Agenda and minutes

Bradford on Avon Area Board - Wednesday 8 March 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: St Margarets Hall, Bradford on Avon

Contact: Kevin Fielding 

No. Item


Introduction from Chairman


The Chairman welcomed everybody to St Margarets Hall.


The Chairman advised that this would be Cllr Rosemary Brown and Cllr Ian Thorn’s last Bradford on Avon Area Board meeting. Both were thanked for their hard work as Area Board members.


Mobile communications mast protest

The Chairman allowed local residents to voice their concerns re the proposed plans to site a mobile communications mast at the Christchurch area of Bradford on Avon.


A petition protesting against the siting of the mast had been started, and a public meeting was planned.


Apologies for Absence


There were none.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Cllr Rosemary Brown & Cllr Ian Thorn – Wiltshire Music Centre grant application.


Would not debate or vote on this application.



Chairman's Announcements

·       Great British Spring Clean.


·       BoA Business Survey results.



The Following Chairman’s Announcements were noted:


·        Great British Spring Clean - Well done to those involved in litter picks at Poulton Skate Ramps and at Staverton. Other events coming up at Fitzmaurice Primary School and at Monkton Farleigh




Minutes for approval

·       To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Area Board meeting held on 9 November 2016.


·       To approve and sign as the correct record the Minutes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 27 February 2017.


·       To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Local Youth Network Management Group meetings held 21 February 2017.


·       To approve and sign as the correct record the Minutes of the Health & Wellbeing Group meeting held on 19 January 2017.






Supporting documents:


The minutes of the Area Board meeting held on 9 November 2016 were signed as the correct record.


The minutes of the Local Youth Network Management Group meetings held 21 February 2017 were signed as the correct record.


The minutes of the Health & Wellbeing Group meeting held on 19 January

2017 were signed as the correct record with the following amendment:


  • With regard to the recently published Sustainability and Transformation Plan, that the BoA Health and Wellbeing Group seeks the support of the BoA Area Board to press for further, more meaningful, public consultation  on the likely effect of proposals on local communities. (It was agreed that the Area Board was fully supportive of this).



Partner Updates

·       Wiltshire Police (including Sergeant Paul Harvey on Cyber Crime in Wiltshire).


·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service.


·       NHS Wiltshire.


·       HealthWatch Wiltshire.


Supporting documents:


The following written partner updates were noted:


·        Wiltshire Police (Including a short Cyber Crime presentation by Sgt Paul Harvey).


·        Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


·        HealthWatch Wiltshire


Local Youth Network update

·       Youth grant and procurement projects.


·       Update from the LYN Management Group and Local Youth Facilitator


Supporting documents:


The Area Board members ratified the following grants funded through delegated authority:



Procurement of a Youth Café at the Secret Garden Café, part-funded this financial year at a cost of £745 and part-funded next financial year at £745, subject to review.



Procurement of the subsidised swimming at the Bradford on Avon Pool, part-funded this financial year at a cost of £500 and part-funded next financial year at £500, subject to review.



Procurement of school holiday activities through Active Trowbridge at a cost of £560.



The Area Board members considered one application for youth funding:


Bradford on Avon guides requesting £750.00 for Uniforms for girl guides for Switzerland trip. The Area Board members declined to fund this application.


The Chairman thanked Emma Drage – Local Youth Facilitator and the Local Youth Network (LYN) Management Group for their work.



River Crossing Feasibility - public consultation

Sarah Gibson - LA Box.




Sarah Gibson of LA Box consultants gave a short presentation to preview an interactive survey which has been commissioned by the Area Board with the support of the Town Council, to look at pedestrian safety where residents and visitors cross the river Avon in Bradford on Avon.


The survey would initially be held at the Coach House in the Swan Hotel car park on 10th and 11th March and in the foyer of St Laurence School on the 14th and 15th March.


Presentation panels were displayed and a demonstration given to show how the origin and destination of resident and visitor travel journeys across the river would be traced using different colours of copper wire.


The Chairman thanked Sarah Gibson for her presentation.



Report back from Our Community Matters (JSA) Conference

Peter Dunford - Community Engagement Manager.


Supporting documents:


Peter Dunford – Community Engagement Manager gave an update on the outcome of the ‘Our Community Matters’ Joint Strategic Assessment event held on 4 January 2017 and recommended that the Area Board endorsed the outcomes.

The Bradford on Avon ‘Our Community Matters’ event was held on the 4 January at St Margaret’s Hall. Around 110 members of the public and partner agencies attended and participated in the event, which focused on the data set out in the Community Area Joint Strategic Assessment 2016-17. 


Full details of the outcomes were included in the agenda pack.




·        That the Area Board adopts the priorities identified by the ‘Our Community Matters’ event and works to facilitate local action to tackle those priorities.


·        That the Area Board requests the Local Youth Network, the Health and Wellbeing Group and the Community Area Transport Group (and any other local task groups established by the Board) to adopt and take forward the priorities identified in the relevant theme areas.


·        That the Area Board requests the Community Engagement   Manager to work with key partners, agencies and community groups to coordinate action around the priorities identified.


·        That the Board considers whether it wishes to champion a particular theme or priority and to earmark funding to promote, initiate and support community-led action around the selected priorities.


·        That the Board considers appointing a lead member to champion the priorities adopted.


·        That reports are submitted to the Board on progress made to address the priorities to ensure that positive outcomes are delivered and that this be made a regular item on future Board meetings.


The Chairman thanked Peter Dunford and all the people who gave their time to participate in the event.



Area Board Achievements 2013-2017

Peter Dunford - Community Engagement Manager.


Supporting documents:


Peter Dunford, Community Engagement Manager, introduced a short film which highlighted many of the Area Board Achievements during 2013 – 2017.


A full report on achievements and grant funding over the period 2013- 2017 was also included in the agenda pack.


It had been a very busy period with much good work and positive outcomes achieved.


The Chairman thanked Peter Dunford for his presentation.



Local Highways Investment Fund

Cllr Magnus Macdonald – Chairman, Bradford on Avon Area Board.



Supporting documents:


Cllr Magnus Macdonald outlined the report contained in the agenda pack.


Points made included:


·        The local highway network was vital to providing connectivity for businesses and communities, and effective maintenance to ensure its availability was essential to the economic development of the county. Wiltshire Council recognised the importance of maintaining and managing its highway network effectively.


·        The ‘Local Highways Investment Fund 2014 – 2020’ was addressing the long standing under investment in highways maintenance, which had been a problem nationally for many years.


·        The significant investment of £21 million annually for six years by Wiltshire Council had already seen a substantial improvement in the condition of the county’s road network, with a 30% reduction in the carriageway maintenance backlog in the first two years of the investment.


·        An indicative list of priority sites for treatment in 2017/18 had been developed ( Appendix 2, Page 93 of the agenda pack). The list included resurfacing of Market Street, Bradford on Avon which was likely to take place in the autumn.





·        That the Bradford on Avon Area Board agreed and noted the list of priority sites for treatment in 2017/18 ( Appendix 2, Page 93 of the agenda pack).






Budget Update and Applications for Grant Funding

·       Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for £5,000 towards Dementia Friendly Bradford on Avon initiative.


·       Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for £6,000 towards the Living Well Project.


·       Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for £1,000 costs of public consultation for River Crossing Feasibility Study.


·       Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for £1,500 towards a Benchmarking exercise and Signage Audit.


·       Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for £400 towards a new tourism brochure for Bradford on Avon.


·       Grant application by Councillor Carbin for £500 towards the Staverton Reed Beds project.


Supporting documents:



The budget report was noted by the Area Board members, showing £14, 447.50 ring-fenced funding yet to be drawn down in 2016/17.


The Area Board members considered six applications for grant funding:



Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for Dementia Friendly Bradford on Avon initiative awarded £5,000.



Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for the Living Well Project awarded £6,000.



Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for costs of public consultation for River Crossing Feasibility Study awarded £1,000.



Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for £1,500 towards a Benchmarking exercise and Signage Audit – application was withdrawn and invited to be re-submitted by BoA Town Council.



Grant application by Councillor Macdonald for a new tourism brochure for Bradford on Avon awarded £400.


Grant application by Councillor Carbin for the Staverton Reed Beds project awarded £500.



Date of Next Meeting

·       Wednesday 24 May 2017 at St Laurence School.




Wednesday 24 May 2017 at St Laurence School.