Venue: Alderbury Village Hall, Rectory Rd, Alderbury SP5 3AD
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | |||||||||
7.00pm |
Welcome and Introductions Supporting documents: |
Apologies |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 5 December 2013. Supporting documents: |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Chairman's Announcements To receive Chairman’s Announcements including:
· JSA ‘What Matters to You Event’ on 27th February at Trafalgar School, Downton |
Current Consultations To note the attached information on the following current consultations:
7.10pm |
Report on issues facing the community as a whole Written updates are attached. Anyone can give a report on items of interest to the Community Area as a whole.
• Police, including an update on the relocation of Salisbury Police Station • Fire & Rescue Service • NHS • Wiltshire Council (CIL & Wiltshire CCG) • Southern Wiltshire Issues System • Any other comments or reports
Supporting documents: |
7.30pm |
Police and Crime Commissioner - Precept Consultation We will receive a presentation about the Police and Crime Commissioner's budget and precept for 2014/15. |
7.45pm |
Wiltshire Council's Campus Programme Councillor Jonathon Seed is the Cabinet member with responsibility for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards, Leisure, Libraries and Flooding.
He will explain the aims of the campus project and provide illustrations of developments in other Community Areas.
Supporting documents: |
8.00pm |
Legacy for Wiltshire - World War One Centenary In 2013, Wiltshire built on the legacy of the 2012 Olympics with a range of community activities and new initiatives. As we enter 2014, it is time to look forward to see how the Area Boards can build upon the good work delivered so far to create a lasting legacy for Wiltshire. Laurie Bell, Associate Director at Wiltshire Council will outline some of the new opportunities available to the Area Board in 2014. |
8.15pm |
Healthwatch Wiltshire We will have a presentation from the Board Director of Healthwatch Wiltshire, Paul Lefever about their work. |
8.30pm |
Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership (SGP) Paula Lipscombe, Chair of the Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership, will give a talk about the work of the partnership and how communities can get involved.
8.45pm |
Area Board Theme Updates The Area Board’s priorities for 2013/14 are Footpaths and Youth Development. Progress reports for each of the themes are attached.
- Footpaths update - Youth development update Supporting documents: |
8.50pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update To consider the progress report on schemes approved by the CATG so far this year (2013/14).
Also attached is the action list from the HGV Stakeholder meeting held on 11 December 2013. Supporting documents: |
8.55pm |
Community Area Grants The Board will consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme. Supporting documents: |
9.00pm |
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