Agenda item

13-19 Commissioning Strategy consultation - Report of the Rapid Scrutiny Exercise

At the Committee’s previous meeting, members established a rapid scrutiny exercise to respond to the 13-19 Commissioning Strategy consultation document, with the results of the exercise to be presented to the Committee at its next meeting.


It was also agreed that, at this meeting, the Committee would agree arrangements for scrutiny of the results of the 13-19 Commissioning Strategy consultation and subsequent proposals to Cabinet.


A report outlining the rapid scrutiny group’s findings and recommendations is attached.  The Committee is asked to endorse the recommendations, and agree whether it wishes to undertake scrutiny of a) the consultation process, and b) the consultation results and subsequent proposals to Cabinet for the 13-19 Commissioning Strategy. These will be presented for approval by Cabinet on 13th September 2011.


Members were reminded that at the last meeting a rapid scrutiny exercise was established to respond to the 13-19 Commissioning Strategy consultation document and following on from this, a report was presented for consideration setting out the Rapid Scrutiny Group’s findings and recommendations.  It had also been agreed that at this meeting, the Select Committee would agree arrangements for scrutiny of the results of the 13-19 Commissioning Strategy and subsequent proposals to Cabinet.


The Select Committee then considered in detail the findings and recommendations of the Rapid Scrutiny Group and




(1)          To submit the response to the 13-19 Commissioning Consultation drafted by the Rapid Scrutiny Group, subject to the following amendments:-


Q1. Do you have any comments on the purpose of the 13 to 19 commissioning strategy outlined in section 2.1 including the specific age range covered by the strategy?


The Committee wishes to emphasise the value of engaging young people below the age of 13 in youth services, as it encourages their future involvement.


Q2. Do you have any comments on or additions to the scope of the 13-19 commissioning strategy outlined in section2.2?


Consideration should be given to using the Health & Wellbeing budget to fund services for young people in the 13-19 age bracket.


Q3. Are there any other strategies or plans which cover the 13-19 age range to add to the list in section 2.3?


Housing development affects people of all ages, so should be considered when planning services for 13-19 year olds. Consideration should therefore be given to including the Core Strategy within this list.


Q12. Do you agree with the commissioning priorities identified in section 7.2?  Do you have any comments, amendments or additions?  Can you select your top 3 commissioning priorities?


The Committee considers that the top commissioning priority should be to increase the availability of affordable housing for young people including continuing to invest in housing support for vulnerable young people.


(2)          To establish a rapid scrutiny exercise to consider and make recommendations on:-


(a)  The consultation process followed by the 13-19 Commissioning Strategy,  paying mind to the concerns raised by the original Rapid Scrutiny Group.


(b)  The consultation results and subsequent proposals to Cabinet for the 13-19 Commissioning Strategy, prior to their consideration by Cabinet on 13 September 2011.  


(3)          To  agree that the following recommendation NOT be made to Cabinet:-


“In light of the issues that could be experienced in bringing about substantial change to services in such a short period of time, thought should be given to extending the timescale for implementing these changes to allow for secondary consultation and for ensuring all internal and potential external processes are in place before any changes are made.


Thought should also be given to whether the £600k expected to be cut from the 2012/13 youth development service budget could be funded from the £733k outturn underspend that was ringfenced into earmarked reserves at the end of the 2010/11 financial year.”


(Cllr Russell Hawker requested that his abstention from voting be recorded.)

Supporting documents: