years, but budget cuts meant that funds had to be raised from new funding streams in order to continue to provide the service.


While the principle of the project was generally supported, concerns were raised in relation to a number of points:

·         To fund the amount requested would leave £501 in the budget for the remainder of the financial year.  As such, it was proposed that 50% of the amount requested could be awarded, leaving more money available for the Christmas and half term holidays.

·         It was noted that the funding was for one-off events, and that this may not leave any lasting benefit.  Andrew Jack commented that other Boards had spent their Youth budgets on similar one-off events, so there was a precedent.

·         Reference was made to the plan to target children from families on low incomes, but also to allocate places on a first come first served basis.  Jan clarified that this was the fairest way to offer the places, adding that the service worked with young people from across the Community Area, including street-based teams in some of the villages.

·         It was noted that some activities had a maximum of 10 places, and so concern was raised that the money would not benefit a significant number of young people.  Jan responded that the limit on the number of places was purely due to the limited transport availability.  It was suggested that, if the funding was agreed, the project could provide a list of names and numbers of the young people participating and benefitting from the project, to give an overall view of the numbers benefitting.


Responding to a question, Jan explained that if the funding was only awarded in part, then the project would have to be run on a smaller scale, or with higher costs to the participants.  It was also noted that the project sought to offer the activities at a much lower cost than they would normally be for families, and that the project offered an opportunity for fun and social days out for young people during the holidays.


It was suggested that the Area Board could match fund the existing project funding of £3,500.  It was noted that, if this was awarded, some of the m ore expensive trips could be removed, and that Parish Councils could also be approached for funding.



Aldbourne Youth Council and Marlborough Youth Centre were awarded £3,500 (from the Area Board’s Youth budget) towards a programme of activities for young people from across the Marlborough Community Area during the summer holidays.

Reason – The application met  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To confirm appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups of the Area Board.


Supporting documents:



The Area Board:

1.    noted the appointments to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A.

2.    agreed to reconstitute the Community Area Transport Group, and to re-appoint the membership as set out at Appendix B.

3.    noted the Terms of Reference for the Community Area Transport Group as set out at Appendix C.



Any Other Questions

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.


Transition Marlborough was developing a project to promote free loft insulation for all low-income houses in the area.  However they needed to identify all the Housing Associations in the area so they could be approached for information about their housing stock.  Andrew Jack undertook to provide this information, commenting that James Cawley, the Area Board’s Service Director, would be able to help in his role as Service Director for Adult Care and Housing Strategy.


It was noted that a not-for-profit social enterprise had been set up to bring a communities market to Marlborough.  This was being piloted for 9 months following the closing of the farmers’ market, and the next market would be on 5 August.



Evaluation and Close

To note the attached forward plan.


The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 25 September, 7.00pm at Marlborough Town Hall, High Street, Marlborough SN8 1AA.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and asked  everyone to take part in a short evaluation exercise.  The results are attached at Appendix A.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board would be on Tuesday 25 September 2012, which would be a themed event based around the Marlborough Community Area’s vibrant voluntary-sector community groups and would include presentations from support organisations about the help, advice and funding they can give.


Appendix A - Evaluation results

Supporting documents: