Agenda and minutes

Westbury Area Board - Thursday 8 December 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: The Laverton Hall, Bratton Road, Westbury, Wilts BA13 3EN

Contact: Anna Thurman  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Westbury Area Board.  She welcomed Cllr Fleur de Rhe Philipe, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning, Alan Creedy, Head of Service – Sustainable Transport, Nick Helps, Transport Planning Officer, Bath and North East Somerset Council, and Steve Ibbetson, Technical Manager Neighbourhood and Planning.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Kerry Eatwell, Julia Cramp, Sally Willox, Toni Brody and Gordon King.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Cllr Hawker declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 12, the Area Board led grant application for the Leigh Park Community Centre as he is the Area Board representative on the Leigh Park Community Association.  He would introduce the application and leave the hall for the debate and subsequent vote.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2011.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive announcements from the Chairman on;


·       Do you have the X Factor?


·       Public Transport update


·       Watersmead update


·       Wiltshire’s new ‘Warm and Well’ free home insulation scheme


·       Joint Strategic Assessment and Westbury Forward event - Important statistics and information about our community area are available in the Joint Strategic Assessment. This document, which can be seen online at gives a comprehensive overview of the strategic issues facing our community area and includes everything from population to health issues, community safety and crime.  

Following on from this, Westbury Area Board and the BA13+ Community Area Partnership are hosting a special Westbury Forward event on January 18 at the Laverton. This will bring together the key players in the Westbury area for discussion and debate.  If you would like an invitation to attend this meeting please contact the Community Area Manager on 01373 864714 or email at


Supporting documents:


A link to information about becoming a Parish, Town and Wiltshire Council entitled Do you have the X Factor? is below.


·       Public Transport update

The area board is well aware of the concerns raised about transport to the new Primary Care Centre (PCC) and we have been working with the Wiltshire Council passenger transport officers to try and help resolve this. We have held meetings with representatives from the Westbury group practice and with officers to discuss the range of options that might be available.  This includes the possibility of diverting the existing Town service to provide a bus service from most parts of the town to the PCC.  However, negotiations are at the earliest stages and we hope to have more to report at our next area board.

·       Watersmead update

You will have heard at the previous meeting of the area board that Watersmead is part of Wiltshire Council’s long term improvement plan for accommodation for older people.  However, this is at the very earliest stages and will not happen for at least three to five years.  When there is more definite news, residents and their families will be fully involved.  Improvement works as part of the countywide programme have already taken place at Trowbridge with Malmesbury and Warminster to follow soon.  As agreed at a previous meeting of the area board, a small Watersmead working group has been set up and has had its first meeting.  The group will report back to the area board when more information is available.

·       Wiltshire’s new ‘Warm and Well’ free home insulation scheme

The new Wiltshire Warm and Well scheme is open to all home owners and private tenants, and enables residents to improve the energy efficiency of their homes through installing loft and cavity wall insulation – saving money on bills and making homes warmer.


To access the scheme

Freephone: 0800 512 012, or go to


·       Joint Strategic Assessment and Westbury Forward event - Important statistics and information about our community area are available in the Joint Strategic Assessment. This document, which can be seen online at gives a comprehensive overview of the strategic issues facing our community area and includes everything from population to health issues, community safety and crime.  

Following on from this, Westbury Area Board and the BA13+ Community Area Partnership are hosting a special Westbury Forward event on January 18 at the Laverton. This will bring together the key players in the Westbury area for discussion and debate.  If you would like an invitation to attend this meeting please contact the Community Area Manager on 01373 864714 or email


Leigh Park Adoptions Update

Two progress reports on Leigh Park adoptions are contained within the agenda. Steve Ibbetson, Technical Manager, Neighbourhood and Planning will attend the meeting.

Supporting documents:


Steve Ibbetson, Technical Manager Neighbourhood and Planning updated the board on the latest adoptions within Leigh Park. 


Regular monthly progress meetings have been held since late 2009 between highway officers and the main developer to monitor and maintain progress on road adoptions.  The highway inspector is in weekly attendance on site to inspect work in progress.


Steve Ibbetson asked those who are residents of Leigh Park to look at the plans and inform him if there should be any additions. 


Councillor Hawker was pleased with the progress that had been made, but believed that there had been some slippage within the timetable.  Steve Ibbetson explained that all necessary paperwork had been completed but there was some measurement issues with the Land Registry but this was being dealt with.


A36 (Bath, Cleveland Bridge) Heavy Goods Vehicle Ban and the Implications for the A350 and Westbury

Nick Helps - Transport Planning Officer from Bath and North East Somerset will define an experimental 18 tonne weight restriction of Heavy Good Vehicles at the A36 Cleveland Bridge and the implications on the A350 and Westbury.  Alan Creedy, Head of Service – Sustainable Transport, Wiltshire Council will also be in attendance. 


Nick Helps, Transport Planning Officer from Bath and North East Somerset (BANES) Council explained the reasoning behind the proposed experimental 18 tonne weight restriction of Heavy Goods Vehicles at the A36 Cleveland Bridge and the BANES interpretation of the implications on the A350 in Wiltshire. He explained that the BANES Council were taking this action to protect the world heritage site of Bath, improve air quality in the city and to improve the local environment and that this had occurred in consultation with the Highways Agency who had expressed concern about the signage associated with the re-routing and also the enforcement issue.  Wiltshire Council expressed concern regarding the effect on Wiltshire roads in particular the A363 and A350.  However Nick explained that evidence supplied by BANES suggested that the impact on the area would be an increase of 6 lorries per day.


Questions and points raised in the following discussion included:


Why has open consultation not taken place, as information regarding this has been very difficult to obtain, Wiltshire Council has had to submit a Freedom of Information request to BANES to obtain information.  It was explained that this was a legal aspect not to release information relating to the proposed ban.


Alan Creedy, Head of Service – Sustainable Transport (Wiltshire Council) explained that there was a significant difference of view over the information relating to the ban.  The primary concern should be whether the action to withhold information was in the public interest and the overwhelming view is that it is and that information should be readily available and accessible.  It was his understanding that Dr Andrew Murrison (MP) would be taking this issue up with the Information Commission.   He went on to express that he did not feel that small number of lorries that BANES had predicted would be an accurate reflection and that a longer diversion with signage compared against a short distance would not be upheld and that general conditions would dictate.


What was the age of the data being used by BANES?  The data was gathered in November 2009.


Wouldn’t the A36 link road joining the A36 at Dry Arch, Bathampton be an opportunity to cure Bath of a large amount of its’ heavy through traffic?  Nick explained that there was no funding and that the Dry Arch junction was not an option.


Cllr Fleur de Rhe Philipe explained that she was surprised at the use of the M32 as a preferred route and anticipated that the Highways agency would make a strong objection.  Nick replied that there had been no objection in principle, Fleur went on to add that she felt that the Highways Agency would have changed their position.


Cllr Cuthbert-Murray expressed his concerns and stated that he appreciated that Heavy Goods Vehicles travelling through Bath has been a concern for many years, particularly along A4 London Road and A36 Bathwick Street and BANES local residents are concerned about the contribution made by HGVs to poor air quality, road safety issues and intimidation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partners – Parish and Town Councils, Police, Fire and Rescue Service, NHS, Community Area Young Person Issues Group (CAYPIG), BA13+Community Area Partnership and Westbury Chamber of Commerce.

Supporting documents:


Westbury Town Council

Christine Mitchell from WTC reported that the Christmas lights switch on had been a great success.


Community Area Partnership + BA13

Rev Jonathan Burke informed the board that the CAP were working with the Area Board to support the Joint Strategic Needs event on 18 January at the Laverton and that the findings would feed into the Community Plan. He also reminded people that small grants were still available and that volunteers were being trained for Restorative Justice.


Primary Health Care Centre

Sue Ezra from WTC informed the board that the Primary Health Care Centre roof was now on and the skin of the building will be on by February, weather permitting.  In the New Year there will be a web cam on the site and around Westbury so that progress can be monitored and other parts of the town.  She went on to explain that the surgery would have a pharmacy and the pharmacy would be open during surgery opening hours.


Westbury Area Police Presentation

To receive a presentation from Inspector Lindsey Winter.


Lindsey Winter, Sector Inspector, elaborated on her report contained within the agenda explaining that Anti Social Behaviour had increased but the Police are working hard with its partners, Youth Services, Wiltshire Council and schools to improve the current situation.  ASBO orders are a last resort and are only utilised when all other avenues have been tried.


The would be 11 policing sectors  with 27 neighbourhood policing teams, a force wide response capability operating out of four policing hubs and one specialist Operations hub. The Policing hubs would be situated at Swindon, Trowbridge, Salisbury and Chippenham and the specialist Operations hub would be at Devizes Head Quarters.  She went on to explain that the new model for response policing went live on the 4 October with a shift plan tailored to match demand that offered the best possible level of resources at key times of activity. The changes mean that the police will be maximising the use of technology, using hand held devices rather than being office bound will enable us to deliver a more efficient and effective service.  Officers will be centrally managed and organised.  The Specialist Operations team will be located at Devizes HQ and will operate across the County.  There will be closer working with partner agencies and opportunities to co-locate with partners will be explored. Neighbourhood boundaries will remain the same as will the neighbourhood policing teams.  The new shift pattern will deliver a policing service to remote areas and police officers will continue to work locally and maximise their time spent out of police stations.


Issues Updates

To receive updates from Sally Hendry, Westbury Community Area Manager (CAM) on those issues highlighted at the previous Area Board meetings and received online including:


·       Progress on Wiltshire Voices

·       Cleaning of Westbury White Horse


Sally Hendry, Community Area Manager, gave a brief update on the current issues she was dealing with in the Westbury Community Area.


Wiltshire Voices.  Wiltshire Voices is a countywide project ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard.  In Westbury the focus is on the needs and concerns of older people. Focus groups have now been established at which older members of the Community are voicing the positive points of living in the community, challenges they face and solutions that might help change things for the better.


White Horse.  The Westbury Town Council and Area Board are discussing options to clean the White Horse before the Jubilee celebrations at the beginning of June, further updates as this issue progresses.


Community Area Transport Group.  This group meets every 3 – 4 months and has a small budget.  Current projects that are ongoing are:

·       Edington pavements and improving the road junction, working with highways to improve this.

·       Provision of ‘red carpets’ on the B3098 and A350.

·       Signage to highlight cycle routes.

Members of the public expressed their concern at speeding at the Chalford end of the Town and suggested the move of the red carpet to further up the A350 towards Warminster.  However after discussion it was decided that this was not a viable option and that a metro count and speed checks would be a better option.


Action – Sally to engage with Police and set up metro count in the area if possible.


Wind Farms in Wiltshire

Please note that this is not a debate on individual applications but to put forward a Notice of Motion for a countywide policy.




Cllr Hawker reported that after investigation on this issue Wiltshire Council was in the process of developing a policy on this issue.


He outlined the current and draft planning policies as follows:

The Wiltshire Council Core Strategy Draft says proposals for standalone renewable energy schemes (eg wind turbines, biomass generators, anaerobic digestion plants, hydropower turbines, and ground mounted solar photovoltaic arrays) will be supported and encouraged. Applications for renewable energy generation will be permitted subject to satisfactory resolution of any site specific constraints. In particular, proposals will need to demonstrate how the following criteria have been assessed:

  • impact on landscape, particularly in and around AONBs
  • impact on the Western Wiltshire Green Belt.
  • impact on biodiversity.
  • impact on the historic environment and the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site.
  • impact on the local transport network.
  • impact on residential amenity, including noise, odour and visual amenity


Note: links to relevant and referred to documents are:


Cllr Rhe de Philipe explained the fine balancing act between acting with government legislation and the protection that can be given to surrounding areas.


Cllr Morland informed the board that a bill was currently going though the House of Lords which would stipulate minimum distances that wind farms etc could be built in proximity to dwellings.


Cllr Hawker explained that professionals are brought in to find the most suitable sites that fit all the criteria.


Community Area Grants

To consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.


·       Westbury Art Group - £324

·       Bratton Pavillion Management Committee - £525

·       Leigh Park Community Association - £8000 (This is an Area Board led application).


Supporting documents:


Councillors considered three applications for funding from the Area Board Grant scheme.


1.  Westbury Art Group application for £324 to purchase a storage cupboard for materials.  


2.  Bratton Pavilion Management Committee application for £525 to upgrade toilet facilities


3. Leigh Park Community Association application for £8,000 towards the construction of a community centre on Leigh Park. Note this is an area board led application.


Westbury Art Group

The Art group requested funding to purchase secure storage for the art group materials and equipment.



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £324 to the Westbury Art Group.


The art group supports the development of a thriving leisure and cultural environment and vibrant community life as identified in the Westbury Area Community Plan.


Bratton Pavilion Management Committee

The pavilion on the village green is used by a variety of local community groups.  The toilet facilities need upgrading.  It is hoped that by doing this it will encourage further use of the pavilion.


Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £525 to the Bratton Pavilion Management Committee.


The project demonstrates links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’,


Leigh Park Community Association

Cllr Hawker declared an interest in this item, he explained that he would leave for the vote.Cllr Hawker informed the Board that the money would be spent on a number of smaller projects including washing facilities, lighting and sound system and projector.  He thanked Sally for her work in dealing with this grant.  He left the room. 



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £800 to Leigh Park Residents Association.


The project fits a number of the Wiltshire Council and Westbury community plan objectives:

·       The need for more activities for younger people

·       The development of a thriving leisure and cultural environment and vibrant community life as identified in the Westbury Area Community Plan

·       The need for more evening and daytime classes (Education Skills and Learning)

·       The project demonstrates links to the Local Area Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’.


Future Meeting Dates and Close

The next meeting will take place on 16 February 2012 at Dilton Marsh Social Club, Petticoat Lane, Dilton Marsh, BA13 4DG.


19 April 2012 – The Laverton, Westbury

14 June – Heywood Village Hall


The next meeting of the Westbury Area Board will be held on 16 February 2012 at the Dilton Marsh Social Club, follow the link to find a map to the venue.