Agenda and minutes

Salisbury Area Board - Thursday 15 May 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: City Hall, Malthouse Lane Salisbury SP2 7TU

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Election of a Chairman for 2014/15

To elect a Chairman for the Salisbury Area Board for 2014/15.

Supporting documents:


Steve Milton, Acting Community Area Manager, called for nominations for Chairman.



Councillor Ricky Rogers was elected as Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board for 2014/15.


Election of a Vice Chairman for 2014/15

To elect a Vice Chairman for the Salisbury Area Board for 2014/15.



The Chairman, Councillor Ricky Rogers, called for nominations for Vice Chairman.



Councillor Brian Dalton was elected as Vice Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board for 2014/15.


Nominations for Representatives to Outside Bodies

To note the report attached to the agenda, and to consider the recommendations to:


a.           Appoint Councillor representatives to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A;


b.           Agree to reconstitute and appoint to the Working Group(s) as set out in Appendix B; and


c.           Note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in Appendix C.


Supporting documents:


The Board noted the report attached to the agenda, and considered the recommendations of representatives to Outside Bodies and Working Groups as detailed in the papers.



The Salisbury Area Board agreed to:


a.         Appoint Councillor representatives to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A;


b.        Reconstitute and appoint to the Working Group(s) as set out in Appendix B; and


c.         Note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in Appendix C.



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·       Laverstock and Ford Parish Council




To confirm the minutes of the last two meetings held on Thursday 13 March and Thursday 20 March 2014.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the last two meetings held on 13 March 2014 and a Special meeting held on 20 March 2014, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the following amendment:


20 March 2014 – Cllr Douglas asked whether it was still thought that Salisbury needed more shops bearing in mind (a) the impact on the city centre and (b) the level of internet shopping which took place now.


Answer: This is constantly being reviewed.  There is a growing understanding that people are looking for social and leisure activities to accompany their shopping.  This will be reflected in the plans for the Maltings development.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Item 16 – Community Area Grants


·       Cllr Bill Moss declared that he was an Executive on the Wiltshire Blind Association; he did not take part in the voting for this application.


·       Cllr Ian Tomes declared he had had previous connections with Elizabeth House and with the Bootleg Theatre Company. This did not constitute a pecuniary interest therefore Cllr Tomes took part in the voting for these applications.


·       Cllr Mary Douglas declared that St Lawrence’s was within her ward. This did not constitute a pecuniary interest therefore Cllr Douglas took part in the voting for this application.


Information items

To note the following information papers attached to the agenda:


a.    Wiltshire Council Consultations

To note the information available on the Consultation web page:


b.    Salisbury Community Campus – written update to be circulated at the meeting.


c.    WC updates – Recycling success


d.    Broadband Update



Supporting documents:


To Board noted the information items as detailed in the agenda.


a.     Wiltshire Council Consultations


b.     Salisbury Community Campus


c.     WC updates


d.     Broadband Update




Update from Representatives

To receive verbal updates from representatives present, and to note the written updates attached to the agenda.


a)    Salisbury City Council

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)    Wiltshire Police - written update also attached

d)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

e)    Salisbury Youth Action Group

f)     SCCAP


Supporting documents:


Fire - Mike Franklin


The standard written update was currently not available due to an issue with IT software, it was hoped that the problem would be resolved and a report would be available in time for the next meeting.


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue (WFRS) had been in discussions with the Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, to look at possibilities for a joint working relationship. WFRS had a shortfall in budget of between £3.1 million to £3.9 million which had to be resolved by 2018. They had appraised their options and put forward a business case to combine the Wiltshire and Dorset authorities, on which a decision would be made in September 2014. A consultation would take place between 16 June 2014 and 24 August 2014 which would include the public, police and council. This would be promoted through their website, social media and press and a helpline would be set up.


Salisbury City Council (SCC) – Andrew Roberts, Leader of SCC


·         The Market Square was now open for business.

·         There had been a number of additional markets and an International market would take place later in the month.

·         Discussions were taking place with Wiltshire Council to resolve the appearance of the bin store.

·         A Big Business event had been held with over 700 attendees.

·         A new Mayor would be brought in on Saturday 17 May, thanks were given to Cllr Penny Brown for her work over the last year.


Police – Inspector Andy Noble and Inspector Dave Minty


Inspector Noble introduced Inspector Dave Minty, who would be the new sector head for the area from 2 June. Andy drew attention to the map detailed on page 126 of the agenda, which showed the sectors across Wiltshire.


Structural Changes would reduce the tiers of management; there would be no new Chief Inspectors. The new Superintendant for Salisbury, Warminster and Amesbury was Charlie Armstrong, with Inspector Noble moving to a new post, working under her.


A new scheme which was being trialled by Beat Managers, would provide more of an insight into possible causes of local trends.


A public meeting had been scheduled for Monday 19 May 2014, where representatives from the PCC, Technical College and Police would be in attendance to present an update on the decommissioning of the Wilton Road site.


Police teams would be moving into Bourne Hill in Salisbury on 18 June 2014. A site for the new Custody Suite had now been confirmed subject to contract.


The Area Board thanked Inspector Noble for is excellent work and wished him all the best in his new role.


Salisbury Youth Advisory Group (YAG) – Charles McGraph

·         The future provision of Youth services was recently discussed by Wiltshire Council at its Full Council meeting.

·         The YAG received a presentation by a group of cadets, where they had suggested holding a community fair for young people, where groups could meet up at the Guildhall to promote their wares.

·         Once the Campus was complete the YAG would be able to use  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Councillor Jonathan Seed

Cllr Jonathon Seed will talk about his role as Cabinet Member for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards, Leisure, Libraries and Flooding. Followed by an opportunity for questions.



Cllr Jonathon Seed spoke about his role as Cabinet Member for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards, Leisure, Libraries and Flooding.


Cllr Seed had the help of four other Councillors to carry out his role, Cllrs Jerry Kunkler portfolio holder for Leisure and Sport, Cllr Chris Williams, portfolio holder for Area Boards, and two other councillors for flooding, one in the north and one in the south.


The Council was working towards creating more resilient communities, with the main goal of facilitating communities to do more for themselves.


As part of the Council’s Business Plan, Leisure had been incorporated into Public Health. Wiltshire currently had 23 leisure centres and 11 swimming pools, the Council aimed to retain as many of its leisure facilities as possible.


Each community area developed in its own way; development being led by the requirements of the community. If the community made it clear that they wanted something for their area, then the Council would support that community in achieving their goals where possible.



It had been a busy year for flooding. Although Wiltshire was not on the news as much as other counties, 500 dwellings were flooded across Wiltshire. The Council had a flood plan in place, and worked to that plan to help people where it could.


The Secretary of State for Environment, Owen Patterson had shown his support by offering to provide Wiltshire with the resources required for future flood prevention as he knew that they would be used efficiently.



Each Community Area had been invited to have a campus. The building works on the Salisbury Campus would begin in the next two weeks.


It had been established that the cost to maintain several old buildings and services in separate areas was greater than creating a single place in the community where people could access all of the services they needed.


Having a community campus also meant that there could be a reduction of manpower and a coming together of partner organisations.


Questions and comments were then taken, these included:


  • Do you have any plans in place for tackling the effects of extreme heat? Answer: This is not in my remit; it would come under Public Health.
  • Is the Council receiving top hydrological advice? Answer: We work closely with people that give this advice. In addition to this we have drainage engineers which go round and look at issues and assess them. It is often the case that local people know their area the best, they know which drains get flooded.
  • If sports facilities are to be centralised in Salisbury, would there be plans for smaller sports facilities in outlying areas to the city like Harnham? Answer: No, as Southern Wiltshire view their village communities in their own right, they do not look to Harnham for their services.
  • If we had a lido in Harnham, we would use it. Answer: Tisbury have an open air swimming pool, and they wish to keep this, we are listening to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.



Community Area Partnership Review

To consider the report and recommendations as in the attached papers.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman noted that since the last Board meeting, the Community Area Manager had attended Salisbury City Council’s Services Committee to discuss the Board’s provisional proposals and SCC had given its support to the new arrangements.

The Board considered the recommendations for new partnership working arrangements for the City, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda. Following discussion it was agreed to proceed as follows.



The Salisbury Area Board agreed:


        That a new network based approach that coordinates and supports the work of existing community and theme groups is supported based on the principles set out in the report.

        That a small, informal group be established to coordinate the development of the network

        That a member of the Area Board is nominated to attend the coordination group meetings

        That discussions be held with existing partnerships, networks and community groups to help build commitment to the new approach


The Board would continue to receive regular updates from the Partnership at future Board meetings.



Enterprise Centre - Old Fire Station Building

Rachel Finlay, Development Officer, will present information on the new Enterprise Centre in Salisbury, located in the old Fire Station building.



Rachel Finlay, Development Officer and Kate Forest Network, Enterprise Manager, presented information on the new Enterprise Centre in Salisbury, located in the old Fire Station building.


The building had been converted into small business start up units, with 17 individual offices, each containing a desk, chair, cabinet and telephone. There was also a shared kitchen, a networking area and two meeting rooms.


Five businesses were already in place, the centre had core opening hours of 9.00am – 5.00pm, with 24 hours a day access, over 7 days a week for the business users. New contracts were initially for an 18 month period, with the aim of the businesses using the centre as a stepping stone as they grow.


Further information is available by following the link:,-12-Salt-Lane,-Salisbury-SP1-1DU


The Chairman thanked Rachel and Kate for the presentation and invited them to provide further updates to future Board meetings as the centre’s occupancy increased.




What Matters to You

To consider the conference report and recommendations.


Officer: Steve Milton

Supporting documents:


Steve Milton updated members on the outcome of the ‘What matters to you?’ conference held at Salisbury Arts Centre on 27 March, 2014 and recommended that the Area Board used the outcomes from the event to stimulate local action and to inform its priorities for the next two years.


Board members discussed the list of priorities detailed in appendix 1 of the report attached to the agenda. Some of the comments made were:


·         SCCAP had been given funding for the last four years, so that a community plan could be produced. There were already two lists of actions to be worked on; it might be better to assist a group of people working on the existing priorities to get things done, rather than to create another list.

·         There were other priorities which received support at the meeting, which had not included in the final selection, including Cycle Safety, more Council owned and quality housing, Air Quality & Coach Parking.

·         At the meeting it was clear that people wanted the Council to build more housing with secure tenancies. 

·         Could the list be arranged in order of priority and a map produced identifying what the city currently has and where it is?


All Board members would be invited to attend an initial meeting which would be scheduled after 2 June 2014, to look at the list of priorities as detailed in the report.



The Salisbury Area Board noted the outcomes of the WMTY conference, and agreed that members of the Board would meet together to discuss how the priorities may be taken forward.



Action: Community Area Manager to arrange a meeting after the 2 June 2014 and invite all Board members.



Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership

Nicola Lipscombe will present information on the work of the Salisbury Greenspace Partnership.


Nicola Lipscombe gave a presentation to the Board on the work of the Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership.


This community led initiative along with current partners represented a wide range of interest in green space in and around Salisbury including Wiltshire Council, Salisbury City Council and surrounding Parish Councils, Environment Agencies, significant landowners, local specialist groups as well as community and volunteer groups.

Green Infrastructure (GI) was the network of green space that interspersed and connected our towns, cities and villages. Some of the less obvious green spaces included street trees, cemeteries and churchyards, allotments, road verges, river corridors and footpaths.

There was strong support for bringing all the various groups with an interest in greenspace in and around Salisbury together to:

  • Plan, design and manage local open spaces to provide even more benefits for the whole community.
  • Explore opportunities to share knowledge, expertise and resources.


Nicola explained some of the ways in which communities could get involved, these included:

  • The inclusion of Footpath mapping.
  • Environmental activities for young people.


Comments received included:

  • If the Board were to consider funding a project in the future, there would need to be an action plan as the information is a bit vague at present.
  • Young people aged around 14 years could be involved.
  • Will the work incorporate council estates, as Bemerton Heath has a nice wood? Answer: Bemerton Folly is a great asset, perhaps we could work with you to look at asset management.

The Chairman thanked Nicola for her presentation about this worthy partnership working project. The Board agreed to pledge its formal support to the Partnership.



Local Highways Investment Fund 2014 - 2020.

The Board will consider the list of proposed highway maintenance schemes in Salisbury for 2014/15, as detailed in the attached report.



Supporting documents:


Jim Bailey, Principal Highways Engineer delivered a presentation to the Board.


Wiltshire Council had recently approved a major programme of investment in highway maintenance over the next six years. This would see a significant improvement in the condition of the County’s highway network.


The investment would be targeted at those roads in worst condition, and would include minor roads as well as the main roads. An initial assessment based on road safety information and road condition data had been used to prepare a list of priority sites for treatment in 2014/15 in each community area this information was provided in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report attached to the agenda.


A provisional list of sites for potential treatment until 2020 had also been prepared and attached to the agenda as appendices 3 and 4.


Comments and questions were taken, these included:


·         Fisherton Street is not on the list, however this road is in a terrible state. Answer: Jim agreed to look into the situation of Fisherton Street.

·         How do you prioritise which roads are repaired, as Minster Street and Silver Street are both on the list and I cannot see why? Answer: By technical surveys and information provided by Area Highways Engineers.

·         In February this year, Essex Square and Norfolk Road were both repaired and are already in need of re-repair. Answer: The contractor will repair those roads at their expense.

·         Can people fill small pot holes themselves? Answer: No, there are legal implications to this.

·         HGV’s should be kept off our roads as they are causing damage to them.

·         There should be more joined up thinking, some of the budget from Public Health should be used.

·         It was suggested that some funding for highways maintenance should be sought from the Public Health budget as, for example, falls resulting from poor pavements led to increased hospital visits.


The Board members agreed that they would look at the lists of possible sites for 2014 – 2020 and feedback comments regarding individual changes and additions to the roads within their own ward areas.



  1. The Salisbury Area Board approved the list of proposed highway maintenance schemes in Salisbury for 2014/15, as detailed in the attached report.
  2. That the CAM arrange an informal meeting of AB members to examine the future programme and agree priorities.




Community Area Grants

To consider 6 community grant applications for 2014/15, as per the attached report.


Exeter House Special School
Meet, make and move summer scheme – equipment and summer holiday activity programme for children with disabilities.

(£500 capital, £3,730 revenue)


Wiltshire Blind Association
Assistive Technology workshops – equipment to assist blind and partially sighted people develop IT skills




Salisbury Arts Centre
Enhancement of facilities at the Arts Centre




Parochial Church Council, St Lawrence, Stratford-sub-Castle
Wayside WW 1 Memorial Cross – To add names of the fallen to the memorial cross in Stratford sub Castle


Bootleg Theatre Company
To commissioning and produce a new compilation production concerning the theme of adoption


(£450 capital
£1,850 revenue)

Bemerton Heath Residents Association
Celebrate Bemerton fun day



Supporting documents:


The Board considered six applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme for 2014/15, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.


The Chairman invited applicants present to speak in support of their projects. Following discussion, the Board members voted on each application in turn.



Exeter House Special School was awarded £4,230 (£500 capital and £3,730 revenue) towards the ‘Meet and make summer scheme’ project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.



Wiltshire Blind Association was awarded £4382.71 (capital) towards the IT workshop project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.



Salisbury Art Centre was awarded £7,500 (capital) towards the enhancement of facilities at the centre.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.



Parochial Church Council, St Lawrence, Stratford-sub-castle was awarded £778.30 (capital) towards the Wayside WW1 memorial cross project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.



Bootleg Theatre Company was awarded £2,300 (£450 capital and £1,850 revenue) towards the commissioning and production of a new compilation production concerning the theme of adoption.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.



Bemerton Heath Residents Association was awarded £900 (revenue) towards the ‘Celebrate Bemerton’ Fun Day.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.





The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 10 July 2014, 7.00pm at City Hall, Salisbury.