Agenda item

Update on Parking at Basil Hill

Councillor Peter Davis will give an update on the outcome of the meeting with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) held on 20 January 2011.  Representatives from the MoD will also be present at the meeting.


There had been problems in Westwells Road caused by staff from the new MoD site parking in the residential area.


Councillor Peter Davis gave an update on the outcome of a meeting with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) held on 20 January 2011.  Representatives from the MoD were present at the meeting to answer questions from residents.


The MoD representatives made the following comments:


·         Staff were being encouraged to use the car parks on site rather than parking on the highway.

  • There were adequate parking spaces for all staff on site.
  • An additional car park for 500 cars on another nearby MoD site had recently been opened to try to alleviate the problem. 
  • By October 2011 there would be full parking on site.
  • A pedestrian gate had been opened opposite the MoD building which was open from 7.15am to 7pm.
  • Visitors were advised to park at the Rudloe site.
  • The MoD had arranged for cones to be placed in Westwells Road where they were able to and this was being enforced by ticketing.  It was not possible to put cones down the whole length of the road because this would require traffic restrictions.
  • Leaflets had been issued to staff asking them not to park in Westwells Road.
  • Officers from the MoD had met with the Corsham Liaison Panel and highways officers to try to find a solution to this problem.


The Chairman stated that consultation would have to take place if any form of traffic regulation orders were to be implemented in this area.  However, this would have to be considered carefully as the problem could simply be displaced to another area.


The following comments were made by those present at the meeting:


·         Could the pedestrian gate be closed because this could make the problem worse?  MoD representatives stated that it was important to encourage cycling and walking to work so the gate needed to remain open.

  • Some members of the public felt that parking restrictions were required.
  • It was confirmed that staff at the site had been made aware of the buses that ran to and from the site every 15 minutes.
  • The police confirmed that it was not possible to place cones down the whole length of Westwells Road because they could only be used for temporary events and were not a long term measure to prevent parking.
  • Some members of the public felt that the parking on both sides of the road constituted a health and safety risk.  The police stated that they had looked at the area and that the road was still wide enough for emergency vehicles to pass.
  • It was noted that 10 tickets had been issued to MoD staff parking in Westwells Road.
  • It was suggested that parking should only be permitted on one side of the road.
  • One resident stated that the Council had agreed to carry out a traffic survey in Neston once the site was in use and asked when this would be done.  The Chairman agreed to provide a written answer within two weeks.
  • A traffic order would take at least three months to put into place as there was a statutory process that needed to be followed.

The MoD and Wiltshire Council agreed to work together to find a solution to the parking problems in the Westwells Road area.