Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partners – Parish and Town Councils, Police, Fire and Rescue Service, NHS, BA13+CAP and Chamber of Commerce.


The Board received verbal updates from:


CAYPIG.  Sally Willox, Youth Development Officer explained the issues raised by the group which included; Westbury skate park improvements, pavement lighting in certain areas of Westbury, installation of youth shelters in specific locations, developing a Wiltshire youth football league, leisure credits system, smoothy bar project, development of a multi-media room at the youth centre, young person’s rural transport scheme, 13-19 Youth Strategy and perception of the young people in the community.


Currently there are 880 young people engaged with CAYPIG.


POLICE.  Inspector Lindsay Winter, Sector Inspector, updated the board on over arching issues effecting the County and the local community area. 

  • Structure of Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) has changed.  55 NPTs have reduced to 20 to reflect the 20 Community Areas – there will be no change in uniformed staffing  levels.
  • Overall Police performance is stable, however non–dwelling burglaries – unattended shed and barn buildings does not appear to be stopping.  Wiltshire Police are working with Dorset and Avon and Somerset to improve this.
  • Locally there has been a spate of dwelling burglaries – there have been two significant arrests.
  • Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) within the town is of note, currently officers are engaged in targeted work with a group of individuals and this should have an impact.


Cllr Cuthbert-Murray thanked Inspector Winter for the excellent work and noted the increased visibility of Police within the town.


ASB issues surrounding the toilets in the car park were raised,  Inspector Winter explained that there had been four arrests and the case was pending.


Cllr Hawker assured the Board that the CCTV cameras were all working and even if there was a period of time when the operations room in Warminster was not manned recording was still taking place.


Visit the new and improved website at:



BA13+Partnership.  The next meeting would be held on 29 June at Edington Parish Hall.  Grants of up to £500 are still available for projects that can demonstrate a link to a local need.  A small steering committee is being set up to facilitate Restorative Practice.


Westbury Chamber of Commerce.  Cllr David Jenkins, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce informed that group that the recent Wessex New Business Competition had been won by a company from Westbury.  He went on to address the town car parking issues, where he has been in consultation with motorists, businesses and local people.  The Chamber of Commerce would be submitting a report to Wiltshire Council – every effort would be made to try and improve the situation.  The Chamber is also working with Matravers School to set up a Junior Chamber of Commerce to engage young people to get involved with business development.


Parking issues were identified, by several members of the public surrounding Orchard Road and All Saints Crescent.  Cllr Cuthbert-Murray explained that this is an on-going issue and that it has been taken to the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) which is looking at a road marking order.



It was noted that the Board would prefer a written report from the Fire Services.  The feasibility of this would be investigated.



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