Agenda item

Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG)

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the latest LHFIG meeting held on 19 July 2023, as set out in the attached report.




  1. To note the notes of the meeting held on 19 July 2023.
  2. To approve a budget allocation of up to £30,000 for dropped kerbs.
  3. To approve a budget allocation of up to £10,000 for the following issues:


·       11-22-08 - Cricklade North Wall –repairs

·       11-23-08 – Lydiard Millicent Common Platt – safety measures

·       11-23-12 – Purton Stoke – speed reduction measures


  1. To close the following issue:


·       11-21-2 – Bradenstoke – dropped kerbs


  1. To move the following issue to the Priority B list:


·       11-22-10 – Clffe Pypard and Bushton - signs and road markings


  1. To move the following issue to the Priority A list:


·       11-20-06 – C114 Water Eaton – gates, signs and road markings


  1. For the Chairman of LHFIG to write to Highways asking them to revise a 40mph recommendation, by Atkins in relation to 11-21-8, to 30mph. 



Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.



The Area Board then considered the recommendations arising from the LHFIG meeting of 19 July 2023.


During the discussion, it was noted that the LHFIG was being supported by a new Highways Officer, Martin Rose, who had hit the ground running. The Chairman noted that the group aimed to agree the work schedule for the current financial year to ensure that the full budget was allocated.


A member of the public raised concerns about a number of serious accidents at Chelworth Crossroads, including to two members of their own family. They noted that two police officers had been injured in April at the junction and a motorcyclist had been hit just a fortnight ago. Given that they saw Chelworth Crossroads as an urgent road safety issue, they expressed frustration that it was taking so long to resolve and queried why the LHFIG was proposing to allocate £30,000 towards dropped kerbs when this urgent matter had not been resolved. 


Johnathan Hill from Cricklade Town Council reported that an improvement plan had been produced, by Wiltshire Council and the Wiltshire Police’s Traffic Accident Unit, for Chelworth Crossroads and that it had now been passed to the contractor. He also commented that he would have preferred to have seen a more substantial scheme in place.


The Chairman confirmed that the LHFIG had agreed to add Chelworth Crossroads to its Category A priority list. Cllr Steve Bucknell noted that the funding of the dropped kerbs was in addition to, not instead of, the schemes on the Category A priority list. He reassured the gentleman that money for road safety at crossroads was not being spent elsewhere and it was not an either or in terms of supporting Chelworth Crossing safety works and the dropped kerbs. He also added that he shared the gentleman’s frustration at the pace of some projects. It was highlighted that the schedule was often dictated by the availability of officer time rather than funding.


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager understood that there was a separate budget within Wilshire Council’s Highways Team specifically to deal with accident hotspots and he would make further enquiries with the local engineer.


On the proposal of Cllr Steve Bucknell, seconded by Cllr Jacqui Lay, it was resolved to make the:




  1. To note the notes of the meeting held on 19 July 2023.
  2. To approve a budget allocation of up to £30,000 for dropped kerbs.
  3. To approve a budget allocation of up to £10,000 for the following issues:


·       11-22-08 - Cricklade North Wall – repairs

·       11-23-08 – Lydiard Millicent Common Platt – safety measures

·       11-23-12 – Purton Stoke – speed reduction measures


  1. To close the following issue:


·       11-21-2 – Bradenstoke – dropped kerbs


  1. To move the following issue to the Priority B list:


·       11-22-10 – Clyffe Pypard and Bushton - signs and road markings


  1. To move the following issue to the Priority A list:


·       11-20-06 – C114 Water Eaton – gates, signs and road markings


  1. For the Chairman of LHFIG to write to Highways asking them to revise a 40mph recommendation, by Atkins in relation to 11-21-8, to 30mph. 


Supporting documents: