Agenda and minutes

Bradford on Avon Area Board - Wednesday 22 September 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: St Laurence School, Bradford on Avon

Contact: Kevin Fielding 

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to St Laurence School, and introduced the Wiltshire councillors who made up the board, including Stuart Wheeler and Dick Tonge, (Wiltshire Council cabinet members) who were in attendance for this meeting, as well as Sharon Davies, (Service Director), the Community Area Manager and the Democratic Services Officer.


All town, parish and partner representatives in attendance were welcomed by the Chairman.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from John Allison, (Winsley PC), James Colquhoun, (Head Teacher, St Laurence School) and David Gregory, (Community Area Partnership).




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2010.



Supporting documents:




The minutes of the meeting held on the 21 July 2010 were approved and signed as the correct record.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee


There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

To include:


·        Community Payback – Call for Grot Spots


·        Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation


·        Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2026


·        Community Area Transport Group




Updates from Wiltshire Police, NHS Wiltshire, Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Services and The community area partnership are also available in your packs.



Bradford on Avon Area Board Issues Update – September 2010.

Supporting documents:


Community Payback – Call for Grot Spots

The Chairman advised that parishes should think of any areas where this initiative could be utilised.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation

The consultation planned on possible new Gypsy and Traveller sites following on from the work carried out in April and June this year has now been put on hold following new central government policy.


Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2026

Consultation on the draft Local Transport Plan will run from 4 October to 26 November 2010. Individuals could comments on the documents online at


Community Area Transport Group

This group has been set up to prioritise which small capital traffic management schemes should receive funding. The group has a total of £10,000 to spend on traffic schemes across the community area. Nominations are still required from some parishes to stand on this group and representatives need to be confirmed by the 1 November 2010. The Chairman has requested that Wiltshire Council highways department supply him with more information as to the different funding Wiltshire Council uses to pay for maintenance, small capital schemes and large capital schemes.


Partner Updates


i.                    Wiltshire Police


The written update distributed with the agenda pack was noted.


Points made from the floor included:


  • Reassurances that new systems were in place to stop any further incidents such as the incident in Melksham which was recently covered by the national news and media outlets.


  • How do local residents obtain anti-social log sheets to record incidents in their community areas? Inspector Cullop advised that he would ensure the resident in question received these sheets. It is also possible to access them online at


  • The update did include some encouraging crime figures and Wiltshire Police should be congratulated on their performance.


  •  Why there would be a new police station in Corsham when the police station in Bradford could not offer a front desk service? Inspector Cullop advised that the police station in Corsham would not offer a front desk service and therefore would be the same as the police station in Bradford on Avon.


The Chairman thanked Inspector Cullop for his update.


ii. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The written update distributed with the agenda pack was noted.


iii. NHS Wiltshire

The written update distributed with the agenda pack was noted.


iv. Bradford on Avon Community Area Partnership

The written update distributed with the agenda pack was noted.



Public Participation


 Questions raised during the public participation session.


  1. Martin Moyes, (Holt PC) advised the board that Holt village was suffering from ambulances travelling through the village at speed when enroute to emergencies, there was concerns for the safety of local children.


The Chairman advised that Community area manager would raise this issue with Wiltshire ambulance service.


  1. Trevor Carbin raised a question on behalf of Staverton Parish Council asking what was happening re extra grit bin allocation for local parishes.


Cllr Dick Tonge, (Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport) advised that following the severe weather last winter a large number of requests for additional bins had been received. It is not feasible to meet the cost of providing and filling the 422 additional bins requested, but it would be possible to provide about 100 new bins.


It is necessary to prioritise the provision of these bins which represent a 10% increase in bins across the county and that it was proposed that each Area Board should have a 10% increase in the number of bins in their area.


In all areas the requests exceed the allocations, which meant that It would be necessary for the Area Boards to decide the priorities for the allocation of the bins.


The Chairman advised that parishes should contact the Community area manager by the 1 November stating where they would like any extra grit bins located. The requests for grit bins would be prioritised at the Community Area Transport Workshop to take place in November.



Barton Farm Play Area

The Friends of Barton Farm Play Area will be presenting their plans for the Barton Farm Play Area and asking for feedback.

Supporting documents:


Alison Brown, (The friends of Barton Farm play area) presented plans for the regeneration of the Barton Farm Play Area.


Points made included:


  • The friends of Barton Farm play area were looking for the area board to support them as they looked to transform the site into a modern, multi age group play area.


  • The site was well used by both locals and tourists and was in dire need of updating.


  • Local artists would be encouraged to build art into the fabric of the proposed play area.




That the Bradford on Avon Area Board would write to the Town Council requesting that they adopt the friends of Barton Farm play area and support them in this venture.


It was hoped that the Town Council, Leisure & Arts committee may be able to support the friends of Barton Farm play area.


The Chairman thanked Alison Brown for her presentation and wished the friends of Barton Farm play area well for this project.



Leisure Review

Stuart Wheeler, cabinet representative for Leisure, Sport and Culture will be attending the area board to talk about the Review of Leisure Facilities being carried out by Wiltshire Council and to ask members of the community how they feel leisure services should be delivered in the future.

Supporting documents:




Stuart Wheeler, (Cabinet representative for Leisure, Sport and Culture) attended the area board to discuss the Review of Leisure Facilities being carried out by Wiltshire Council and how leisure services in Bradford on Avon were likely to be affected.


Points made by Cllr Wheeler included:


  • Wiltshire Council inherited the financial responsibility for 23 leisure facilities on 1 April 2009


  • Present indoor leisure facility stock is broadly outdated, inefficient and unsustainable


  • £93 million would be required over the next 25 years to sustain the existing buildings (does not include service or building enhancements)
  • Wiltshire Council was proposing £117 million investment over the next 25 years in order to create a high quality service and to secure the sustainable devolvement of the smaller, local focused facilities


  • In Bradford on Avon, it was proposed that refurbishments to be undertaken leading to the devolvement of the facility. Devolvement could be to a single or a variety of different groups. In other parts of the county interest has been forthcoming from community groups, town/parish councils, schools, existing trusts etc


  • The council has commissioned a report on the community trust options to help assist with the proposal


  • Community groups will be given support and advice to set up the organisation


  • Calne and Cricklade, where community members run the local leisure facilities, had volunteered to give advice and support where requested


  • The consultation was open until the 29October. After this, cabinet would consider the outcome of the public consultation in December 2010 and Full Council would consider recommendations in February 2011.


Comments from the floor:


  • It was important to ensure that there were cycle links to leisure centres.  Councillor Wheeler expressed his support for ensuring that cycling routes to leisure centres and asked Robin Townsend to contact SUSTRANS to investigate the process for nominating routes.


  • The consultation had been very ‘bland’ and therefore the results would not be very informative. What the community really needed was information about whether the Leisure Centre could be viable if run by the community. Councillor Wheeler commented that they were not looking for individuals to volunteer to run the centre straight away but were looking to work with community members to work out what would be the most appropriate model for Bradford on Avon.


  • Pool machinery is very expensive – the community needed reassurance that it would not be expected to take over machinery which was out of date. Councillor Wheeler confirmed that machinery would be refurbished before any centre was handed over to community groups.


  • Bradford on Avon Swimming Club made a significant investment into the pool. The current equipment did need improvement. If a trust did take over the pool, would they have to continually raise funds to keep the facilities going?


  • Why had Bradford on Avon been chosen as one of the facilities that should be transferred? Councillor Wheeler commented that it was inappropriate for Wiltshire Council to continue running 23 sports centres and that this proposal reflected the big society agenda which promoted  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62.


Car Parking Strategy - Consultation Feedback

Rob Murphy, Wiltshire Council will be feeding back on the results of a consultation on parking policy across the county.


Cllr Dick Tonge, (Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport) updated the meeting on the feed back of the results of the consultation on parking policy across the county.


Points made by Councillor Tonge included:


  • It was necessary to review car parking policy as the move towards Wiltshire Council had brought together four policies from the former district councils.


  • Parking policy went beyond just charging and was an important part of the local transport policy (e.g. improving street scenes, reducing traffic conflicts and supporting bus services).


  • There had been 600 responses to the consultation and 5,000 comments made.


  • Countywide responses on the objectives of the strategy, banding and town council opportunities showed:


o       Overwhelming support for economy as most important objective.

o       Next highest support for meeting residents’ needs for parking.

o       Majority support for concept of banding towns and proposed land-use zones.

o       A small majority disagree with proposed bands.

o       A large majority agree that town and parish councils should be offered ‘buy back’ and car park management opportunities.


  • Countywide responses on parking charges recorded that:


o       The majority selected ‘conventional’ (lowest) parking charges option.

o       Some respondents disagreed with all three options (e.g. wanting to keep parking free in small towns).

o       Little enthusiasm for proposed Sunday parking charges.

o       Small majority support for the proposed way of reviewing charges.


  • Countywide responses on residents’ parking showed:


o       Significant support for more pragmatic approach to residential parking in new housing developments.

o       Overwhelming support for policy and process on residents’ parking zones.

o       Large majority support for policy on overspill parking in residential areas.


  • There was overwhelming majority supported the council’s approach to parking enforcement.


  • A large majority stated that council should continue to offer season tickets.


  • In Bradford on Avon, key responses had been that:


o       Each town has different characteristics and needs.

o       Strategy needs to be flexible enough to deal with special schemes such as the Historic Core Zone proposal.

o       Lack of public parking provision on north side of town.

o       Inadequate parking provision for residents – situation will get worse with Kingston Mills development.

o       There was a need to cater for needs of tourists.


  • It was planned that following the area board, cabinet would consider the consultation responses and feedback form area boards in December. Statutory procedures would take place from January – March. Changes would be implemented from April 2011. 


Points made from the floor on the future of Bradford on Avon car parking included:


  • Sunday parking charges, free in some towns, but not in others.


  • The review document does not appear to clarify where parking is justified.


  • On street parking is a good way of calming traffic.


  • Would like to see long stay parking leading into the historic core zone.


  • Residents parking is vital on the north side of the river.


  • Potential parking issues when new residents move into the Kingston Mill site.


  • Town centre residents were struggling with a one hour zone.



Community Area Grant Funding

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider one application to the Community Area Grants Scheme 2010/11 as follows:


·        Bradford on Avon Rowing Club request £3,388 to buy equipment for junior Rowers.


Copies of the completed application forms and grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme 2010/11 are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:



Supporting documents:


The Wiltshire Councillors considered one application to the Community Area Grants Scheme 2010/11 as follows:


Bradford on Avon Rowing Club, request for £3,388 to buy junior rowing equipment.


Cllr Alan Mines, (Wingfield PC) outlined the report on behalf of the Bradford on Avon Community Area Grants Advisory Group. He highlighted the concerns the group had on the amount of reserves and asked if the Rowing Club had adequate insurance.


Nick Ware from the BoA Rowing Club responded to say that he had been treasurer for two years and could confirm that the club was fully insured against all risks which were insurable. He identified that the building used by the rowing club was very old and likely to need repair and that recently significant maintenance projects had come up at short notice. Therefore the reserves were there to meet genuine risks. Recently the club had had to spend £7,500 on fencing to prevent people from breaking into the club for example.




  • Bradford on Avon Rowing Club was awarded £3,388 to buy equipment for junior Rowers.


·        Members requested that the community area manager checks the reserves of all applicants when applying for future community area grant funding.


Cllr Brown abstained from the vote.


The above application met the Community Area Grant criteria for 2010/11, and will help to provide leisure and youth sports coaching facilities in Bradford on Avon.



Performance Reward Grant Scheme Funding

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider two bids to the Performance Reward Grant Scheme, as follows:

  i.  An application has been received by all area boards from the Climate Change Team who wish to provide free energy monitors for loan at all of Wiltshire’s libraries to help households reduce their energy consumption and fuel costs.

  ii. An application has been received by all area boards from Councillor Chris Williams, entitled Wiltshire Voices. This project is a two year initiative which will challenge our Area Boards to develop new and innovative approaches to community engagement and empowerment, particularly focused on engaging with hard to reach and traditionally excluded groups.


Supporting documents:


The Wiltshire Councillors will considered two bids to the Performance Reward Grant Scheme, as follows:


i. Wiltshire Is Saving Energy


An application had been received by all area boards from the Climate Change Team who wished to provide free energy monitors for loan at all of Wiltshire’s libraries to help households reduce their energy consumption and fuel costs.


The bid requested £12,566 to make energy monitors and support packs available to hire free from every library.


It was noted that a successful pilot has already taken place in which 41 energy monitors were made available in 6 libraries. These monitors have been continuously on issue and there are 31 customers on the waiting list.


It was noted that Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon had expressed their complete support for the bid.




The Bradford on Avon Area Board endorsed the Performance Reward Grant application from the Climate Change Team.


ii. Wiltshire Voices


An application had been received by all area boards from Councillor Chris Williams, entitled Wiltshire Voices. This project is a two year initiative which would challenge our Area Boards to develop new and innovative approaches to community engagement and empowerment, particularly focused on engaging with hard to reach and traditionally excluded groups.


£3,000 would be requested for each community area to undertake this project.


It had been suggested by the Wiltshire Council officers that this work could potentially focus on the boater community as they had a large presence in the Bradford on Avon Area.


Points from the floor included:


  • Who had suggested the boater community as a focus for this work? The boaters were already engaged with the area board process. 


The community area manager clarified that it had been suggested by Wiltshire Council officers that if the area board supported this project, that this work could focus on the boater community but that this was still open to debate and that Wiltshire Council would welcome any thoughts or comments on which group might benefit most from this piece of work in Bradford on Avon.




The Bradford on Avon Area Board does not support the Performance Reward Grant application from Wiltshire Voices.



Cllr Brown abstained from voting.


Councillors expressed the view that engaging with unrepresented groups should form part of the core work of the area board and that the project should not be a priority in the current economic climate. It was noted that the boater community was already engaged with the area board process and had presented to the board in January.



Future Meeting Dates

Wednesday 24 November 2010 – St Margaret’s Hall.

Wednesday 19th January 2011 – venue TBC.

            Wednesday 16th March 2011 – St Margaret’s Hall.


Wednesday 24 November 2010 – St Margaret’s Hall.


Wednesday 19January 2011 – venue TBC.


Wednesday 16March 2011 – St Margaret’s Hall.


Evaluation and Close


The Chairman thanked everybody for attending the meeting.