Agenda and minutes

Salisbury Area Board - Thursday 18 September 2014 4.30 pm

Venue: Salisbury Methodist Church, St Edmunds Church Street, Salisbury, SP1 1EF

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Health Fayre Opens

A wide variety of local health and care providers will be present with information stands, health checks and advice for the public.

Supporting documents:


The Health Fayre opened and people were able to visit the health stalls for advice and information.




Alzheimer Awareness Session

The Alzheimers’ Society will be holding a dementia awareness session for anyone wishing to know more about dementia.  Become a ‘dementia friend’ and help Salisbury become a dementia friendly City. 


Members of the Alzheimer’s’ Society ran a dementia awareness session for those wishing to know more about dementia.


There was also the opportunity to become a ‘dementia friend’ and help Salisbury become a dementia friendly City.



Wiltshire Better Care Plan

Presentation and questions and answer session.


Leader of the Council Councillor Jane Scott and Corporate Director, Maggie Rae presented information on the Wiltshire Better Care Plan and showed a DVD. Also in attendance to answer questions were:


Peter Jenkins, Medical Advisor to CCG - Salisbury Foundation Trust

Michelle Bacon, Great Western Hospital, Community Nursing

Dr Chet Sheth, Local GP


Following the presentation questions and comments were received, these included:


·       Was the independent care sector included in the Plan? Answer: Yes.


·       Within the independent care sector, elderly people want to receive care in their own homes. There are issues in this area; people are not receiving continuity of care. Would this be addresses in the Plan? Answer: There was far more work if the people at the end of the chain were not valued. We need to spend more time with carers and value them. We aim to set up an academy, as Wiltshire has some of the best doctors and health care professionals in the country.


There would be no zero hour’s contracts. There was good intelligence that there would be many army wives that would want to work in the industry; we would try and fix the problems in the independent care sector by working with those people.


·       After people have been into hospital to receive treatment, the hospital want a quick turnaround, so send them out to social care. Funding needs to go through the hospitals. Answer: 70% of people in Wiltshire have to pay for their own care. The decision of Cllr Scott and the Health and Wellbeing Board was that better community services were needed in Wiltshire. When people go home from hospital, if health care was needed, then they would receive it. It was all about how we can work together to change the system.


·       The out of hour’s telephone service was completely inadequate; users of the service were asked repetitive questions by people reading from a script. Would this service be included in the plan? Answer: At the last Health and Wellbeing Board, there was a clear view that the 111 system was not fit for purpose. If the Board were to deal with the out of hour’s service then the providers would need to be a key partner of the Board. The tender for the service would be up for renewal shortly. This may be dealt with by having a single record about each patient, which they would have access to.


·       Would disabled younger people be included in the plan? Answer: The Board was keen for young disabled people to be included in the plan, however central Government was only interested in including frail and elderly at this stage. Wiltshire was very clear that they wanted to include all in need of health and social care.


·       How many people waiting for hospital discharge were still waiting for a better care plan, before they could get home? Answer: There was one person waiting for a care package at present.


·       In the past  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.



Area Board Meeting


Chairman, Councillor Ricky Rogers opened the Area Board meeting by inviting Councillors and Officers at the top table to introduce themselves.




Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:

·       Cllr Brian Dalton – Board Member

·       Cllr Andrew Roberts – Salisbury City Council




To confirm the minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 10 July 2014 .

Supporting documents:



Subject to the amendments below, the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10 July 2014, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Item 10 – Cumulative Impact Area

The Area Board needed more information and could not reach a decision without it.


Item 12 – Air Quality Group

That the Wilton Road was not the only area in Salisbury which had registered levels above the limits.


Councillor Douglas asked for an update on whether the S106 money could be used for pavements, and whether the CAM had been in contact with the Salisbury City Council (SCC) to discuss possible funding possibilities.

Answer: The CAM had contacted Highways and asked for clarification on whether the S106 money could be used for pavements, once he had received a response he would be in contact with the SCC.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.


Chairman's Updates

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.



Salisbury City Football Club

The future of Salisbury City Football Club had not yet been resolved. A five person consortium was fighting to take control of the club from current chairman Outail Touzar, who had been in place since May. This was sad for those fans that had already paid for their season tickets.


Current Consultations

To note that information on the consultations detailed on the attached paper can be found via the following link:

Supporting documents:


The Chairman noted the information attached to the agenda detailing current consultations and drew attention to the Consultation on the Future of Wiltshire’s Fire Service, further information could be found online at:


Current info on Wiltshire Council consultations could be found online at:

Cllr Douglas drew attention to the Bus Pass Consultation, and in particular the proposed withdrawal of early morning bus pass travel concession. She felt that the information should be displayed on the buses themselves, so that those using them would be aware of the consultation. Cllr Douglas asked if the CAM’s could publicise the information through the community areas.

Action: CAM to send information on Bus Pass Consultation out to CAN and to liaise with other CAM’s to ask them to do the same.





Air Quality Group - tree planting project update

An update on the Wilton Road tree planting project



Councillor Richard Clewer, Chairman of the Air Quality Group (AQG), gave an update to the Board.


The first step to taking local action would be to plant some trees in areas which had been identified as having high levels of pollution. The first 12 trees would be planted in the grounds of the Technical College on the Wilton Road. There would be some funding remaining out of the £5,000 budget for 2014/15, which could be used for further tree planting.


The tree planting would take place on Saturday 8 November 2014, anyone wishing to assist with this should contact the CAM or Cllr Clewer for further details.


The Group was also looking at different models of air monitoring equipment and was working towards having a real time air monitoring facility online, which would go live on 10 November 2014. Following that, the next step would probably be to produce an app for people to download.


Questions and comments included:


·       Additional trees in Salisbury are to be welcomed, however we should look at making Salisbury a better place for cycling and walking, like putting cycle routes to the college. The whole strategic planning aspect seemed to have been put to one side. Answer: The AQG was looking at things which could be achieved at a micro level. Planting 12 trees was a small start, but if further funding could be sought then the Group could look at planting 120 trees next time. This Group was about small changes, not strategic changes.

·       Cllr McKeown would like to see some trees on Churchill Road, or to produce a green ring around the city.

·       We could charge HGV drivers to drive through the Salisbury.

·       There was an opportunity to work with the UTC to put in safe cycle routes.

·       Was there a Salisbury Transport Strategy?

·       Cllr Douglas had previously asked the Highways Agency whether it was possible to duel Southampton Road and they had said yes.

·       Cllr McKeown noted that earlier, Cllr Scott had said that ‘We don’t wait for Central Government to do things in Wiltshire, we go ahead and do them’ adding that she felt this should be applied to the implementation of children’s cycle routes.

·       Cllr Walsh proposed two sites for further tree planting could be Fountain Way and Skew Bridge.







Setting up a Local Youth Network (LYN) for Salisbury

An introduction to the changes to services for young people in Salisbury including an update on progress and next steps.

Supporting documents:


In May 2014 Cabinet made the decision to adopt a community-led model for the provision of positive activities for young people. By delegating responsibility and resources to Community Area Boards for youth activities, Wiltshire Council was committed to supporting young people and their communities to come together to develop a responsive and locally driven positive activities offer for young people.


The new model would mean that the positive activities offer could be developed differently in each of the 18 Community Area Board areas to reflect local needs, as detailed in the information attached to the agenda.


The Board had secured up to £17,000 to begin setting up a LYN for the Salisbury community area. The next step was for the Board to form a wider LYN Coordinating Group, which would be responsible for delivering direct engagement with young people.


The Area Board was looking for interested people to come forward to assist with the wider LYN Group, and nominated a Board Member to act as the representative to the Board.


Anyone interested in taking part should contact the Community Area Manager


The Salisbury Area Board nominated Chairman; Cllr Ricky Rogers as the representative on the Wider LYN Group for 2014/15.


Cllr Clewer also expressed interest in attending the Wider LYN Group meetings.



Bass Connection at Grosvenor House, Salisbury

To consider a proposal for the continuation of the Bass Connection service until it moves to the new Salisbury Campus at 5 Rivers Leisure Centre.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman gave the positive news that new venues had been found for most of the groups which had been using Grosvenor House and Wilton Road Activity Centre; however this did not include Bass Connections, who would need somewhere temporary to operate until the new Campus was built in 2015.


The proposal for consideration by the Board was to allow Bass Connections to continue to use Grosvenor House until the Campus was available. They would do this with the support of theSound Emporium, a local company set up and run by professional musicians and music enthusiasts with backgrounds in teaching, training and production.


The proposal contained two options:


Proposal Option 1:  The Sound Emporium proposed to open Grosvenor House between the hours of 7pm and 9pm on a Tuesday and Thursday (the same as the current sessions) and provide two qualified DBS checked and insured members of staff to run the Bass Connection activities. The Council would be required to ensure that the building was maintained in a safe state and that services were maintained – as was currently proposed until any sale was considered.  Further information was detailed in appendix 1 of the report attached to the agenda.


Proposal Option 2:  In return for access to the building at other times to run additional activities – such as the Salisbury School of Rock after school club - The Sound Emporium proposed to open Grosvenor House for Bass Connection sessions between the hours of 7pm and 9pm on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and provide two qualified DBS checked and insured members of staff to run the centre. This would be on similar terms as set out under option 1 and subject to legal agreement with the Council.  Under this proposal Bass Connection would benefit from an additional session, extending the current offer to more young people.  The Sound Emporium would benefit from an additional City Centre venue from which to provide its activities.




In view of the legal guidance received today and explained to the Board, Salisbury Area Board recommends that Wiltshire Council waives the requirements of the Leader’s Guidance in this case in order that the Board may award a grant to The Sound Emporium to support Option 2 as set out in the proposal, subject to appropriate legal and property agreements being in place and to the following conditions:


·         Any use of Grosvenor House would be subject to final legal agreement with the Council incorporating a termination clause should the Council wish to pursue disposal of the building.

·         Funding would be subject to satisfactory performance and evaluation after 6 months as outlined in this report.

·         Payment would be staged into £6,000 for the first 30 weeks and subject to satisfactory evaluation a further £6,000 to cover the remaining 30 weeks (subject to reasonable summer holiday closures/reductions).

·         The grant would cover the provision of the sessions agreed and not the setting up and taking down of equipment prior to or after sessions.

·         The Sound  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.



Update from Representatives

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)     Police

d)    Fire

e)    Youth

f)      Salisbury Community Campus (including an opportunity to view the model)



Supporting documents:


Salisbury City Council – Cllr Mike Osment

Salisbury had been awarded three Silver Gilt commendations at the Britain in Bloom awards ceremony held in Brighton that week. One for the Crematorium grounds, post the refurbishment project, in the ‘Cemetery of the Year’ category, one in the ‘Best Park’ category for Queen Elizabeth Gardens and the final Silver Gilt was for the City Centre in the ‘Small Centre’ category.


The results were an improvement on the previous year and recognised the value of partnership working and the quality of services being provided.


Events taking place over the coming weeks:


·         Purple Flag week runs from 27 September to 5 October. This was an excellent example of a considerable number of agencies all working closely together. A number of initiatives and events would be staged during the week.

·         The next Teenage Market was scheduled for 26 October. These markets had been hugely successful and had attracted interest from all around the country. The Council was now taking bookings from any new young trader who wished to attend, to expand the stallholder’s numbers further.

·         The 2014 Food and Drink Festival would culminate on Sunday 21 September, with a large event, sponsored by the Council on the Market Place and Guildhall Square, and into the Guildhall itself. This would  between 10am – 4.00pm.

·         The Vintage Market would return to the Guildhall Square on 26 September 2014 between 11am – 7.00pm

·         The French Market would be visiting for two days on 26 and 27 September on the Market Square.

·         On Friday 3 October 2014, the first Foodie Friday event would take place in Guildhall Square and Market Square. Over 40 food and drink producers from across the South West would be showcasing their wares, accompanied by live music.

·         On Sunday 19 October 2014 the annual Charter Fair opens with new rides and a revised layout.

·         On Friday 24 October the Carnival will parade through the City streets. Please put the date in your diary and help to support the floats and good causes which benefit from the event.


Police – Inspector David Minty

In addition to the written update attached to the agenda, Inspector Minty updated on the following:


An article in the Salisbury Journal relating to an increase in violent crime had implied that the police felt this was due to the night time economy. However Inspector Minty assured the Board that this was not the case.


Violent crime was down 8% and it was hoped that by the end of the year this figure would be right down.


There was a current lack of PCSO’s in the area; this was due to them moving up to police officer positions. Four new PCSO’s would start on Monday with initial training, with a further three PCSO’s starting on February 2015.


There had been some speculation that fewer arrests were being made as a result of the custody suite being moved to Melksham. This was not the case, the new setup actually released the arresting officer in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.



Salisbury Campus - Youth Arts Project

To consider a proposal from the Campus Operations Boards for funding for a young peoples’ art project, as detailed in the attached report.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered the request from the COB to allocate £2,750 of funding for a Campus Arts Project for young people, as detailed in the papers attached to the agenda.



The Salisbury Area Board allocated £2,750 towards the COB Art Project for Young People. The Board gave delegated powers to the unity Area Manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, to release the funding once the COB had agreed the project.





Community Area Grants

To consider applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme for 2014/15, as detailed in the papers attached to the agenda.

Supporting documents:


The Board considered the application for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2014/15, as detailed in the papers attached to the agenda.


The applicant was in attendance to answer questions.



The Salisbury Farmers Market was awarded £958.00 towards signage and marketing.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.



Community Asset Transfer

To consider the application for the transfer of the building at New Zealand Avenue, Salisbury, used by Salisbury Weightlifting Club to be transferred to Salisbury Weightlifting Club in accordance with Wiltshire Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy, as detailed in the attached report.

Supporting documents:


The Board considered the application submitted by Salisbury Weightlifting Club for the transfer of the building at New Zealand Avenue, Salisbury, currently used by the club, as detailed in the papers attached to the agenda.


Members of the Weightlifting Club were in attendance to answer questions.



Following confirmation that the Club’s constitutional arrangements had been resolved, Salisbury Area Board agreed to the transfer the land and building identified in the Community Area Manager’s report to the Club on the terms proposed in the report.





The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 13 November 2014, 7.00pm at South Wilts Grammar School, Salisbury.