Agenda and minutes

Pewsey Area Board - Monday 6 September 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Burbage Village Hall, Eastcourt Road, Burbage SN8 3AJ

Contact: James Hazlewood  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Area Board Members, and the officers supporting the meeting.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·         Peter Deck – Pewsey Parish Council

·         Mike Franklin – Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

·         Bernard Gaskin – Manningford Parish Council

·         Robert Bruce – Upavon Parish Council

·         Terry Eyles – Pewsey Parish Council

·         Glenda O’Connor – Pewsey Library

·         John Powell – Burbage Parish Council.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2010.


Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2010 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Chairman's Announcements

a.    Wiltshire Local Transport Plan Strategy

b.    Community Payback – call for “grot spots”

c.    Parish Stewards

d.    Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation

e.    Community Flooding information

f.     Great Stones Way


Supporting documents:


a.    Wiltshire LTP Strategy – Information on this consultation was set out at page 17 of the agenda.


b.    Community Payback – This project worked with offenders to provide free labour to local communities to enhance the local environment.  Parishes were invited to identify potential sites or projects for the scheme.  More information on this initiative was set out at page 19 of the agenda, and leaflets including referral forms were available on the tables.  Further information was available from Tracy Geiran on 01793 534259 or email


c.    Parish Stewards – Details of this scheme were set out on page 21 of the agenda.  In response to a question, Bill Parks (Head of Service, Local Highways and Streetscene – Central) confirmed that requests from Parish Councils could be logged through the Highways office in Marlborough.  This would then be prioritised along with other scheduled and requested works.


d.    Postponement of Gypsy and Traveller Consultation – The information set out at page 23 of the agenda advised that this consultation had been postponed.


e.    Reminder regarding Community Flooding Consultation – Parish Councils who had not already returned their flood consultation parks were reminded to do so.


f.     Great Stones Way – Information on this project was available at pages 27-28.  It was noted that there would be a presentation on the project at the Area Board meeting on 22 November.




Youth Service in Pewsey

To receive an update from Kevin Sweeney (Operations Manager, Youth Development Service) on the future provision of Youth Services in the Pewsey Community Area.



Kevin Sweeney, (Operations Manager, Youth Development Service) referred the meeting to the presentation given at the meeting on 29 March 2010. 


Earlier in 2010, to address the historic imbalance and inconsistency in how youth services were funded in Wiltshire, a formula had been designed to allocate funding to Community Areas based on need, taking into account population,deprivation and rural isolation.  As there was no overall change to the level of resources available, some areas would see their share drop and others would receive greater levels of resources.


Following the initial calculations, it had been identified that the formula had been applied to out-of-date figures for the Pewsey Community Area.  As such, the process had been suspended, to allow for the formula to be applied to correct, up-to-date figures.  This had now been completed, and although population figures had increased, comparable deprivation had decreased, resulting in an overall drop in funding for the Pewsey Community Area.


Kevin emphasised that this did not mean that the Shak would be closing.  However, the services provided would need to be reviewed in the context of the reduced funding available.  It was proposed to discontinue the breakfast and lunch clubs, as evening activities were considered more important.


Pewsey Area Youth Partnership had been lobbying hard in relation to this issue, and following discussions with the school, it was hoped that the school would be able to run the breakfast and lunch clubs from the Shak.  Due to the need to finalise details, it was anticipated that the breakfast and lunch clubs would not be ready to open immediately after the summer break, but it was hoped that the new arrangements could be up and running following the October half-term.


The Chairman thanked Kevin for the update, adding that the proposals for the school to run the breakfast and lunch clubs would not impact on the school’s budget, but would be facilitated by the reallocation of staff time.


Responding to a question, Kevin explained that activities which would continue to be funded by Youth Development Services would include:


·         The Shak opening four evenings a week, including Friday night

·         A programme of activities in the summer

·         Support and encouragement for young people to get involved in local democracy and to see themselves as citizens

·         Support for young people to design, fundraise and manage their own projects.


The Chairman concluded by thanking Justin Oliver for his involvement in discussions to save the breakfast and lunch clubs.




Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partners:


a)            Wiltshire Police;

b)            Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service;

c)            NHS Wiltshire;

d)            Pewsey Community Area Partnership – the Partnership will seek the Area Board’s endorsement on the enclosed revised Community  Plan which was adopted by the Partnership on 10 June 2010;

e)            Parish Councils.


Supporting documents:


(a)       Wiltshire Police


Inspector Andy Peach commented that he had nothing further to add to the written update which had been tabled.


Bob Woodward, of Pewsey Parish Council, noted that the Community Speed Watch (CSW) scheme in Pewsey, while relatively successful, was limited to one road, while there were four main roads into Pewsey, each with a speeding problem.  He asked whether, since the volunteers, training and equipment was in place, the scheme could be permitted to operate on other roads in Pewsey.  Inspector Peach confirmed that, subject to a risk assessment on the sites in question, there was no problem in principle with the established CSW scheme operating on other roads.  The Neighbourhood Policing Team would be asked to liaise with the Parish Office regarding reference numbers for the other sites, so these could be used when CSW teams advised of their specific locations.


Responding to a question regarding the decision to disband the Camera Safety Partnership, Inspector Peach confirmed that the police would continue to work with and support CSW teams to tackle speeding.  In addition, it was noted that static and mobile number-plate recognition cameras would continue to be used to catch drivers without insurance, tax and MOT.


(b)       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


            In his role as Chairman of the Fire Authority, Councillor Brigadier Robert Hall referred the meeting to the written update at page 29 of the agenda, commenting that there had only been two fires in the area, with nine further call-outs under the co-responding arrangements with the Ambulance Service.


It was also noted that pro-active work was being undertaken with Canal boat users on the Kennet and Avon Canal, to reduce incidents of boat fires.


Councillor Hall also referred to the Performance Reward Grant application from the Fire and Rescue Service in relation to the Salamander project.  This bid had received support from the Area Board at the meeting on 10 May 2010, however recent in-year cuts in the service’s budget had made this project unviable and so it would not be going ahead.


(c)        NHS Wiltshire


The meeting was referred to the updated written update which had been tabled.


(d)       Pewsey Community Area Partnership


Bob King, Chairman of the Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP), introduced the revised Pewsey Community Area Plan, copies of which had been tabled.  The plan set out the priorities and issues in the Community Area, setting out progress and on-going actions.  The plan had been adopted by PCAP on 10 June 2010 and the Area Board’s endorsement was now sought.



The Pewsey Area Board agreed to endorse the Pewsey Community Area Plan (adopted 10 June 2010).


(e)       Parish Councils


The Chairman referred to the updates at pages 35-37 in the agenda. There were no further updates.




Review of Library Service

To receive a presentation from Chris Moore (Reading and Learning Services Manager) and John Salen (Project Manager, Business Change), on the review of the Library Services.



Chris Moore, Reading and Learning Services Manager, gave a presentation on the review of the Library Service.


A review of the service had been instigated to identify what library users wanted from the service.  This would be considered in the context of the £500,000 savings required from the service’s budget within the next two years, representing about 10% of the existing budget. 


It was noted that Wiltshire’s Library Service was currently very highly rated compared with library services in similar local authorities.  In the Pewsey Community Area, use of the mobile library service was increasing, and the redeveloped Pewsey Library was due to be opened at the end of the 2010.


A wide variety of services was currently provided in libraries, including 750,000 books, CDs, DVDs, local information, various events, school links, and other groups.


A number of ideas had been raised during the consultation so far; some of these were already provided in some libraries, and others would be considered for future service offers.  However, further suggestions were still sought, and everyone present was encouraged to fill out the cards on each table, asking for five top priorities for the future of the Library Service.


The Chairman thanked Chris for the presentation and invited questions and comments from the floor:


·         In response to questions, Chris reported that the Library Service was working across the county to increase literacy, by engaging with partners such as Social Services and the NHS to encourage reading outside of the library context.  Other literacy projects included the six book challenge, where readers were challenged to read six books in the first six months of the year, and “quick reads” which were shorter books by popular authors, which could appear less intimidating to readers with low literacy skills.


·         Pewsey Parish Council thanked the Library Service for its work in planning the redevelopment of Pewsey Library, and for consulting at an early stage in this review.


·         Chris advised that consideration had been given to lending “e-books” which could be downloaded to “e-readers”.  However, this could potentially be expensive and so would only be introduced if there was a sufficient service demand from users.


·         There were already good links between the Community Librarians and the schools in the area.  Nicola Gilbert, of Pewsey Primary School, commented that the school took each class to the library once a week.




Leisure Facilities Review

To receive a presentation from Mark Smith (Director of Neighbourhood Services) on the recent review of leisure facilities in Wiltshire.



Councillor Stuart Wheeler, in his role as Cabinet Member for Leisure, Sport and Culture, gave a presentation on the review of council-owned indoor leisure facilities.


Wiltshire Council had inherited some form of financial responsibility for 23 facilities around the county, including many facilities which were out of date and inefficient.  The situation was unsustainable, with £93 million required over the next 25 years merely to sustain the existing stock, excluding any investment to improve the building.


As such, proposals had been developed on the basis of £117 million investment over 25 years, to deliver a high quality, efficient and sustainable service.  This would also go some way to meeting carbon reduction targets, with leisure facilities currently accounting for 21% of the Council’s carbon emissions.


The proposals would see four new facilities within campuses, with another two existing facilities being significantly enhanced and retained.  The remaining facilities would also receive significant capital investment, before being made available for transfer to community management arrangements, as part of a robust process including support and identification of suitable business models, phased financial support resulting in independency, and potentially the transfer of freehold. It was acknowledged that different mechanisms and solutions would suit different facilities, and so a report on options had been commissioned to give examples of arrangements which had been established in other areas.


The Pewsey Sports Centre had been identified for devolvement to community management. This could be to a single or a variety of different groups, and it was anticipated that the Parish Council would be involved in the process as an enabler, for example in identifying potential groups.  To this end, the Parish Council was proposing a public meeting in October or November.  All Parish Councils in the area would be invited to attend and to contribute to this process.


Consultation on the proposals was taking place up to 29 October 2010, with details available on the Council’s website, and at libraries, leisure facilities and offices.  A report on the outcome of the consultation would be submitted to the Cabinet in December, and the Council would consider the results in February 2011.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Wheeler for the presentation, and invited questions and comments:


·         Following a comment regarding the priority given to the school at the Pewsey Sports Centre, the Chairman undertook to liaise with Pewsey Vale School Head Teacher, Carol Grant, over the time slot allocated to the badminton club.


·         It was suggested the Pewsey Sports Centre could be transferred to private ownership.  Councillor Wheeler commented that if a private enterprise could present a business plan that would be acceptable to the community then this could be considered.  However, it was noted that privately run leisure facilities often relied on membership arrangements and higher prices.


·         Expressions of interest were welcomed at anytime from now onwards, and it was confirmed that statements of accounts, and revenue details would be made available on request to interested parties.  Support would be offered by the council to any groups wishing to develop  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Community Issues

Councillor Stuart Wheeler will give an update on the progress made regarding issues which have been raised with the Area Board.


Supporting documents:


The meeting was referred to the written update regarding on-going issues on pages 39-41.


Caroline Brailey commented that volunteers had come forward for the Community Area Transport Group (CATG).  The first meeting of this group had been arranged and would report to the meeting of the Area Board on 22 November.




Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered a number of applications for Community Area Grant funding.  The Chairman invited the local Councillor to introduce each application, following which a representative of the applicant was given an opportunity to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.



Pewsey Vale Ladies Netball Club was awarded £1,000 towards start up costs.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2010/11 and would allow this volunteer-run club to join the local league.



Marden Village Hall was awarded £1,501 to replace and move the existing heating oil tank to comply with regulations.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2010/11 and would allow this essential and unexpected maintenance project to go ahead, permitting the continued safe operation of the community facility.



Sunflowers Pre-school was awarded £981 towards play equipment.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2010/11 and would support this not-for profit, community organisation.



Wootton Rivers Village Hall was awarded £1,895 to replace suspended ceiling tiles with new insulated tiles and to replace lights and install a convector heater in the toilet.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2010/11 and would support the maintenance of this community facility.


In relation to the application from Great Bedwyn School Association, it was noted that this did not meet the Community Area Grant Criteria 2010/11.  Although the Area Board supported the principle of the project, it was considered that the room would be for educational purposes approximately 75% of the time, and as such it was not considered to be a suitable project for Community Area Grant support. 



The application from Great Bedwyn School Association for £5,000 towards a community room was REFUSED.

Reason – It was not considered that the application demonstrated sufficiently widespread community benefit to justify not meeting the Community Area Grants criteria for 2010/11.


The Chairman commented that there was £27,713 left in the Community Area Grants budget for 2010/11.  The next Area Board meeting would be on 22 November 2010; the deadline for grants to be considered at that meeting was 8 October.




Performance Reward Grant

To consider whether the Board wishes to support any applications for Performance Reward Grant funding.


To receive feedback on previous bids supported by the Area Board.


Supporting documents:


Steve Milton, Head of Community Governance, introduced the following two applications for Performance Reward Grant funding, commenting that they were not presented for determination by the Area Board, but rather sought approval for referral to the Performance Reward Grant Panel, who would make a final decision.


(a)           Wiltshire Voices


This was a County-wide project to support Area Boards in engaging with hard-to-reach elements of society.  Each Area Board would identify a different target group; in Pewsey this was proposed to be rural families on low incomes.



The Pewsey Area Board supported the bid for Wiltshire Voices to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.



(b)          Wiltshire is Saving Energy (WiSE)


This bid was another county-wide project, to provide energy monitors which could be hired for free from libraries, to allow users to see clearly how much energy their appliances used and how their behaviour impacted on their energy use.



The Pewsey Area Board supported the bid for WiSE to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.




Update on Area Board Projects

To receive updates on the following two on-going projects being managed by the Area Board:


a.    Youth Transport Funding


b.    Reducing unnecessary Street Lighting – Bob King, Chairman of Pewsey Community Area Partnership, will give an update.



(a)          Youth Transport Funding


The Chairman reported that the Area Board had £4,450 funding available for projects benefitting young people.  Discussions were on-going with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services (Councillor Lionel Grundy) regarding the potential use of approximately half of this budget to support the Breakfast club under its proposed new arrangements (see minute 6 above).


Proposals and volunteers were invited to come forward with firm proposals for use of the remainder of the funding.


(b)          Reducing unnecessary Street Lighting


At the Chairman’s invitation, Bob King, Chairman of the Pewsey Community Area Partnership, gave an update on this project.  Correspondence had been sent to all Parish Councils in the Community Area to advise them of the scheme and to invite suggestions of where street lighting columns could be replaced with the new, more efficient lamps.



Urgent Business

Time permitting, the Chairman will invite questions and comments on issues not covered elsewhere in the agenda.







Those attending will be asked to give their feedback on the meeting.



Those present were invited to give their views on the meeting by means of the electronic voting handsets.




Future Meeting Dates and Close

To note the Forward Plan attached.


The next meeting of the Pewsey Area Board is scheduled for Thursday 22 November 2010, 7pm at Pewsey Vale School.


Supporting documents:


The next meeting of the Pewsey Area Board was scheduled for Monday 22 November 2010, 7pm at Pewsey Vale School.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.