Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 14 November 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Pheonix Hall, High St, Netheravon, SP4 9PJ

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introductions and Announcements



·       Wonderful things: Finds from the Army Basing Programme.



Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board and thanked all who had attended the previous week’s Tidworth Joint Strategic Assessment meeting.


The following Chairman’s Announcement was noted:


·       Wonderful things: Finds from the Army Basing Programme.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Owen White – Ludgershall Town Council and David Wildman – Chamber of Commerce.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19 September 2016.

Supporting documents:




·       The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19 September were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


It was noted that the Tidworth Leisure Centre was investing and re-configuring its programme to give both Service and civilian users better use of the facilities.




Wiltshire Police update

 Inspector Nick Mawson – Wiltshire Police.

Supporting documents:


Inspector Nick Mawson outlined the written report.


Local police were thanked for their recent visit to Collingbourne Ducis where officers spent time checking speeds of vehicles travelling through the village.


The Wiltshire & Swindon community messaging service was also highlighted.


The Chairman thanked Inspector Nick Mawson for his update.


Health Talk

Alison Timmins - Health Trainer.


Alison Timmins gave a presentation that that outlined her role as a Wiltshire Council Health Trainer.


Points made included:


·       Health trainer’s started in the North of the county in March 2014.


·       South based Health trainer’s came on board in July 2014.


·       Health trainers in every community area in Wiltshire.


·       Health trainer work across the county in – GP surgeries, pharmacies, job centres, homeless shelters, libraries, leisure centres, children’s centres.


·       Over 85% success rate with clients.


·       During 2016, across the county Health Trainers have worked with 577 clients.


·        Some 68 clients seen this year.


·       22 current clients; aged from 18 to 75 years old.


The Chairman thanked Alison Timmins for her presentation.



Recycle for Wiltshire Tidworth Community Area Project - update

Jessica Thimbleby.


Jessica Thimbleby - Wiltshire Wildlife Trust gave a brief update on the Recycle for Wiltshire Tidworth Community Area Project which aimed to educate and encourage school children and communities throughout Wiltshire

to reduce, reuse and recycle more of their household rubbish.  


Points made included:


·       That the project had been ongoing since April 2016.


Future events:


·       Toiletries & Gift set making, Tidworth Leisure Centre - Wednesday 16 November 10:30am-12:30pm.


·       Christmas Cards and Gift box making, Tidworth Leisure Centre - Wednesday 23 November 10:30am-12:30pm.


·       Christmas Tree Decoration making, Tidworth Community Centre - Thursday 1 December 3-5pm.


The Chairman thanked Jessica Thimbleby for her update.



Updates From Tidworth Community Area Partnership


·       Economic & Built Environment Group


·       Neighbourhood Tasking Group


·       Health & Wellbeing Group including Older Person & Carers Champion




Col Steve Lawton


·       Looking forward to the annual TCAP Schools Christmas Concert and the Proms concert in the evening, taking place on 15 December 2016.



Economic & Built Environment Group


·       Nothing to report, next meeting scheduled for 1 Dec 2016



Neighbourhood Tasking – Cllr Chris Williams


·       That the group would next meet during December 2016.



Health & Wellbeing Group Group – Reia Jones


·       That the group had been working alongside Healthwatch Wiltshire looking at end of life care.


·       That the next meeting would be held during January 2017.



Older Person & Carers Champion – Tony Pickernell


·       Currently visiting older people in their homes out in the rural areas of the community area.


·       That the post of the TCAP Co-ordinator had now been funded for the next 8-12 months, a big thanks to all who had made contributions to enable this.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.



Community Engagement Manager - updates including Local Youth Network & Youth Funding

Marc Read – Community Engagement Manager.

Supporting documents:



Marc Read - Tidworth Community Engagement Manager advised that:


Joint Strategic Assessment Event -  A big thank you to all who attend the event, a full report of the findings would be given at the January 2017 Area Board meeting.


Men’s Shed – A successful Networking event was held on Wednesday 28September, the Wiltshire sheds meeting up to discuss all things shed.


Child Poverty - The Child Poverty Steering Group would be meeting on Tuesday10 January 2017 at the Tidworth Leisure Centre.


Health Schools Wiltshire – Funding request had been submitted for all of our schools (except Netheravon All Saints Primary) to use Area Board funding to attain a minimum bronze level health schools award. This Wiltshire Council programme was provided by Children's Services to support schools effectively address the health and wellbeing of children and young people and focuses on one of the issues highlighted on our child poverty profile around obesity. 


Dementia Friends – Next meeting on Monday 21 November at the Tidworth Holy Trinity Church Hall.


HomeStart Kennet – First Aid Course for childproofing and preventing household accidents – 16 places – Being held at Windmill Hill Childrens Centre on 20 January. Delivered by St Johns Ambulance

Managing Money workshop 23 November in Windmill Hill Childrens Centre – Delivered for free by Wiltshire Money – Wiltshire’s Financial Inclusion partnership


The Area Board were asked to consider three applications seeking youth grant funding:




·        T2a Alternative Sports Club awarded £5,000 for multisport sessions.


·        Wellington Academy DofE Club awarded £3,148.94 for expanded DofE programme.


·        Splash awarded £7.777 for activities programme.


The Chairman thanked Marc Read for his update.


Community Area Transport Group update

Cllr Mark Connolly.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Mark Connolly outlined two schemes from the CATG notes dated 24 October 2016 that required Area Board approval to fund or approve:




·        Somme Road Cycle path – Mark Connelly to email Wiltshire Council to register the CATG’s support for the puffin crossing to be provided earlier than the s106 states.


·        Perham to Tidworth Cycle Path - S106 funding needs to be spent by September 17. The CATG agreed that up to £8,000 should be spent on designing a foot/cycle and foot path.



Concerns were raised re the number of HGVS using the A345 through Enford village. It was agreed that the issue would be raised with the relevant Wiltshire Council officers, and reply feedback to the Tidworth Area Board.


Answer to the HGVS using the A345 through Enford village question from Peter Binley – Head of Highways Asset Management ? Commissioning, Wiltshire Council.


The problems of increasing vehicle sizes on our roads are appreciated. The introduction of kerbs can help define the road edge for drivers and provides structural strength to the road edge. However they have limited value in restraining vehicles, especially the larger ones, and in some circumstances can deflect vehicles into the oncoming traffic. The cost of installing kerbs can be substantial and with a backlog of maintenance required on the highway network this is not likely to be a high priority at this site in the present circumstances.


Part of the problem appears to be the hedge on the other side of the road which is causing vehicles to move towards the centre of the road, with oncoming vehicles pulling over to the road edge to avoid them. Cutting the hedge is the responsibility of the landowner, and our local highway team will contact the Parish Council in order to approach the owner about getting the hedge cut. This may need to be followed up by enforcement action, but we would hope this issue can be resolved by agreement.


The traffic count information does not indicate any large increase in traffic in recent years. However, this is an A class road which does provide an important link for the local economy and businesses on the east side of the county and this is likely to remain the case.


The verge marker posts will be replaced when the matter of the hedge has been resolved.



Concerns were raised re missing signage on Coombe Lane, Enford.

Answer to the Coombe Lane sign question from Adrian Hampton – Head Local Highway Weather Emergency Services, Highways and Streetscene – South, Wiltshire Council.


I recognise the issues around this reported sign.  I am aware of the history and have received many such requests for similar sign maintenance/ replacement. 


The council has committed to meeting its obligations stated in its Highway Inspection Manual to ensure expectations and services delivered are aligned.  The manual covers the replacement of signs.


Regrettably signs such as the one described are not covered by the inspection manual.  Which means that this council does not replace these  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:


Supporting documents:


The Area board members considered four applications for grant funding and four Councillor Led Initiatives:


Community Area Grants



Tidworth Community Area Partnership Health & Social Care Group awarded £900 for Tidworth Defibrillator.


The application meets grant criteria 2016/17




The Nest awarded £1,360 for Sensory Resources


The application meets grant criteria 2016/17




Collingbourne Toddler Group awarded £988.59 for Collingbourne Toddler Group Resources.


The application meets grant criteria 2016/17




Kennet Friends awarded £1,000 for Kennet Friends Reiki and Art Classes.


The application meets grant criteria 2016/17


Councillor Led Initiatives:



Cllr Chris Williams – Tidworth Community Healthy Schools Project awarded £3,528.

The application meets grant criteria 2016/17




Cllr Chris Williams – Tidworth & Ludgershall Men’s Shed awarded £5,000.

The application meets grant criteria 2016/17




Cllr Chris Williams – TCAP School’s Chrismas Concert awarded £500.

The application meets grant criteria 2016/17




Cllr Chris Williams – TCAP Awards awarded £900.

The application meets grant criteria 2016/17




Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Police, the Army, NHS and other Partners

To receive any updates.

Supporting documents:



NHS Wiltshire


The written report was noted.



Healthwatch Wiltshire


The written report was noted.



Army Rebasing


The written report was noted



Tidworth Town Council – Hump Jones


·       That combined remembrance service had been well attended, with the Bishop of Ramsbury and Claire Perry MP in attendance.



Ludgershall Town Council – Mike Giles


·       That the remembrance service had been attended by over 500 people, and broadcast by Castledown Radio.



Everleigh Parish Council – Denis Bottomley


The written report was noted.



Tidworth Garrison – Col Steve Lawton


·       That the contract for the “behind the wire” build and development had been awarded to Aspire.



Wellington Academy – Mike Milner


·       That the Academy would be holding its Chrismas Fayre on Thursday 24 November.



Fittleton Parish Council – Alan Wood


·       The issue was highlighted that Fittleton should be part of the Amesbury Area Board and not Tidworth due to it’s closer location and association to Amesbury.

It was agreed that the issue would be raised with the relevant Wiltshire Council officers, and reply feedback to the Tidworth Area Board.


Answer to Alan Wood’s question from Steve Milton – Head of Service for Community Engagement and Governance, Wiltshire Council.


The Boundaries of Wiltshire’s area boards were agreed and set in 2009 following a very extensive consultation exercise.  There was much debate at that time about the possibility of Amesbury and Tidworth forming one community area.  However, public opinion was very much against this proposal and the Council decided to keep the areas separate. 


The area boards are formed of electoral division, which in turn are made up of groups of parishes.  It was the agreed that parishes would move with the Electoral Division to which they are attached through their elected unitary councillor.


When setting the boundaries, the Council agreed with partners that it would avoid changes unless triggered by a local governance review.  This was done to provide certainty for partners and to enable services to be aligned and integrated.  However, the council recognised that for parishes on the edge of a community area, particularly in large rural areas, individual parishes may feel a greater sense of affinity with a neighbouring area.  To address this it was agreed that parishes would be free to attend neighbouring area board meetings should they wish, although for grants and funding they would remain attached to their original area. 


Demographics do change over time.  Army rebasing in the Tidworth and Amesbury area are likely to impact by 2020, when the Council may have to review the democratic governance arrangements again.  Until that time, there are no plans to change the boundaries of the two area boards involved.






The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.






Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 16 January 2017.



The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be held on Monday 16 January 2017 at the Wellington Academy.

