Agenda and minutes

South West Wiltshire Area Board - Wednesday 5 October 2016 6.30 pm

Venue: Nadder Centre, Weaveland Road, Tisbury, SP3 6HJ

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome Tour

The Area Board invites you to attend a tour of the Centre, with the opportunity to ask questions and find out more information about its facilities.


If you would like to join us on a tour, please confirm your place to Steve Harris on 01722434211 or as soon as possible in advance of the meeting. 


Nadder Front2


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first Area Board meeting to be held at the Nadder Centre. Those present then split into groups to tour the building.


There was an opportunity for questions once everyone had regrouped in the Nadder Hall.



Please be seated for the agenda items


The Chairman opened the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


  • Phil Matthews  - Wilton Town Council
  • Sue Wight - Age UK



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



To confirm as a correct record and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 27 July 2016.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 27 July 2016 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements through the Chairman.


The Chairman made the following announcements:


  • The Board had acquired a supply of salt sprinklers from Highways. This was linked to the appointment of 2 x Older People’s Champions, as the Board would approach them for suggestions on who was most in need of these, as older people were prone to slips and falls. Parish Councils could also let Steve know if they could highlight any vulnerable people in need of these.
  • Cllr Jose Green added that the Board hoped to appoint 2 x champions within the week. This would be on a job share basis, working 5 hrs a week each, with Jose as the link to ensure they offered a good service across the area.
  • A Special meeting called ‘our community matters’ would be held on 16 November at the Nadder Centre. Invites had been sent out earlier that day. No other business for that evening other than to come up with priorities for the area. Steve urged people to forward that invite on if it could be of interest to others.



Current Consultations

To note the information on current consultations, to take part and for further information, visit the consultation portal:



The Board noted the information on current consultations available by visiting the consultation portal:





Community Policing

Sector Inspector Pete Sparrow will deliver a presentation on the new Community Policing model.


Sector Inspector Pete Sparrow gave a presentation on the new Community Policing model and showed a DVD. To view the video click on the link: here. 


Pilot areas had started in Sep last year. Mere and Tisbury already had Community Policing Teams, however Wilton would start on 17 Oct, from the South hub. Mere and Tisbury was already covered from the Warminster hub.


Under the new model, Officers would be able to take ownership of an entire case, working out in their areas to complete reports using mobile technology, thus saving them time.


The NHP team structure had been a fundamental part of policing for past 10 years. PCSOs now had greater responsibility and had the role of a Community Beat officer, talking to people in the community.


Officers would still have the beat responsibility, and would be allocated areas which when not dealing with issues they would be back on beat in those areas and expected to go to a public facility or space to write up their reports using their 4G laptops or devices.


Special constables were still in the community and there would be a recruitment drive to increase their numbers.


It was recognised that there was still a gap, however the Community Coordinators would act as a central point of contract ensuring information was available when needed.


A control strategy was in place to try and assess what the greatest risk and threats to our communities were.


The current planning permission for Bourne Hill meant that the Police building could not operate there 24/7, however this was coming up for review.


Inspector Sparrow invited anyone interested in having a tour of the operational side of the 101 system to get in contact with him. He would arrange to take a delegation of people there to see it in action and to see the pressures they were under.


The Police had recently run an operation to deal with rural crime issues. Cross border working – PCC came out 50 members of staff including spotters (game keepers) stopped 46 vehicles, ceased lamps and vehicles. It was felt that this had been a successful operation


Comments and questions included:


  • Cllr Peter Edge had used the 101 service, but had given up after 6 minutes. The Fire Service responded to calls in 3 seconds. He asked for an update on what would happen with Wilton station, and whether it would be closed? Answer: All estate based questions need to be directed to the PCC, Pete was not aware of Alderbury or Wilton being sold. He agree that the 101 service needed improvements but felt that it was not as bad as people made out.


  • The Chairman noted that in the past when he had complained about crime in rural areas he had been told that people did not bother to report them. Policing was driven by statistics, so he urged people to report any rural crime, to enable police to build up a better database to provide better  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·       Fire & Rescue

·       Community Engagement Manager (CEM) – Projects and Priorities.


To note the following written updates attached to the agenda:


a) Wiltshire Council Items for Information – Mental Health Awareness, Licensing event and Basic Broadband Commitment Scheme.

b) Wilton Town Team minutes – July

c) Healthwatch Wiltshire and the Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group updates


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minute slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Engagement Manager.

Supporting documents:


The Board received verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


Fire & Rescue 

The District Commander for Warminster Jason Moncrieff gave an update.


·       The Chief fire Officer was retiring in January. A replacement had been selected; he was the current assistant Chief Fire Officer Ben Ansell.


·       Statistics for the three community areas were given at the meeting.


·       There had been a number of fatalities over summer period. Crews have worked hard attending these incidents – crews automatically received a de-fusing service and they were monitored for any signs of mental distress.


·       Mere Fire Station crew were at the Mere carnival and had attended a generator fire in the procession.


·       Community contact – Crews had attended Tisbury music fair – and would also be in attendance at the mini muddy madness event on Saturday.


·       Recruitment – There had been a number of efforts – The recent Spire FM recruitment drive saw with 20 candidates stepping forward. They would need to undergo a training and fitness assessment process.


·       Dorset Fire Fighters were able to provide cover in Wiltshire to enable continuous cover.


Questions and Comments were then received, these included:


·       Cllr George Jeans – The co-responder scheme where a fire crew attended in place of an ambulance had reduced by 80% in Mere. Answer:  There was a pilot scheme running in Mere by the SW Ambulance Service Foundation trust, and not down to the Fire Service. When someone called 999 this was directed to the control centre which would then usually mobilise a co-responder unit if they could not get an ambulance to the location quickly enough. They will then paid a cost to the Fire Service to cover the loss, it was not a money making scheme. Fire Crews could only go to those incidents for which they were mobilised to, this was on a category basis. 


In midlands and Yorkshire – they had re-categorised the category – and so the co-responders were not attending as they did not now meet the category level. Although an 80% reduction sounded high so Jason could not specifically answer the part.


Tisbury and Mere had raised the query to ask why they were no longer getting  the co-responder calls. Feedback came back that its due to the pilot scheme running for those areas. This was an Ambulance Service control room decision not to send a co responder. Not the Fire Service.


·       Cllr Bridget Wayman – This issue was something the Fire Authority was aware of and she would take back this concern to the Ambulance Trust as they were responsible for the pilot scheme.


Action – the Board to write to the Ambulance Trust to get a better response to incidents in the SWW community.


Community Engagement Manager (CEM)

Steve Harris gave an update on the Projects and Priorities as detailed in the agenda.


·       Older Peoples champions would start in their roles next week.

·       The Age UK bus had circulated the first round of visit details, for the SWW area these  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Local Youth Network (LYN)

To note the actions and consider recommendations arising from the last meeting held on Thursday 22 September 2016, as attached to the agenda.



Supporting documents:


The Board noted the actions and considered the recommendations arising from the last meeting held on Thursday 22 September 2016, as detailed in the agenda.


Mike Leonard – transition City explained that since the LYN met, he had spoken to Jakki and was working with them to provide a scheme not just isolated in Salisbury but to cover a wider area. The event was a youth initiative which would be used as a spring board to get out in to the community.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved the LYN recommendation to refuse funding to Transition City CIC from the youth budget.


The LYN did not feel that the project would reach enough young people.




The Nadder Centre Update

To note the record of the last meeting held on 12 September 2016, as attached to the agenda.


Supporting documents:


The Board noted the record of the last meeting held on 12 September 2016, as attached to the agenda. The Chairman added that they were trying to integrate community engagement at the Centre and aimed to increase the footfall. There were some ideas on commercial lettings and such. The official opening was hoped spring 2017.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update

To receive an update from the Chairman of the group; Councillor Tony Deane and to consider any recommendations for funding arising from the last meeting held on 21 September 2016, as detailed in the attached report.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman of the group; Councillor Tony Deane updated the Board on the budget situation and proposed that the Board ring fenced up to £10,000 of funding from the Community Area Grant budget to use on CATG projects for the remainder of 2016/17.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved the ring fencing of up to £10,000 of CAG funding for 2016/17 to be transferred for use on CATG projects in 2016/17.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved the recommendations of the CATG as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.




Area Board Funding

Community Area Grants

The Board members will consider 2 applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme:


·       Zeals Friends of St Martin’s - £872.50


·       Tisbury Community Safety Partnership - £1,000


To consider a delegation to the Community Engagement Manager to determine funding applications that may arise urgently between meetings of the Area Board. 



Supporting documents:


Community Area Grants

The Board considered two applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme for 2016/17, as detailed on the agenda.



The application from Zeals Friends of St Martin’s was deferred until a future meeting at the request of the applicant.



The Board refused the application from Tisbury Community Safety Partnership


The Area Board felt as though the Area Board forum was a more appropriate place for liaison with the police to take place.


Delegation of Authority – not approved

The Board considered the proposal to award delegated authority to the Community Engagement Manager as detailed in the agenda pack.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board did not support the recommendation to award delegated authority to the Community Engagement Manager as detailed in the pack.


The Board did not see the need to allocate this authority to the Officer and preferred to hold an Extraordinary Area Board meeting to deal with urgent funding requests which may arise in the future.




Urgent Items

For any other item the Chairman considers to be a matter of urgency.


There were none.




The next meeting of the Board is on Wednesday 7 December 2016, 6.30pm at The Nadder Centre, Tisbury.


The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.


The next meeting of the South west Wiltshire Area Board will be held on Thursday 7 December 2016, 6.30pm at The Nadder Centre, Tisbury.