Agenda item

Area Board Funding

Councillors will be asked to consider the Community Area Grants report and make recommendations on the applications received, as follows:


a)         Malmesbury Lawn Tennis Club – seeking £2,000 towards the refurbishment of two existing tennis courts


b)         Twynnoy Explorer Scouts – seeking £665 to enable the purchase of seven tents


c)         Crudwell Pre-School – seeking £3,215 towards replacing the surface of an external play area at Crudwell Village Hall


d)         Ashton Keynes Millennium Green Trust - seeking £2,100 towards the cost of re-establishing a roadside hedge at the Millennium Green, as a wildlife habitat


e)         Cotswold Water Park Trust - seeking £900 towards the involvement of children from the Malmesbury Community Area participating in willow lantern workshops and pageant


f)          Little Somerford Parish Hall – seeking £790 to provide new entrance doors for the hall


g)         Malmesbury & Village Community Area Partnership – seeking £468 towards the cost of publicity and communications material


h)         Luckington Children’s Playground Trust – seeking £9,763 towards the cost of new play equipment and ancillary works.


Councillors were asked to consider the Community Area Grants report and make recommendations on the applications received.



Malmesbury Lawn Tennis Club were awarded £2,000 towards the refurbishment of two existing tennis courts, conditional on the balance of funding being in place.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and there is specific reference in the Community Plan to young people having greater access to tennis facilities. 



Twynnoy Explorer Scouts were awarded £665 to enable the purchase of seven tents. 



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and the application provides a range of activities and skills for the young people who live in the town and surrounding villages. 



Crudwell Pre-School were awarded £3,215 towards replacing the surface of an external play area at Crudwell village hall, conditional on the balance of funding being in place and should other funding applications be successful, that this sum be returned to the Area Board.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and meets the local need to support early years, toddler groups and pre-schools in villages. 



Ashton Keynes Millennium Green Trust were awarded £2,100 towards the cost of re-establishing a roadside hedge at the Millennium Green, as a wildlife habitat, conditional on the balance of funding being in place.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and helps to preserve and manage the countryside and wildlife.  



Cotswold Water Park Trust were awarded £900 towards the involvement of children from the Malmesbury Community Area participating in willow lantern workshops and pageant, conditional on the balance of funding being in place.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and will provide a leisure activity for young people while at the same time acquiring new skills.   



Little Somerford Parish Hall were awarded £790 to provide new entrance doors for the hall.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and the availability of local village halls is valued by all members of the community by providing a venue for a variety of social activity. 



Malmesbury and the Village Community Area Partnership were awarded £468 towards the cost of publicity and communications material.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and will help M&VCAP to raise their profile within the community, particularly as they undertake more consultative work.



£8,029 (£4,029 youth transport allocation from Cabinet plus £4,000 matched funding from the Area Board) would be ring fenced and a request would be made to Cabinet that funding was carried over to 2011/12 to enable delivery of a participatory budgeting event for young people addressing their transport and access needs.


An application from Luckington Children’s Playground Trust had been withdrawn for amendment and would be resubmitted for consideration at the next Area Board meeting. The Chairman emphasised that the deadline for the next round of funding was 31 January 2011 and £8,024 was available to be spent in the Community Area.   


Supporting documents: