Agenda and minutes

Westbury Area Board - Thursday 6 February 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Leigh Park Community Centre, Leigh Park Way, Westbury BA13 3FN

Contact: Roger Bishton  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Westbury Area Board.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


Phil McMullen - BA13+ Community Area Partnership



To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2013.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 December 2013 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Cllr Gordon King declared a personal interest in the grant application for the Crosspoint counselling project as he was a member of the Crosspoint Management Committee.


Cllr Russell Hawker declared a personal interest in the grant application for the Matravers School outdoor learning project as he was a governor of Matravers School.  He also declared a personal interest in the grant application for a PA system at Leigh Park Community Centre as he was a member of the Leigh Park Community Centre (Westbury) Committee.


Chairman's Announcements

To note the following items for information – written briefing notes are available in the full agenda pack, or online.  If you would like the Area Board to consider or discuss any of these items in more detail, please speak with the Community Area Manager or the Democratic Services Officer.


(a)          Community Infrastructure Levy

(b)          Integrated Performance Management Report

(c)          Wiltshire Core Strategy

(d)          Ethandune By Election – 6 March 2014

(e)          Call for New Members for COB

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:-


(a)          Community Infrastructure Levy – it was noted that Wiltshire Council was in the process of preparing a Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule which was a charge that local authorities could place on new development to help fund infrastructure needed to support growth.  Consultation started on 13 January and would continue until 5.00pm on 24 February 2014.


(b)          Integrated Performance Management Report – a copy of the Report is available to view using the following link


(c)          Wiltshire Core Strategy – Following the examination in public on the draft Wiltshire Core Strategy that ended in July 2013, the independent Planning Inspector appointed by the Government to examine the Core Strategy had issued his preliminary findings.  He had indicated that the housing requirement in the Core Strategy should be raised from 37,000 to 42,000 for the Plan period 2006 to 2026.  Work was now being undertaken to review the evidence underpinning the Plan to determine how the higher housing growth should be disaggregated across Wiltshire and how this housing would be delivered including through the development of a new housing allocations development plan document.  The Council had prepared timetables including public consultation for the production of two new development plan documents – one for Chippenham and the other to provide additional housing allocations elsewhere in Wiltshire.  Further information on the Inspector’s preliminary findings and the Council’s response can be found on the Council’s website at:


(d)          Ethandune By Election – 6 March 2014 – Following on from the sad death of Cllr Linda Conley it had been formally announced that the By-Election to elect a new Councillor for the Ethandune Division would take place on Thursday 6 March 2014 with the count taking place at Heywood Village Hall from 10.00am.


(e)          Call for New Members for COB – The Chairman reported that there was an opportunity to get involved in the Westbury campus project and help shape the future of services in the community area.


Local people from the Westbury community area are being invited to apply to be part of the Westbury Shadow Community Operations Board (COB).


The COB was made up of members of the community and its role was integral in helping to direct the project. The group reported to Westbury Area Board and had been working hard to develop a campus proposal, which was the term used to describe the buildings where council and partner services would be accessed for the Westbury area.


The COB had a number of vacancies and would like to invite applications from residents local to the Westbury community area who were interested in joining the group, to express an interest. People wishing to join should submit expressions of interest by February 28.

Application forms were available from the reception table at this meeting. They could also be found online at or else a paper copy at Westbury Library and Leighton Recreation Centre.





What Matters to You

Community Area Manager, Sally Hendry, will provide an update on the forthcoming ‘What Matters to you’ event and present a brief review of actions taken to address local health and wellbeing since the Westbury Forward event in 2012.


The Community Area Manager reported that an event would be held on Wednesday 26 February 2014 in The Laverton at 6.00pm providing a wealth of information about the Westbury community ranging from health and wellbeing statistics through to education, life expectancy, leisure and culture. This would provide an opportunity for local people to have a real say about this community and put forward their ideas about how to address the issues raised. Ideas would be fed into the Community Plan and the Area Board would make these a priority for funding.


The Community Area Manager thereupon provided a brief review of actions taken to address local health and wellbeing since the Westbury Forward event in 2012 as follows:-


·                Request - help unemployed people back into work

Action - Area Board funded  set up of Job Club based at Crosspoint in the Market Place.


·                Request - boost tourism and make more of heritage

Action - Area Board helped fund cleaning of the White Horse; installed information boards at local beauty spots; helped fund a blue plaque trail and a new website for Westbury history.


·                Request - what about our environment - tackle dog fouling, create allotments and improve access to countryside.

Action - Area Board funded an awareness campaign; is working with the Town Council on restoration of  allotments and has installed kissing gates, steps and horse stiles. Funded maintenance of community orchard and creation of village allotments.


·                Request – young people need more activities

Action - Area Board helped fund keep fit equipment in Grassacres. Grants given to variety of activity and sports groups including Girl Guides, ATC and Scouts; cricket club, football tournament, swimming club; music room at youth centre and  transport  project for young people.








A36 and A350

Head of Sustainable Transport, Allan Creedy, will explain the forthcoming temporary closure to the A36 at Monkton Combe and the consequent A350 traffic monitoring planned by Wiltshire Council.


Allan Creedy, Head of Service, Sustainable Transport, explained the forthcoming temporary closure of Trunk Road A36 at Limpley Stoke.  He informed the Area Board that the Highways Agency rather than the Local Authority was responsible for the maintenance of all trunk roads and had advised local authorities through which the A36 passed that a further closure was required at Limpley Stoke in order to carry out more maintenance works on Limpley Stoke Hill near the Viaduct at Monkton Combe.  There had been ongoing problems with this particular stretch of road for several years and although previous attempts had been made to shore up the hillside, further work was now required which would necessitate closure of this stretch of highway for a period of three months.  The Highways Agency intended to give maximum notice to vehicles of this closure and erect signs drawing attention to this and advising on alternative routes as far as Southampton Docks and Gloucestershire.


Allan Creedy also informed the Area Board that Bath & North East Somerset Council (BANES) had been investigating possible ways of diverting heavy vehicles away from the historic City of Bath but unfortunately some of these proposals would have resulted in more heavy vehicles being directed further along the M4 Motorway to Chippenham and thence on to Road A350 in Wiltshire which was not acceptable to Wiltshire Council in view of the heavy traffic load already using that road.  The closure of Trunk Road A36 at Limpley Stoke which had been programmed to take place in September 2014 for three months would provide an opportunity for BANES and Wiltshire Council to monitor traffic movements.



A Campus for Westbury

A report in the recent consultation, including comments by local people, will be presented.  This will be followed by a Q and A session and explanation of the proposed next steps and a presentation by COB Chair, Brenda Payne and Matthew Woolford of the Campus team.

Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to a report and presentation by town councillor Sue Ezra and parish councillor Alison Irving of the Westbury Shadow Community Operations Board (COB)  and Matthew Woolford from the Campus Team on the recent consultation which had taken place concerning the provision of a campus in Westbury.


A survey had been carried out by the COB between August and November 2013 to help determine where and how local people would like to see the proposed campus developed and aimed to build on the results of an earlier consultation undertaken in January 2013.  The survey had provided three options which were as follows:-


A – A three site campus split between the library, swimming pool and Leighton Recreation Centre.


B   A two site campus split between the Library and Leighton Recreation Centre.


C –   A single build campus site.


The key results were as follows:


·         There had been 1,045 responses

·         Four out of five people wanted Option 1 (library, swimming pool and Leighton Recreation Centre) (824 responses – 78.9%)

·         Majority of people taking part were from BA13 3 and BA13 4

·         The biggest issues were keeping the library and pool, protecting the health of the town centre, and accessibility.


It was explained that the next steps would be to develop a working proposal on how services could be delivered from the three sites, meeting with service representatives, partners and community groups.  Once a working proposal had been developed, this would be presented to the Area Board hopefully in Summer/Autumn 2014.


During the following discussion, questioned the cost of this provision and enquired how it would be funded.  Cllr Sue Ezra explained that it would be necessary for the COB to develop a business plan once it had obtained a steer from this Area Board meeting.  Once the business plan had been developed, then it would be possible to cost the provision of the campus.


Cllr Jane Scott explained that in 2009 the Council reviewed its leisure services and discovered that there would be a cost of £177 million just to retain the existing facilities for a period of 20 years. Some of the existing facilities were good but others were in a dreadful condition and Cabinet decided to ask the various Wiltshire communities to examine the facilities in each area and come back to Cabinet with proposals for which £177 million would be made available.    Cabinet did not anticipate that each community area would suggest the same model but considered it most important that each community area was able to determine what facilities were best suited to its area. 


Cllr Ezra stressed that the Westbury COB were very keen for members of the community to put forwards their views and stated that meetings of the COB could be flexible so that at least some members could meet with local people at times most suitable to them if necessary.  She noted with pleasure the request from members of the Youth Advisory Group to be actively involved particularly in safeguarding  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Wiltshire Legacy 2014

Wiltshire Council leader, Cllr Jane Scott OBE, will present an update on the events and activities following the success of 2012 (Olympics and Diamond Jubilee) and how the county is delivering a legacy as a result of this extraordinary year.  Throughout 2014 there will be a series of major events which will impact on communities across the county.  These include plans for commemorations of WW1, The Big Pledge, Cycle Wiltshire and Wiltshire EXPO.


Cllr Jane Scott, Leader of Wiltshire Council, presented an update on the events and activities following the success of 2012 (Olympics and Diamond Jubilee) and how Wiltshire was delivering a legacy as a result of this extraordinary year.  She highlighted events which had been supported since 2012 and also events which were being planned in Wiltshire for 2014 which included:


The local economy

      More Wealth of Wiltshire Fayres to support small businesses

      Business and sporting dinner to support future Olympians and Paralympians - March

      Hosting business breakfasts

      Support for the Big Business event in Salisbury - April

      A large EXPO event in Chippenham - June


Keeping healthy and active

      More health fairs and checks – February in Trowbridge

      Support for schools Olympic Games

      Cycle Wiltshire - May

      The Big Pledge - what will you do as an individual, a group or team, or a community to make a difference to improve your health and Wellbeing?


Bringing communities together

      The Big Pledge

      Cycle Wiltshire

      WW1 commemorations

      Local events and remembrance

      Briefing for communities – 1 May

      County wide event – with the military – 30 July

      Programme of education

      Local stories and history

      Marking the date in your community


Supporting local Olympians and Paralympians

      Business and sporting dinner to raise funding

      Set up a foundation for the future

      Connecting business and sports stars

      Promoting our local talent


Cllr Scott then went on to describe what was being planned in Westbury as follows:


WW1 commemorations

      community group formed to coordinate events

      Restoration of war memorials

      Exhibitions and window displays in Heritage Centre

      Music and Arts Festival 

      WW1 battlefield guide specialist talks

      Concert of WW1 music, songs and film

      Dilton Marsh Village at War project funded by HLF

      Research project - WW1 soldiers


Community events

      Street fayre

      Children’s carol concert and recording with the Lions

       Men’s health awareness campaign

       Westbury Music and Arts festival



The Chairman thanked Cllr Jane Scott for her presentation.






Police and Crime Commissioner Precept

Chief Executive of the office of the PCC, Kieran Kilgallen, will give a presentation on the proposed police precept for 2014/15.


Clive Barker, Chief Finance Officer, Wiltshire Police & Crime Commissioner’s Office, gave a presentation on the police precept for 2014/15.


Funding for the police had reduced and main government grants had also reduced. Following the precept freeze in 2010-2011 the Commissioner had recommended lifting the freeze and raising council tax payments by £3.15 per household (an increase of 1.99%) in order for the police to continue to be funded adequately. This recommendation had been approved at a meeting of the Police & Crime Panel earlier that day.


Clive Barker presented statistics explaining that funding for Wiltshire compared to the rest of the south west was the third lowest. Since 2010-2011 there had been reductions in the police force which had been offset with partnerships and collaborations.


Dr Peter Biggs referred to the Neighbourhood Policing Policy and enquired if there were any mechanisms in place to measure its efficiency and value for money.  Clive Barker explained that there was much cooperation between Police Forces with regard to such services as administration, IT and procurement. There were a number of contracts that had been agreed between Forces for the supply of various items of uniform and equipment.  This was an ongoing exercise and the benefits of standardisation were fully recognised.  He also explained that Neighbourhood Policing was regarded by the Police & Crime Commissioner as a high priority as the general public considered this to be of major importance.


The Chairman thanked Clive Barker for his presentation.



Issues Updates

To receive updates on those issues highlighted at the previous Area Board meeting and received online.


The Community Area Manager gave an update on the following issues that had previously been highlighted:




Blocked drains


Traffic management including double yellow lines



Much of this was being examined by the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)


The Chairman also referred to the appearance of horses near the Dilton Marsh roundabout at Leigh Park which were either tied to posts or allowed to roam in small fields.  The RSPCA had investigated the wellbeing of these horses but did not find any problems.  However, it seemed that these horses were damaging trees which had been planted as part of the Leigh Park Housing Development Agreement by eating the bark of these trees.  This was being investigated and the outcome would be reported back to the Area Board in due course.


Partner and Community Updates

To receive any updates from partners – Parish and Town Councils, Police, Fire and Rescue Service, NHS, Chamber of Commerce, the BA13 Community Area Partnership and representatives from Westbury Youth Centre.


Written updates have been received from:

·         Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received the following partner and community updates:-


a.         Town/Parish Councils There were no updates.


b.        Wiltshire Police  Inspector Alan Webb presented an update report, which had been tabled at the meeting. (Appendix 1 to these minutes)  He reported that whilst there had been an increase in domestic burglaries, there had been a reduction in anti-social behaviour.  He was pleased to report that Westbury remained one of the safest areas in Wiltshire.


c.         Wiltshire Fire and Rescue  An update report was received and noted.


d.        Youth Advisory Group (YAG)  Sally Willox together with young people from the Westbury Youth Centre presented an update report which was tabled at the meeting. (Appendix 2 to these minutes)


e.         BA13+ Community Area Partnership The minutes of the Steering Group meeting held on 22 January 2014 were tabled at the meeting. (Appendix 3 to these minutes)


f.          NHS  There was no update report.


g.        Chamber of Commerce There was no update report.


Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

The Community Area Manager will present a report which provides an update on the issues raised and actions taken at the CATG and details of the first meeting of the Air Quality Management working group.

Supporting documents:


The Community Area Manager presented an update on the issues raised at the CATG and the actions which had been taken as set out in the minutes of the CATG meeting held on 17 January 2014.


It was noted that on the rising of the CATG an Air Quality Management Working Group had met for the first time with a remit to compile an air quality action plan for the Westbury community.   


Community Area Grants

To consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.

Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to a report by the Community Area Manager in which councillors were asked to consider applications for funding from the 2013/14 Area Board Grants Budget.  She then explained each application in turn.


(a)       Bratton Parish Council – Reroofing of the Pavilion




To approve a grant of £5,000 towards the reroofing of the Pavilion.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


(b)      Coulston Village Hall Management Committee – Renovation of the Village Hall.




To approve a grant of £5,000 towards the cost of renovating the Village Hall.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


(c)       Westbury Music and Arts Festival – Purchase of Display Boards




To approve a grant of £500 for the purchase of display boards.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


(d)      Westbury Cricket Club – Purchase of New Site Screens




To approve a grant of £1,754 for the purchase of new site screens.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


(e)       Leigh Park Community Centre – Purchase of PA Equipment




To approve a grant of £1,500 towards the purchase of PA equipment.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


(f)        The John of Gaunt School, Trowbridge – Purchase of Adventure Equipment for Pupils




To approve a grant of £450 towards the purchase of adventure equipment for pupils.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


(g)      Matravers Outdoor Learning Project – Led by Cllr Gordon King




To approve a grant of £5,000 towards this project.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


(h)      Westbury Junior School Outdoor Learning Area and Sensory Garden – Led by Cllr David Jenkins




To approve  a grant of £4,500 towards this project.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


(i)        Crosspoint Counselling Service – led by Cllr Russell Hawker




To approve a grant of £3,982 towards this project.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


(j)        Restoration of World War 1 War memorial in All Saints’ Churchyard, Westbury – Led by Cllr David Jenkins




To approve a grant of £3,000 towards this project.




This application meets the grants criteria for 2013/14.


The Community Area Manager reported that with the approval of the above-mentioned grants there remained a grant fund balance of £1,324 which would now revert to central area board funds together with any outstanding amounts from other area boards and which would be available for other projects upon application.



Future Meeting Dates, Forward Plan, Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Westbury Area Board will take place on:


Thursday 10 April 2014


The Laverton, Bratton Rd, Westbury BA13 3EN.


Future Meeting Dates:


Thursday 5 June 2014, at Bratton Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4RW


Thursday 7 August 2014 at  Heywood & Hawkridge Village Hall, Church Road, Heywood, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4LP.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Westbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 10 April 2014 at The Laverton, Bratton Road, Westbury, BA13 3EN, starting at 7.00pm.