Agenda and minutes

Westbury Area Board - Thursday 6 October 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Bratton, Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton, Westbury BA13 4RW

Contact: Anna Thurman  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Westbury Area Board.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Reverend Dai Davis, Kerry Eatwell and Anita Whittle.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 28 July and 11 August 2011 (copies attached).

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous two meetings were agreed as correct records and signed by the Chairman.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive announcements from the Chairman on;


·       Area Board Open Day

·       VCS Awards

·       Watersmead working group


The Chairman announced the deaths of John Irving and Frank Brine and extended the condolences of the Board to Alison Irving, Sylvia Brine and their families.  Both would be sadly missed.


As agreed by the Board, at the August meeting, a Watersmead working group had been set up.


The Chairman thanked everyone who helped at the Westbury Area Board Open Day, it was a great success.


The Reeves Orchard Community Project in Bratton won Best Community Initiative for their efforts at invigorating a 76 year old community orchard at the Voluntary and Community Sector Awards 2011.  The Chairman presented Mike Pearce and Warren Harding with a certificate.  The prize money would be spent on path improvements around the orchard.


Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partners – Parish and Town Councils, Police, Fire and Rescue Service, CAYPIG, BA13+Community Area Partnership, NHS and Westbury Group Practice on the progress of the PCC.

Supporting documents:


Partner updates were received from;


Wiltshire Police

Lindsey Winter, Sector Inspector for the Westbury area expressed her disappointment at the performance figures for Westbury and the surrounding villages that showed a 5% increase on figures for the same reporting period last year.  She reported that a huge amount of work has been undertaken by Police, Youth Services and Wiltshire Council. There had been a successful application to the Magistrates Court for an Anti-social Behaviour Order and a number of Anti-social behavioural contracts have been agreed.  This work has resulted in 44 less incidents of anti-social behaviour in the community compared with this time last year.


Wiltshire Police continue to strive to make this the safest county and there is reduction across the Westbury area in violent crime.  In total there have been 35 fewer victims of assaults.


101 is the new non-emergency phone number for Wiltshire Police.


The roll out of this new non-emergency number is part of a national programme to make it easier for you to contact your local police. 101 will be used for non-emergencies such as:

·       contacting local officers

·       getting crime prevention advice

·       making us aware of policing issues in your local area

·       making an appointment with a police officer

·       for any other non-emergency

She went on to explain that there was a new operating model for response units. All response teams would now work out from 4 hubs Trowbridge, Chippenham, Devizes and Salisbury with a newly devised shift pattern which will provide officers in the right place, at the right time and can provide the appropriate cover for the night time economy. Police, Fire and Rescue, PCT and Wiltshire Council as partners, are working together to reduce crime.


A question was raised regarding the number of crimes in relation to the percentage of detections.  Lindsey explained that there were a number of stages to go through to get detections, and this remains a challenge. She would explain the process with a presentation at the next Area Board in December.


Cllr Cuthbert-Murray thanked Lindsey for the improved visibility of officers in the Westbury area.


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Mike Franklin reported that there had been 2 accidental fires in the last two months, the lowest number of fires in the last two years.  The Fire and Rescue Service are proactively engaged in Home Fire checks and working closely with Wiltshire Council on the Warm and Well Scheme.


Mike stressed that people with open fires should have their chimneys swept every 3 to 6 months.


Mike agreed to provide a written report for the next meeting, which the Chairman explained would be easier for people to understand.



Sally Willox and members of the CAYPIG updated the Board on young people’s issues in the Westbury community area. The main issues the CAYPIG group are currently engaged in are Multi-media room development, 13-19 Youth Strategy/Youth Services proposals and Youth Shelter project.


The group are turning a redundant room in the centre into  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Issues Updates

To receive updates on those issues highlighted at the previous Area Board meeting and received online.  To include;


·       Leigh Park Community Centre update from Cllr Russell Hawker


Sally Hendry updated the Board on a number of local issues that had been raised through the Area Board system www.wiltshire/


·       Speeding on the Mead, Meadow Lane and the Ham had been reported, metro counts would take place where possible.

·       Can no smoking signs to be erected in park play areas.

·       Issues over dog fouling and litter concerns over pathways.

·       White horse viewing gallery is in need of tidying up – this is being looked at and new fencing and a cut back of overgrown trees and shrubs would take place shortly.

·       Newtown road had become very overgrown and the Unimog had cut back the hedges and verges.


Councillor Russell Hawker gave a brief update on the Leigh Park Community Centre.  Instructions had been issued to Persimmon to start construction, he anticipated that it would take a 6 month period for them to get on site.  A Project Manager had been appointed.  He advised that a few minor issues needed to be sorted but that he expected work to be finished and the centre to be open by November 2012.



To receive a presentation from the Waste Collection Team on the new recycling service.


Martin Litherland, Head of Waste Collection gave a presentation on the new waste and recycling collection service for Wiltshire.  He explained the need to recycle more and use landfill less. Disposal costs were rapidly increasing to £80 per tonne in 2014.  72% of the people who took part in the consultation were in favour of an increased service.  The new service will provide collection of plastic bottles and cardboard, non-chargeable garden waste, black box recycling and house hold waste.


Residents would receive their new blue lidded recycling bin shortly with the service starting from 7 November 2011.


Martin explained that the amount of letters and leaflets that had been distributed to explain the new collections was on the advice of Government and that a considerable amount of external money had been provided to produce this advertising campaign.


Cllr Cuthbert-Murray asked for clarification on the Councils position to return to weekly waste collections as mentioned earlier in the month by Government.  Martin explained that Councils were not clear what additional funding will be provided and that Wiltshire have looked at the whole waste management issue and if changes to the way we dispose of waste were not undertaken then there will be increased landfill taxes.


Concern was raised over the roll-out procedure of the new bins.  Many people would not have the space for an extra bin and would not want them delivered at random.  Martin explained that where people had already opted out and were using bags additional bins would not be delivered. 


Martin also acknowledged that a lot of members of the public were very knowledgeable about recycling and that a sticker system which denoted the competency of the householder to recycle was a good idea and would take this back for discussion with the contractor.


Commissioning Strategy for Young People Aged 13 - 19 Update

To receive an update on the Commissioning Strategy for Young People Aged 13 – 19 from Julia Cramp, Service Director for Commissioning and Performance, Department for Children and Education.



Julia Cramp, Service Director for Commissioning and Performance, Department for Children and Education gave a brief update on the Strategy for Young People.  She explained that through the consultative process with partners including health and education that the strategy should be extended to include 11- 19 year olds.  She reported that Cabinet had agreed the strategic direction and priorities contained within the Strategy that outlined the direction for reshaping youth services in Wiltshire and for making savings (£450k in 2012/13) from current expenditure on youth work provided by the Council’s Youth Development service.


The suggestions for reshaping the Youth Development service that were consulted on were namely, testing the market to assess whether there could be an alternative provider for youth services; developing local partnerships with the voluntary sector; closer alignment with campus developments and reduced reliance on use of the existing 24 dedicated youth centres.


Julia reassured the Area Board that Wiltshire would continue to provide open access youth work in all community areas and that the Westbury Youth Development Centre would not close.  She would be chairing the Youth Strategy Implementation Group which Westbury was well represented including Cllr Russell Hawker, Sally Willox and a CAYPIG representative.


Sally Willox, Youth Development Co-ordinator was pleased that the young peoples’ comments had been taken on board in the consultative process.


Cllr Jenkins was pleased that the Youth Development Centre had been retained.


Sally went on to explain that she hoped to continue with the transport scheme and that this additional fund raising and applications for grants would help to support this.



Safe Places Scheme

To receive a presentation from Bernadette Fitzmaurice, from Communities and Voluntary Support Sector Support Team on the Safe Places pilot project.




Bernie Fitzmaurice from Communities and Voluntary Support Sector Team explained a pilot scheme providing ‘safe places’ for vulnerable adults when out and about in Wiltshire was launched in July 2011 in Salisbury.

Under the scheme, shops and other businesses agree to become havens where anybody who feels concerned or threatened can go for help. The scheme, which has been developed by Wiltshire Council and partner organisations, was piloted first in Salisbury, followed by Devizes and the villages of Erlestoke, Coulston, Edington and Bratton.

When businesses sign up to the scheme they receive a briefing pack which includes information on how the scheme operates. They advertise they are a member by displaying the ‘safe places’ sticker in their window.

People who register for the scheme can request an ICE (in case of emergency) card which enables staff at the safe places to identify who they are and to contact someone they know and trust, such as a parent or carer, to get them help.  Although the scheme has been set up for vulnerable adults it is available for anybody to use.  Libraries have already agreed to start giving out these cards.

Bernie explained that in most instances this was a consolidation of best practice and that retail businesses already were engaged in this supportive role.

Cllr Cuthbert-Murray asked how quickly would Westbury Town be able to enrol in the pilot, he reported that Westbury Shop Watch were eager to support this scheme.  Bernie was pleased with the positive approach and would take this back to the team.  Cllr Jenkins endorsed this explaining that this was a good and positive scheme for the Community Area to support.


Community Area Transport Group

To receive an update on the recent Community Area Transport Group (CATG).

Supporting documents:


The Area Board members voted on the priorities for funding from the CATG funds after a brief discussion, as all members were present at the last CATG meeting, it was decided that the priorities within the report should be funded.




To approve funding for;


·       Edington painted pavement (costing awaited)

·       Repainting of red warning road surface at the entrance to Westbury from Warminster (approximate cost £2500 - £3000)

·       Highways officers to carry out a scoping study into new cycle routes in and around Westbury (no cost for preliminary investigations).


Community Area Grants

To consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme from;

·       Coulston Village Hall to replace old chairs

·       Reeves Orchard Community Project Bratton to purchase tools for  ongoing maintenance of the orchard

·       Bratton Recreation Ground Committee to upgrade kitchen facilities

·       Trowbridge Tigers FC to assist with the funding for a 5 a side football tournament.



Supporting documents:


Councillors considered four applications for funding from the Area Board Grants:


1.  Coulston Village Hall Management Committee application for £990 to part fund the purchase of new chairs.  


2.  Reeves Community Orchard application for £589 to purchase a chainsaw, strimmer and associated maintenance tools.


3. Bratton Recreation Ground Committee application for £2140 to part fund the installation of modern kitchen facilities.


4. Trowbridge Tigers Football Club application for £233 to part fund host a 5 a side football tournament in Westbury to raise the profile of lesbian/gay/bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.


Coulston Village Hall

Andrew Burley from the Coulston Village Hall Management Committee explained the need for more up-to-date, comfortable and lighter alternatives.  The Chairman agreed that was a need.



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £990 to the Coulston Village Hall Management Committee.



The project to enhance the hall supports the development of a thriving leisure and cultural environment and vibrant community life as identified in the Westbury Area Community Plan.  It also demonstrates links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’.


Reeves Community Orchard

Mike Pearce and Warren Harding explained that the grant if awarded would be used to buy equipment to help with the continual maintenance of the 76 year old orchard.



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £589 to the Reeves Community Orchard.



The project demonstrates links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’ and to the protection of the countryside and wildlife habitat as identified in the Westbury Community Area Plan.


Bratton Recreation Ground

Steve Lloyd and Mike Manson representing the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee explained that funding was needed to help with the upgrade of the kitchen facilities within the pavilion.



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £2140 to Bratton Recreation Ground Committee.



The project demonstrates links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’  and to the aims of the Westbury Community Area Plan concerning the development of a thriving leisure environment to create vibrant community life.


Trowbridge Tigers Football Club

Nick Pitcher from the football club explained to the Board about the Justin Fashanu Cup, a national football tournament aimed at building bridges between people of different sexualities by bringing together teams from across the UK and the role of the Trowbridge Tigers. The Fashanu Cup would be held at Leighton Recreation Centre with an evening reception being held in Warminster.  Funding had been requested from Trowbridge and Warminster Area Boards, as well as Westbury.  Trowbridge had refused, Warminster approved.



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £233 to Trowbridge Tigers Football Club.



The project demonstrates links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’ and to the Resilient Communities Partnership strategic aims of tackling inequalities to create stronger and more inclusive communities.


Wiltshire Voices

Update on the launch of Westbury Voices.


Sally Hendry Community Area Manager updated the Board.  Wiltshire Voices is a countywide project aimed at ensuring everyone’s voice gets heard. The idea came about following the review of the first year of Wiltshire Council’s area boards.  The project, which is funded from the Performance Reward Grant, is working with a whole range of groups across the county from the boating community and forces families through to gypsies and travellers, stroke sufferers and people with learning disabilities. Findings from the 12 projects will be shared across through an information pack, learning tools and a DVD.


In Westbury the project is focussing on the needs and concerns of older people, and the area board is working in partnership with Age UK to not only identify the issues relevant to older people but to try and come up with ideas and community solutions to help.


Penny Church of Age UK has agreed to take on this role of project champion and Councillor David Jenkins is the lead councillor on the project.  A launch event was held to which we invited a wide range of stakeholders from the statutory and voluntary sectors along with people who have a special interest in the provision of services and facilities for older people. As a result of this event, a steering group was formed.Wiltshire Voices also helped fund and organise an event with Age UK at the Paragon Hall in Westbury. This featured a variety of stalls and information points, refreshments, lunch and a talk about making the most of benefits available. As part of this event we held round table discussions on issues affecting older people in our community.  


The next stage of the Voices project is to create a number of small focus groups at which older people will be able to voice the positive aspects of living in the Westbury community, the challenges they face, and any solutions that might help change things for the better. This is ongoing with contacts made with the sheltered housing scheme, the day centres and the Good Neighbour Scheme working in the villages.




Future Meeting Dates and Close

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 8 December 2011 at The Laverton, Westbury.


The next meeting of the Westbury Area Board will be held on December 8 2011, at the Laverton, commencing at 7pm.