Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following announcements through the Chairman:


·       Changes to residual waste collection days from 28 February 2022 (page 11)

·       Ask Angela Campaign relaunch (page 13)

·       Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2-5 June 2022 (pages 15 – 16)

·       Great British Spring Clean (pages 17 - 18)

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire update (page 19)

·       B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG update (pages 21 – 25)

·       National Highways, A303 Stonehenge update (page 27)

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service (pages 29 – 34)

·       Luncheon and Friendship clubs (verbal update)

·       Area Board Update (verbal update)


The Chairman referred the meeting to the written details included with the agenda for the announcements listed.


The Chairman also made the following verbal announcements:


·       Luncheon and Friendship Clubs

The Chairman announced that some luncheon and friendship clubs in Netheravon, Durrington and Shrewton may be affected by the funding changes but pledged that he would try to help them find funding and that the Area Board would consider any grant applications they submitted.


·       Area Board updates

The meeting was reminded of the changes to Area Boards whereby there were 4 business meetings a year, there was also monthly clinics (except in the months where there was an Area Board) where parishes could drop in to discuss issues relevant to them. The Chairman highlighted that the Board wanted to hold meetings on topics parishes were interested in and that the meetings could be useful for networking. The Chairman stated that the Board was here to serve its residents.  


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