Agenda and minutes

Pewsey Area Board - Monday 9 May 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Woodborough Social Club, Smithy Lane, Pewsey SN9 5PL

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item

5 mins


Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Area Board Members and officers.


It was noted that Cllr Chris Williams – Ludgershall and Perham Down was standing in for Cllr Stuart Wheeler who unable to attend the meeting.


Chairman's Announcements

·       Area Board Budget 2016-2017


·       Carers in Wiltshire Joint strategy 2016-2020


·       Help Pewsey win the Road to Rio


·       Meet the Funder event - 22June 2016


·       Groundwork and Tesco “Bags of Help” funding


·       Adult Care Charging Policy Consultation





Supporting documents:


The following Chairman’s Announcements were noted:


·       Area Board Budget 2016-2017


·       Carers in Wiltshire Joint strategy 2016-2020


·       Help Pewsey win the Road to Rio


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Stuart Wheeler – Wiltshire Council and Curly Haskell – Pewsey Parish Council.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 7 March 2016.


To note the Housing – meeting local needs Questions & Answers which were raised at the 7 March Pewsey Area Board meeting



1.Why if there is a surplus housing stock in Wiltshire are local people not being offered these properties, it appears that refugees are being offered them.


The homes we have provided for our refugees is accommodation that has been advertised to Wiltshire residents first but has not been allocated due to a lack of interest

For example since the introduction of the bedroom standard, many of our providers have struggled with allocating 1st and 2nd floor 2 bed properties as these properties have previously been allocated to single and couples with a 1 bed need, which is no longer possible to do as it would be unaffordable to them, and families prefer 2 bed houses with gardens. We also have a number of age designated sheltered properties that are often advertised on a number of occasions before we are able to find a suitable tenant.



2.Many tenants living in Pewsey would like to move to smaller properties but cannot because suitable smaller properties are being offered to people living outside of the community area.


Social housing in Wiltshire is allocated through the councils adopted allocation policy.  As explained within the policy in Section 9, all applicants who join the housing register are required to have a local connection to Wiltshire, unless they are part of the local connection exclusion group.  Priority will always be given to applicants with a local connection to a town or parish in the first instance


A local connection will be based on the following criteria:-


·       A person who is resident in that area. The residency will need to be permanent and have lived in the area 6 months out of the last 12 or 3 years out of the last 5, or

·       A person who is in permanent paid employment or has a fixed term contract for a minimum of one year or permanent offer of paid employment in the area, or is self employed and works predominately in the area or

·       A person with close family (grand-parents, parents, legal guardian, adult children or brothers and sisters) who have lived in the parish or town for 5 years or longer.


If no applicant can be found who has a local connection to the parish, town or neighbourhood plan area, the second allocation will be to any household with a connection to any surrounding parish or town.  If no local connection can be found to the surrounding area then the property will be awarded to the applicant with the highest band and oldest date of application.  Any tenant in Pewsey who is currently in social housing and needs to downsize would be eligible to join the register and be considered for any vacancy that meets the households needs.  I would therefore encourage those households in Pewsey to make contact  ...  view the full agenda text for item 4.

Supporting documents:




·       The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 7 March 2016 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Area Board Review of 2015/2016

Ros Griffiths – Community Engagement Manager.


A short film to update on priorities and to highlight achievements.



Ros Griffiths – Community Engagement Manager introduced a short film which updated on the Area Board priorities and highlighted many community achievements over the past year.


The Chairman thanked Ros Griffiths for her hard work and excellent film.



Wiltshire Council's Plan to tackle Child Exploitation

Blair Keltie – Service Manager CSE, Child Sexual Exploitation Team, Wiltshire Council.


A presentation on the reality of CSE and discussion on how it should be tackled in Wiltshire.


Blair Keltie - Child Sexual Exploitation Manager Early Help, Wiltshire Council gave a presentation on the reality of Child Sexual Exploitation and discussion on how it should be tackled in Wiltshire.


Points made included:


What are we doing about CSE in Wiltshire?


        A multi-agency strategy and action plan is in place led by the WSCB (Prevent, Protect, Pursue)

        The WSCB CSE sub-group includes the nominated leads from each agency

        Dedicated Multi Agency CSE Team located in MASH

        The Council and Police employ missing co-ordinators to oversee data and return interviews inc ‘Missing People’

        CSE handbook and tool-kit for practitioners

        A multi-agency risk management group, WRMG

        Single agency and multi-agency training in place

        Ongoing operational development  (Oxford and Rochdale visits)


What more do we need to do?


        Increase awareness (general public, parents/carers, hoteliers, taxi drivers, park wardens, shopping centre staff, GPs, Area Boards, Town and Parish Council, fast food outlets, supermarkets)

        Continue to engage all schools

        Use all available powers, eg abduction notices

        Commission a multi-agency peer review related to CSE

        Acknowledge that this is everyone’s business



It was agreed that a Chairman’s Announcement would be prepared to update on this important topic and circulated for all Area Board to highlight should they wish.


The Chairman thanked Blair Keltie for a very powerful presentation.



Getting to Know Prospect Hospice

Warren Finney Head of Community Engagement, Prospect Hospice.


Warren Finney Head of Community Engagement, Prospect Hospice gave a presentation that outlined the work of Prospect Hospice.


Points made included:


·       Established for 35 years.


·       Support a community of some 300,000 people.


·       Bases at Wroughton & and an Outreach centre at Marlborough.


·       Support more than 350 people in the Marlborough area alone in 2014/15.


·       6,362 people accessed the services of Prospect Hospice as patients, carers or family members (2014/15).


·       All our services are free.


·       Cost to run per year – £7.2million.


·       Just 28 per cent of our funding from NHS.


·       89p from every donated pound directly supports patient care and family support.


The Chairman thanked Warren Finney for his presentation.

20 mins


Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:


·       Wiltshire Police

·       Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

·       Health Watch Wiltshire

·       Pewsey Community Area Partnership

·       Parish Councils

·       Army Rebasing


Supporting documents:



The following Partner updates were given:


Wiltshire Police – Inspector Nick Mawson

The written report was noted.

It was noted that the Community Speed Watch groups would appreciate the Police coming out with them from time to time. Inspector Mawson advised that his officers did do this whenever they could.



Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

The written report was noted.

It was noted that a representative from the CCG never appeared to attend the Area Board meetings. Cllr Chris Williams advised that he would bring this up at the next Chair’s of Area Boards meeting.



Health Watch Wiltshire – Paul Lefever

The written report was noted.



Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) – Dawn Wilson

That PCAP were working with the Dementia Awareness group to launch the Safer Places initiative in the community area.



Everleigh Household Recycling Centre update – Colin Gale on behalf of PCAP presented the following slides:


·         At the 11th Jan PAB, PCAP presented slides demonstrating how Everleigh was NOT the most expensive HRC to operate and the cost per head of population compared favourably with other HRC sites.


·         PCAP have finally received a response to their correspondence from Cllr Sturgis, Cabinet Member for Waste, but unfortunately he has failed to answer the questions raised. With respect to the analysis on costs per population the following insufficient statement was provided:


It remains the case that Everleigh HRC continues to receive fewer visits and manage less waste than any other council owned HRCs. In this respect we continue to regard it as the least efficient site in the network, regardless of the analysis of efficiency per head of population.”


·         Various correspondence etc have provided conflicting information on the HRC contract duration (8 years or 1 year), cost penalties for early contract break and the overall future of Everleigh.


·         In order to gain an accurate and more complete understanding of the commercial status of Everleigh a ‘Freedom Of Information’ request was submitted applying for the HRC contract awarded to ‘Hills Waste Solutions Ltd’.


·         From initial correspondence it appears that WC did not let a new HRC contract for 8 years as thought. An extension of 1 year was applied to the existing contract from 31st July 2016 – 31st July 2017.


·         PCAP are still in discussions with WC with regard to the PCAP FOI request.


It was noted that Cllr Jerry Kunkler and Cllr Chris Williams would continue to press the case at County Hall for the future of the Everleigh HRC to be resolved.



Charlton St Peter and Wilsford Parish Council

The written report was noted.

Thanks were noted for the work that Cllr Paul Oatway had put in to try and keep disruption to a minimum re the A345 closure.



Rushall Parish Council

The written report was noted.



Army Rebasing

The written report was noted.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.



Co-ordinating activities around the social care agenda for older and vulnerable people

·       Partnership for Older People in Pewsey summary report


·       Health and Wellbeing Group briefing note


·       Older People and Carers Champion flyer


Supporting documents:


The following reports were noted and agreed by the Area Board:


·       Partnership for Older People in Pewsey summary report


·       Health and Wellbeing Group briefing note


·       Older People and Carers Champion flyer


Local Youth Network (LYN) - update and funding

Karen Brown – Community Youth Officer.

Supporting documents:


Karen Brown – Community Youth Officer gave a short update.


Points made included:


·       That work was ongoing on the Pewsey youth football grant.


·       Pewsey BMX track – now looking to get the site gates installed.


·       That the Cheerleading project was being very well received.


·       That PCAP were working with the Scouts on the Safer Places initiative.



Youth Grant Funding



Great Bedwyn Youth Group awarded £3,214.79 for Great Bedwyn Youth Activities 2016.


The Chairman thanked Karen Brown for her update and her hard work as the Pewsey Community Youth Officer. It was agreed that a lot of good youth work had been undertaken under the LYN way of working.



Proposed Resurfacing and Maintenance Programme for 2016/17

The Board is asked to consider and approve the list of proposed Highways maintenance schemes for 2016/17 as attached to the agenda.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board noted the report regarding progress on Wiltshire Council’s Local Highways Investment Fund 2014 – 2020, and the review of the local highway maintenance priorities for 2016/17.



The Vale Health and Wellbeing Centre - update

Ros Griffiths – Community Engagement Manager and Cllr Jerry Kunkler.


Ros Griffiths – Community Engagement Manager advised that:


1.     Planning is now due to be submitted mid-May due to a change in contractor for the power and heating solutions.

2.     The construction and completion dates remain unchanged. Design is on target to commence construction – Autumn 2016 and to open the facility Spring 2018.

3.     Discussions are taking place with the school to look at any potential joint opportunities that will benefit the community.

4.     Once planning is submitted Wiltshire Council will be discussing the interim leisure offer and developing plans to communicate this with users and the community leading up to the build period.

5.     The wheeled sports scoping group will also start the consultation with young people over the design and fit out of the wheeled sports area and choose a preferred provider.

6.     Over the coming months the design team will also be carrying out the detail design review with the support of Marilyn Hunt and Curly Haskell (Pewsey Parish Council) our community representatives, prior to going out to tender in the summer.




Supporting documents:

10 mins?


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Supporting documents:


The Councillors were asked to consider one application seeking 20015/16 Community Area Grant Funding:



Coronation Hall awarded £4,500 for Grafton Playing Field.

This application meets the grants criteria and has been classified as a capital project.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG) - update

Cllr Paul Oatway.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Paul Oatway gave the CATG update:


That the Community Area Transport Group Action/Notes Log of the meeting: 20 April 2016 were noted by the Area Board.


That the following recommendations were agreed by the Area Board:


Issue 3238: Rushall - Footway improvements OldBarnyard to Church Lane


To approve CATG allocation of £2,800 towards the balance of funding required for the implementation of this scheme.


Issue 3676: North Newnton Footway Improvements


To approve CATG allocation of £10,800 towards the balance of funding the survey work.



Issue 3731: Great Bedwyn The Knapp - dropped kerb


To approve CATG allocation of £242.51 towards the balance of funding this project.


Issue 3489: C8 Alton Barnes – request for Horse warning signs

To recommend to the Area Board that this Issue be closed.


Issue 3958: Collisions on C351 between Rushall and North Newnton

To recommend to the Area Board that this Issue be closed.


Issue 4383: Oare – request for village gates

To approve that this Issue be moved to the Priority Schemes list for design and costing by Highways.

To provisionally approve CATG allocation of £720 towards the balance of funding this project (subject to detail costing by highways).

The Chairman thanked Cllr Oatway for his update.


Any Other Business


There was none.




The next meeting of the Pewsey Area Board is scheduled for Monday 4 July 2016 at the Bouverie Hall, Pewsey.



The next meeting of the Pewsey Area Board was scheduled for Monday 4 July 2016.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.