Agenda and minutes

Westbury Area Board - Thursday 3 February 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Bratton, Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton, Westbury BA13 4RW

Contact: Anna Thurman  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Westbury Area Board being held in such a wonderful venue and thanked CAYPIG for their delicious smoothies.  He went on to explain that agenda item 9 – Highways Issues and the B3098 would not take place due to Dave Bullock being unwell. This agenda item would take place at a special separate meeting later in March, date and venue to be confirmed.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mike Cuthbert-Murray, Dai Davies from Cross point and Carole King from Community Area Partnership, Dr Peter Biggs, Michelle Slade and Dave Bullock Head of Service Traffic & Network Manager.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillors David Jenkins and Russell Hawker declared a prejudicial interest in Items 15a (1) A Community Area Grant application from Westbury Town Council and 15b Performance Reward Grant application from the Laverton Institute  Trust) as they were all dual-hatted members of Westbury Town Council and Wiltshire Council. However, they had all been granted dispensations by the Standards Committee which enabled them to speak and vote on the matter.


Chairman's Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


a)     Street Trading

b)     Public Protection Enforcement Policy

c)      Fairtrade

d)     Childcare Sufficiency Statement

e)     Outcome of Leisure Review



Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


a)    Street Trading


Currently there is not a harmonised street trading policy for the Wiltshire Council area.


The Licensing Committee agreed to introduce a new harmonised consent street trading scheme across the Wiltshire Council area. This will provide a flexible means of controlling street trading activity and allow greater scope for local involvement in decision making through a thorough consultation process for all applications for Street Trading Consents.


An executive summary of the proposed scheme is available in the agenda and a full copy of the proposed scheme and consultation survey is available on the Wiltshire Council website. All interested parties should return written responses to the Wiltshire Council Licensing Team by 17 March.


If members of the public or interested groups would like to complete the survey form, the survey is available on the Wiltshire Council website at


b)   Public Protection Enforcement Policy


The Public Protection Service is reviewing its enforcement policy, and is seeking views from interested stakeholders. 


The policy deals with the entire range of legislation administered by the Public Protection Service covering all environmental health and trading standards powers, as well as any relevant community safety and emergency planning laws.  The draft enforcement policy is on the council's website.


c) Fairtrade


Fairtrade is based on the idea that small producers in the developing world should be paid a price for their produce that covers the cost of production and gives the family a living wage. The producer makes a long term agreement in advance with the Fairtrade purchasing company that ensures a guaranteed minimum price.


The Fairtrade mark on products is a guarantee that adherence to the agreement is being monitored. It has been in existence for 16 years and is now widely recognised though not necessarily widely understood.


The success of the Fairtrade movement so far is due in large part to the efforts of small local groups with the support of larger organisations. There are nine towns in Wiltshire which have achieved the status of Fairtrade town awarded by the Fairtrade Foundation.


The Wiltshire Fairtrade Coalition is an association of local Fairtrade town groups, businesses, other organisations and individuals working to promote understanding and uptake of Fairtrade produce.  The coalition offers mutual support and encouragement to members and aims to make Wiltshire a Fairtrade county.


d)   Childcare Sufficiency Statement


Local authorities have a duty, under the Childcare Act 2006, to assess the sufficiency of childcare in their area and produce a report. Wiltshire’s second report has now been drafted and it is out for consultation on the Wiltshire Council website:


Any comments should be forwarded to the early years team using the response sheet provided on the website by 20 March 2011. The final report will be published on the website before 1 April 2011.


Further information is available from


e) Outcome of Leisure Review

Wiltshire Council's Cabinet has considered the results of the extensive consultation exercise undertaken between  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2010.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Partner Updates

To receive updates from partners – Parish and Town Councils, Fire and Rescue Service, NHS, BA13 + Community Area Partnership and Chamber of Commerce.

Supporting documents:


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

Update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue was included in the agenda at pages 41 to 42.


NHS Wiltshire

Update from NHS Wiltshire for December and January were included in the agenda at pages 43 to 48.


Edington Parish Council

Cllr Michael Jones expressed his concern over the recent announcements regarding cuts to rural bus routes and asked for a report to be brought to the next Board detailing the cuts, if any, to Wiltshire’s rural bus routes.


Westbury Town Council

Cllr Christine Mitchell reported that all the Christmas events went extremely well and were very popular.  The next event will be a French Market to be held on 30 April 2011.


Cllr Sue Ezra, reported on the work being undertaken on Vision for Westbury. Westbury Town Council is working with Wiltshire Council to prepare a new Vision and Scoping Study for Westbury which will inform planning policy and set out clear recommendations to address issues in the town.

Following the Christmas Street Event Day to talk to residents they received 350 comments about how they felt about the town, in general it was felt that;

·         It was a nice town

·         Shopping facilities should be improved

·         Leisure and community facilities should be improved

·         Roads and public transport should be improved


Westbury Chamber of Commerce

The Chairman announced that the Chamber of Commerce, TransWilts Community Rail and Wiltshire Council were supporting the TransWilts rail proposal, a north-south rail service for a 6 train per day service in each direction operated by First Great Western serving the 8 stations between Salisbury and Swindon.

He reminded people of the New Wiltshire Business Competition for further details on both visit the Wessex Chamber of Commerce website


BA13+ Community Area Partnership (CAP)

Reverend Jonathan Burke Chairman of BA13+CAP updated the Area Board.  The main focus of work for the CAP continues to be the Community Plan linked with Vision for Westbury, Restorative Justice and the young person’s transport plan.  The BA13+CAP has a funds of £12,000 grants can be allocated for up to £500 to non - profit making organisations.



Lionel Grundy OBE, Cabinet Member for Children's Services

The Cabinet representative, Councillor Lionel Grundy OBE will give an overview of his Cabinet responsibilities for Children’s Services.



Lionel Grundy OBE, Councillor for Urchfont and The Cannings outlined his role as Cabinet member for Children’s Services.  His responsibility is to overview policy, provision and the operations of Children’s Services.  There are also 3 portfolio holders for schools, youth and skills and vulnerable children. 


Since the formation of the Unitary Council, Children’s Services has been undertaking a rigorous programme of restructuring, targeting services such as youth development and children’s rights.  Since the election there has been a significant re-focus of activities, an example is the formation of academies.  From the 1 April the Council faces a 28% cut in grants – this will dramatically affect the way business is conducted.  The budget will be decided at the Cabinet meeting on 15 February.


Cllr Grundy responding to a question from the public reassured those present that Children’s Services were liaising closely with Leisure Review and Work Place Transformation teams in order to ensure that children’s needs were catered for.


Community and Young People's Issue Group (CAYPIG)

Update from Sally Willox and CAYPIG members to include Transport.


Sally Willox, Youth Development Co-ordinator/Team Leader updated the Board on a number of projects that CAYPIG were currently involved in. 


To date approximately 796 different young people aged from 12-19 have used the facilities since 1 April 2010. 88 young people have achieved accreditations with 43 further qualifications nearing completion by April 2011.


Smoothy Bar Project

This project has generated a lot of interest within the group, designing recipes and making Smoothy’s at the Centre and developing plans to develop their project by serving at community events.  The members involved are completing their ASDAN Activities Award and Enterprise Award with the ultimate aim to establish a smoothy/milkshake bar in the town.


Leisure Credits

This involves young people carrying out voluntary work within the community and in return being given credits that would be exchanged for activities and trips such as ice-skating, cinema and bowling.  The scheme is launching in February half term by means of a programme of work at the Youth Development Centre.  It will provide experience, new skills, develop interest and improve their employability for the future, as well as rewarding them with an accredited award through the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.


Young People’s Transport Scheme

This scheme is due to commence in February half term and will be begin with a structured sports development project.  The pilot will run for 6 months.


Wiltshire Youth Centres Football League

A football league has been developed to enable youth centres’ to play against each other on a regular basis.


Highways Issues and the B3098

To receive a presentation from Dave Bullock , Head of Traffic and Network Manager, there will be an opportunity for questions.


Due to illness Dave Bullock, Transport and Network Manager, was unable to attend.  It was decided that as this was such an important issue it would be addressed at a special individual meeting in March.


Steve Lloyd, Coordinator of the Bratton Community Speed Watch updated the Board on their activities.  There are currently 6 volunteers working in teams of 3.  The speed gun is shared between Edington and Heywood. A note is made of vehicles exceeding the limit and is passed to the Police, who then may take the matter further. Their main prioity is to reduce the speed of vehicles through the village centre, however other areas are also targeted.


Solar Farm Proposals

Development Director, Chris Wordsworth and Lindsay Holdoway, Managing Director of HPH Ltd will outline proposals for a 14.5 hectare solar farm on Hawkeridge Road on the outskirts of Westbury. 



Lindsay Holdoway and Chris Wordsworth of HPH Ltd gave a comprehensive presentation for a proposed solar panel farm at Mill Lane, Hawkeridge.  The presentation included artists impressions of its place in the landscape as viewed from Westbury White Horse and from the roadside together with photographs of similar developments elsewhere.  The site is 15 hectares dissected in the middle by Mill Lane and adjacent to the Hawkeridge primary substation.   HPH Ltd intend to mask the site from view by allowing the natural hedges to grow up to 3 metres in height and field maples will be planted to obscure the view.  Grass maintenance between the panels will be undertaken by grazing sheep.   The timetable associated with this is;

·         Public consultation Jan – Feb 2011

·         Planning application submission – Feb 2011-02-07

·         If consent granted

§  Installation works start Oct/Nov 2011-02-07

§  Generation 2012


The change of use from a field to a solar panel farm proved to be an emotive subject, with local residents of Mill Lane expressing their concerns over the potential erection of the farm.  Local parishes expressed a range of concerns that ‘everybody’ should have the ability to share their views and have their say.  Cllr Julia Swabey, local member representing Heywood Parish invited residents to contact her and that she would ensure that concerns were dealt with appropriately and fairly.


Wiltshire Police Authority

To receive a presentation from Ricky Rogers/Bill Fishlock from Wiltshire Police Authority regarding the future of policing in Wiltshire.



Councillor Ricky Rogers representing Wiltshire Police Authority gave a presentation on the Police budgets cuts in spending.

The Police budget needs to make £15 million in savings over the next 4 years, the result of this is that the Force is likely to have 150 fewer officers and 200 fewer staff. The main priorities are;


  • Keeping the public safe on the streets and at home


  • Keeping neighbourhood police officers and PCSOs at the current  levels.


  • Responding promptly to emergency 999 calls


  • Maintaining an acceptable standard for call handling to deal with general enquiries and non urgent calls.


Through the changes, the aim is to save money and provide a more flexible police service across the whole county. It is intended to keep the 11 policing sectors as they are because this way of working mirrors the way other agencies deliver their services.  Neighbourhood Policing Teams will continue to be aligned to local authority community area boards or cluster areas in Swindon, so that they can work effectively with other agencies to address community issues.  Response policing teams will primarily operate from Swindon, Melksham and Salisbury where the custody centres are based. The specialist policing services (police dogs, roads policing) will remain, while crime investigators, including CID, will work locally alongside response police officers.  The Swindon and County divisional structures will be merged, so removing a tier of management and administration.


In the proposed new structure Wiltshire Police will have the flexibility to deploy any officer to where they are most needed.


For further information














Reverend Jennifer Totney and Reverend Jonathan Burke will outline the background and progress on plans for a drop in centre in Westbury.


Reverends Jennifer Totney and Jonathan Burke outlined the background and progress on plans for a drop in centre in Westbury.


The first project is to open a Welcome Centre where people can see a friendly face, be listened to and helped if necessary.  It is recognised that people may not know where to go to get help and advice and may not initially feel comfortable with statutory agencies. The intention is to help to empower people, not create dependency.  The drop in centre will be open to all 3 to 4 mornings a week or half days for coffee/tea, chat in a non–threatening, supportive and friendly environment.


The need for this facility has been researched and £6000 towards this project has already been raised.  Currently the project is negotiating premises in the town, raising public awareness and engaging with various agencies.


For further information and an opportunity to volunteer or contribute visit www.crosspoint/


Community Policing Update

To receive an update from Sector Commander Dave Minty on local issues.


The Chairman informed the Board that Inspector Dave Minty was unable to attend this evening due to immediate operational commitments, but had provided a report. A shortened version is detailed below.


Over the last three months performance has fluctuated. The aim is to make Wiltshire the safest County in the Country and it is pleasing that violent crime has reduced by 25% on the same period last year. Dwelling burglaries are also down, by 23.3%, which equates to 10 less victims than last year.


Currently there is an increase in non-dwelling burglaries, these are mostly shed breaks. 4 individuals have been arrested and are currently on police bail whilst investigations take place. Anyone with information should inform the police. 


Following the last Area Board, there has been a concerted effort to increase the number of visible foot patrols undertaken by staff in the town. It is a priority.


Issues Updates

To receive updates on those issues highlighted at the previous Area Board meeting and received since the last meeting.


Sally Hendry, Community Area Manager, updated the Board on the issues, wide and varied, that are concerning the community area.


White Horse – The White Horse was painted by English Heritage 3.5 years ago at a cost of approximately £23K.  English Heritage report that it is scheduled to be re-painted every 10 years. There is no scope for volunteers to paint it as there are significant health and safety implications.


Speed Checks – There are a number of metro counts being undertaken around the community area at the moment.


Grot Spots – As a part of Community Payback/Wiltshire probation service are undertaking a clear up, cut back and litter pick of Wellhead woods.


Heywood Traffic – There have been meetings with the Parish Council and Tumblewood School. Warning signage will be erected in the following two weeks.


Westbury Library - Westbury has favoured relatively well in the review, having to cut back its hours by 5.5 hours a week.  Volunteers are welcome.


Neil Tribick from Westbury Leisure Alliance (WLA) updated the Board on the current situation of Westbury’s leisure facilities.  All Councillors were written to, many of whom claim not to have received the e-mail asking that Westbury Leisure facilities remain under Council control.  The Leisure review now falls under the remit of the Work Place Transformation Team and it now comes under the Estate Review rather than Leisure.  The Alliance is still chasing Councillor Wheeler for a response to the initial e-mail from the Alliance but to date he has not responded.


The Chairman suspected that information would be limited until the outcome of the next Cabinet meeting on 15 February where the financial position of the Council would be discussed.



Community Area Grants

To consider any applications for funding from;


a)     Community Area Grant Scheme – to consider any applications for funding from this scheme.


b)     Performance Reward Grant Application – to consider any applications for funding from this scheme.



Supporting documents:


a) Councillors considered 5 applications for Community Area Grants.


1.    An application has been received from Westbury Town Council – award £545 to match fund the purchase of a mobile projector, screen and whiteboard for community use.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £545 to Westbury Town Council.




The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s prioritiesof Westbury area community plan (Improving economy/tourism P.9).



2.    An  application has been received from Edington Parish Hall – award £3250 to match fund replacement windows in the village hall.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £3250 to Edington Parish Hall.





The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s prioritiesof engaging with local people; increasing numbers involved in volunteering, and with the aims of the Westbury area community plan (Improving leisure/recreation P.27 ).




3.    An application has been received from  the Dilton Marsh Flower and Produce show – award £320 to fund publicity and set up costs for a village flower and handicrafts show.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £320 to Dilton Marsh Flower and Produce show.




The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s priorities of engaging with local people and increasing numbers involved in volunteering and with the aims of the Westbury area community plan (Improving leisure/recreation P.27 ).


It should be noted that should the show become an annual event, there could not be repeat funding available from the area board.


4. An application has been received by Coulston Parish Council - award £105 to match fund the connection of water to village allotments.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £105 to Coulston Parish Council.




The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s priorities of engaging with local people; increasing numbers involved in volunteering and with the aims of the Westbury area community plan (Improving leisure/recreation P.27; Parish observations P.34)



5. An application has been received by Crosspoint– award £1000 to fund the purchase of computer equipment for a drop-in community centre.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £1000 to Crosspoint.




The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s priorities of engaging with local people; increasing numbers involved in volunteering and with many aims of the Westbury area community plan.


b)  Performance Reward Grant Scheme


Councillors considered two applications for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme.


1. An application had been received by The Laverton Institute Trust requesting a grant of £44,379 to fund the refurbishment of the toilets and provision of a separate toilet for the disabled and a baby-changing facility.





Westbury Area Board strongly support this application and hope it succeeds.


2) An application has been received from the new Wiltshire Infrastructure Support Service – ‘GROW’ Enhancing Community Support includes a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Any Other Business

To receive any other business, subject to the Chairman’s approval.


There were no items.


Future date, Forward Plan and Close

The next meeting of Westbury Area Board will take place at 7 pm, The Paragon Hall, Westbury, 7 April 2011.

Supporting documents:


The forward plan was noted.


The next meeting of Westbury Area Board will take place at The Paragon Hall, Westbury, 7.00pm.