Agenda and minutes

South West Wiltshire Area Board - Wednesday 7 February 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Nadder Centre, Weaveland Road, Tisbury, SP3 6HJ

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman, Councillor Jose Green welcomed everyone to the meeting of the South West Wiltshire Area Board.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


  • Stephen Banas – Swallowcliffe PC
  • Tim martin – Ansty PC
  • Tony Phillips – Fovant PC
  • Andrew Murrison MP



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



To confirm as a correct record and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday December 6th, 2017.


To note any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th December 2017, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman made the following announcements:


·       The next Area Board meeting would be the last of the financial year, any funding bids should be submitted by the end of February.

·       Parish Councils were reminded to make their submissions for the Great British Spring Clean campaign by 15th February.

·       SID applications

·       A Tea at 3 had been held in Mere. The next event for a pop up café would be held in the Andy Young Pavilion on 20 February 2018.

·       A Mere workshop event would be held on Saturday 28th April.

·       WW1 Tree Planting Initiative – Currently there were seven community groups signed up to this scheme, with 223 trees to be planted in our area. Across Wiltshire there were a total of 105 community groups with 9,4000 trees to be planted.

·       A303 Highways England, Amesbury to Berwick Down, 8th Feb to 6th April, public meetings across the county. Our Board representative was  Cllr Tony Deane – Stonehenge Scheme consultation:




CH4LKE Mobile - Bringing Super Fast Broadband and 4G Mobile Coverage to the Chalke Valley

James Body will give a presentation about this initiative, with the opportunity for the audience to ask questions afterwards.


James Body (Chairman of Bowerchalke PC) and Jonathon Andrew were in attendance to present information on the provision of a 4G network in the Chalke Valley, which was currently a ‘not spot’.


The project was started 4 months ago, with a single experimental cell in the village hall. The next step would be to place more cells around the Chalke Valley.


The previous plan from central government was to deploy five 30m masts along the Chalke valley. These did not turn up. Instead, CH4LK Mobile hoped to deploy 50 to 70 smaller cells providing 4G services, which would enable a much faster provision, for mobile and high-speed broadband.


The approach of moving away from big infrastructure to small was beneficial in an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


In terms of quality of service this setup would be able to achieve a minimum speed of 30mbps, which would work at a proper standard all of the time and would address patchiness, and unreliability of service, to make this business ready.


From a funding prospective this project required a large amount of funding up front to deploy the service.


The service would be a neutral host, so it would not matter which provider you were with for it to work.  it will work on this.


Because there would be a deployment of lots of little cells instead of one large mast, this would provide lots of overlapping, and remove the issues of shadowing, and black spots.


With just five chimney mounted cells, this would cover all of the houses in Bowerchalke. Using the cell on the chimney to spread the signal across the village.


Ian Newman and son will be the installers of the cells. The colour of the antenna could be matched to the background of the chimney.


We asked the Minister for pilot funding of £1.5 million to cover the entire works.

The cost of deploying five large base stations would have cost £5m if that had gone ahead.


We ask that interested people get in touch with us. If there are people who may be interested in buying a cell for their house, or farmers who may be interested in running fibre across their land, please spread the word.



·         The government had made a commitment to enable our phone companies to put in the coverage, would they still come? Answer: Imposed coverage obligations on service providers, had all failed by the deadline. Offcome appeared to have let them off the hook. The large money-making organisations would not deploy infrastructure in to areas they could not make money in. We would only put fibre into the houses that have the cells, then use the radio to distribute the signal to others. We would run fibre along the fields.

·         Travelling through Mead End in Bowerchalke last week, there was 3G coverage. Answer: Mead End was one of the few places you can get 3G from a couple of providers.

·         How does the coverage go out further to people  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70.



Clean Up Wilts / The Great British Spring Clean 2018

Presentation on how local communities can get involved and make 2018 the year we Clean up Wilts.


Officer: Steve Harris, CEM


Supporting documents:


Steve Harris, Community Engagement Manger gave an overview on Clean Up Wiltshire – Great British Spring Clean campaign for 2018.


This awareness campaign would start next week with a roadshow in Salisbury. Wiltshire Council (WC) spent around £2.5m a year of litter collection. The public perception was that across the county the litter issue was worsening.


There was not enough awareness around the repercussions of fly-tipping both commercial and environmental. With support from town and parish councils and strong public support for community activities, there was a clear indication that there was a willingness in Wiltshire communities to tackle this issue.


Phase one was launched last year in October with phase two starting this month.


Any groups interested in holding a litter pick event should submit their intentions by the 15th Feb, if you want to take part and have your litter collected by WC. Litter picks were taking place between Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th March.


The Chairman noted that events did not have to take part on those dates, you could arrange to have your refuse collected on an alternative date.




·       It was good news that these events could be held at a different time as the information came out to us too late, for us to get it in to the parish magazine. Starting from now, I would be looking to have something organised for April.

·       We had the household waste collected today by WC, and after there was a lot of dropped rubbish around the village. Answer: Cllr Wayman agreed to pass this on and make a complaint for you.

·       We would also be looking to hold ours in April. Having sorted through the street rubbish, it was very unpleasant what you pick up.

·       We found in the past that if you don’t have the rubbish collected on the set day then we had to pay? – Answer: The CEM would clarify this point and comeback.



Wiltshire Local Plan Review - Consultation Responses

Discussion to explore concerns raised by some parishes within the area.




The Chairman explained that there were to be changes to the boundaries on the Housing Market Areas. A map is attached to these minutes.


The four areas within the south west to be absorbed into the Trowbridge Housing Market Area were Mere, Kilmington, West Knoyle, and Stourton & Gasper. Currently Salisbury had the need for 250 houses and Trowbridge for 7000. Those villages want to remain in the Salisbury Housing Market Area.


Questions and comment:

·       Mere TC was quite surprised that Mere had been moved from Salisbury into Trowbridge, when we questioned it we were told that it had been done on statistics. The major criteria was travel to work, however there were no lines from Mere going north, they all go towards Salisbury and Gillingham.


·       WC was obligated to talk to North Dorset and neighbouring counties, there had been no indication that this had been taken in to consideration and link the numbers of houses they were planning on building in the neighbouring areas.


·       Cllr Jeans – I would ask that we stick to fact on this, it’s a market area. The market area would not affect which planning committee you sit on.  The important thing for us was that we know that people tend to work in Salisbury or North Dorset. Children were not travelling north for further education.


·       Cllr Wayman noted that this was the beginning of a very long process and warned not to leave this as a one off, but to keep battling.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board supported the submission of Mere Town Council to remain in the Salisbury Housing Market Area, as it had a natural affiliation to Salisbury.


The Board Members agreed to discuss taking this forward at the next Councillors meeting.





Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·       Police – Neighbourhood Teams

·       Fire & Rescue


To note the following written updates attached to the agenda:

a)    Police

b)    Fire

c)     JSA Update

d)    Wilton Town Team minutes

e)    Clinical Commissioning Group Updates

f)      Healthwatch Wiltshire Update

g)    Health & Wellbeing Champions Update

h)    Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner – Precept consultation.

i)       Wiltshire Council Items for Information:


o   Supporting those with SEND into employment

o   Public Space Protection Orders

o   Work Wiltshire


To note the information on current consultations, to take part and for further information, visit the consultation portal:



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


Police – Andy Fee – sector inspector for Mere and Tisbury

We are set to be the pilot area for the use of the drone. Police Officers would be trained to use this 24/7. The written update details how the force will use this piece of equipment. The drone was recently used to assist the fire service in pinpointing where to direct the hoses on a thatch fire.


In Inspector Sparrow’s patch they had been busy targeting drug issues.




·       With regards to the drug dealers’ sentences given out. Could they not be sent back to their country if they were not from the UK? Answer: If those sentenced were not in the UK legally, we could ask for a deportation order.

·       In Salisbury the Neighbourhood Teams were going out on ‘Pulse Patrols’ was this just for Salisbury? Answer: They were taking place in West Wiltshire too.

·       Was there positive feedback from the community messaging? Some recent burglaries in Fovant were not put out on the messaging service. Answer: All of the crime reported and recorded usually did go out on the community messaging system, I will report that back to the Officer.


Fire & Rescue – Darren Nixon Station Manager

Darron noted the written report included in the pack and invited any questions.


Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA) Update – Steve Harris


The ‘Our Community Matters’ event was held on 16 November 2016 at the Nadder Centre in Tisbury. Over 90 members of the public and partner agencies attended and participated in the event, which focused on the data set out in the Community Area Joint Strategic Assessment 2016-17. 


The JSA brings together the results of research conducted by the major agencies and public sector bodies in Wiltshire over the last six months.  The project was initiated by the Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board and the Wiltshire Assembly.  These bodies will use the priorities emerging from the events to focus and support strategic projects, activities and services across Wiltshire.


Participants at the events used the datato inform themed roundtable discussions and to identify local priorities underpinned by the research.  All participants had the opportunity to vote on the priorities and the results are set out in this report.  Following agreement on the priorities, the themed roundtables then looked at practical community-led actions that could be taken to address the issues identified.

 The purpose of the event was to:

·       Gain a consensus around priorities for the area

·       Provide the basis for community-led action and projects over the next two years

·       Develop a community plan for the area

·       Provide the Council and partners with a clear focus for local actions


The Area Board adopted these priorities shortly after the event and has since focused on supporting and facilitating local actions to tackle those priorities.


The Board noted the other written updates attached to the agenda.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update

To receive an update from the Chairman of the group; Councillor Tony Deane, and to consider any recommendations for funding arising from the last CATG meeting.


·       Local Highways Investment Scheme


Also to consider the attached information on:


  • Major maintenance 2018/19 proposed schemes.
  • Pavement and footway improvement scheme – proposed local sites.



Supporting documents:


The Board received an update from the Chairman of the group; Councillor

Tony Deane.


Nearing the end of the fiscal year, CATG had £10k remaining, as the money set aside for a larger project had been unsuccessful, resulting in that funding coming back in to the pot for smaller schemes.


One scheme which would be investigated was to lay double white lines on some roads to improve the safety. A study would need to be carried out, but funding was required to commission some experts. The CATG was not sure at this time what the total cost of this scheme would be yet.


The Board then considered funding recommendations arising from the last CATG meeting.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved the CATG recommendation to allocate £4,500 to the Issue 5652 – B3092 Stourton double white lines survey work.


Major Maintenance 2018/19 proposed schemes.

The Board considered the list of proposed schemes for 2018/19 as attached to the agenda.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved the list of Major Maintenance schemes for 2018/19.

Pavement and Footway Improvement Scheme

The Board considered the proposed schemes as detailed din the attached report.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved the following 3 sites work in priority order:-

1.     Church Road/The Street East KnoyleAdj to village shop:  78m2 of resurfacing  (c£3666)

2.     Church Street Tisbury – PH to No 53: 57m2 of resurfacing  (c£2679)

3.     The Street Teffont Magna – Cookes Cottage to Hillside: 108m2 of resurfacing  (c£5076)


Questions and comments:


·       Still trying to get the back lane, in Quidhampton repaired, down to where the old post officer was. The whole area had been delaminated. Patching was not a solution for this. Answer: Cllr Wayman agreed to speak to engineers


·       Cllr Church noted that Wilton was listed as having just the one on the  A30 Shaftesbury Road, and that she was in conversation with Officers to expand this. The biggest problem was the four corners cross roads, as there were serious drainage problems. Tried to have this re-prioritised and bumped up the list, but had not had conformation of that yet.



Steve updates that there had only been one SID application put forward for the funding, although there were several others know about in the pipeline.


Pavements programme

Steve noted that if there were any additional schemes not included, people could put requests in and they would be added for future consideration.


Cllr Deane had been taking part in the community forum for the A303 Stonehenge scheme. Highways England gave a presentation today, which included a video. In the consultation, please could people steer clear of putting down the tunnel. The only hesitation was the grass areas, some of these embankments would be hard to maintain.



Nadder Centre

To receive an update on the progress of the Campus since the last meeting.





The recruitment of a Business Manager has reached offer stage.




Area Board Funding

Community Area Grants

The Board members will consider 3 applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme, as detailed in the attached report and listed below:



Amount requested

Applicant: Quidhampton Village Hall Committee
Project Title: Quidhampton Village Hall Roof Repairs and Damp-Proofing

View full application


Applicant: Tisbury and District Community Minibus Limited
Project Title: Move TISBUS to the Nadder Campus

View full application


Applicant: Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Project Title: Access development - Volunteer facilitation fund

View full application




To consider one Youth Funding Project request, as detailed in the agenda pack and listed below:



Grant Amount

Applicant: Seeds 4 Success
Project Title: Friday Night Drop-Ins


Total grant amount requested at this meeting


Total amount allocated so far



Supporting documents:


The Board considered three applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2017/18, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.


Applicants present were invited to speak in support of their projects. Following discussion, the Board voted on each application in turn.



Quidhampton Village Hall Committee was awarded £1,200 towards the Roof Repairs and Damp-Proofing works at the hall.


The project met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2017/18.


Steve Harris gave an overview of the project as the main speaker had been unable to attend. He noted that the amount requested was £3,500 not £280 as published. This was due to the other works which had not been agreed out of the campus budget.



Tisbury & District Community Minibus was awarded up to £3,500 in principle with the condition:


·       That the final figures come to the Area Board Councillors for consideration out of the meeting and a final decision be made by delegated authority to the CEM in consultation with all board Members.



The project met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2017/18.




Cranbourne Chase AONB was awarded £750 towards the Access development - Volunteer facilitation fund project.


The project met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2017/18.


Youth Funding Bids

The Board then considered the bid for Youth Funding from Seeds 4 Success, as detailed in the report.



The Board awarded £5,000 to Seeds 4 Success towards the Friday Night Drop Ins sessions.


The project met the Youth Funding criteria for 2017/18.




The next meeting of the Board is on Wednesday 21 March, at 6.30pm.


The next meeting of the South west Wiltshire Area Board will be held on Wednesday 21st March 2018 at 6.30pm.