Agenda item

Community Area Transport Group (CATG) - approval of recommendations

The Area Board is asked to note and approve the recommendations of the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) in relation to the spend on funding on the following prioritised highways improvement projects, from the Area Board’s CATG budget:


  1. Aldbourne footpath extension - £7000
  2. Marlborough High Street one way road - £5000
  3. Savernake pedestrian refuge up to - £13,000 subject to further investigations
  4. Chilton Foliat HGV signage - £2500 subject to negotiation with the parish council




The Chairman referred to the report at page 39 of the agenda.


A number of concerns were raised regarding the proposal for a trial one-way system at the high street, immediately to the north of St Peter’s Church.  Councillor Nick Fogg commented that this had been requested by residents to address concerns over safety as it was often used as a short-cut, by traffic travelling eastbound on the A4.  However, it was also noted that residents who lived to the west of Marlborough sometimes used the route when travelling north via Hyde Lane, to avoid stationary traffic on the High Street.


Martin Cook, the Area Highways Engineer, commented that the road was “no access except for stopping”. As such, use of the road as a short-cut was currently illegal.


During discussion, it was noted that the proposals were for a 18-month trial, and that it may be possible to alter the direction of the one-way arrangements for certain events, if the High Street were to be closed.


To gauge the opinion of the room, the Chairman asked for a show of hands: Seven people were in favour of the proposed 18-month trial, with five against.


In relation to proposals for safety works to the A4 at Savernake, and HGV signage at Chilton Foliat, it was noted that further work was required prior to the projects being finalised.  As such it was proposed that the authority to release this funding be delegated to the Community Area Manager, in order to expedite the works without having to come back to the Area Board for final approval.




The Area Board agreed to:


1.    note that the minutes to all CATG meetings are available on the Marlborough area board web-page:


2.    note the CATG budget for 2011/12.  A balance of £13,600 was carried forward from the 2010/11 budget to give a total of £27,200 for 2011/12.  This can be topped up by the Area Board, town/ parish councils and others.  There will be no roll over to 2012/13 at the end of this financial year;


3.    allocate £7,000 to extend the footpath along Oxford Street, Aldbourne to improve pedestrian safety;


4.    note that £1,000 had been spent on a topographical study for the redesign of the junction of Ermin Street and Aldbourne Street in Baydon;


5.    allocate £5,000 to provide new road markings, signage and power supplies to illuminate the new signage, to allow an 18 month one-way system to be trialled along the high street, north of St Peter’s Church, to stop the road being used as a rat-run;


6.    provisionally allocate up to £13,000 to provide a pedestrian refuge, dropped kerbs and a coloured/textured surface at the bus stop on the A4 through Savernake to improve pedestrian safety, subject to further investigations, with the authority to approve the final spend being delegated to the Community Area Manager in consultation with the Area Board Councillors;


7.    provisionally allocate £2,500 to providing signage to reduce the HGV traffic entering Chilton Foliat, subject to negotiation with the parish council and West Berkshire Council, with the authority to approve the final spend being delegated to the Community Area Manager in consultation with the Area Board Councillors; and


8.    note that the previously agreed priority for a puffin crossing in George Lane, Marlborough had been funded from a separate budget and that work was scheduled during the October 2011 half term.


Reason - As recommended by the Community Area Transport Group and to allow these projects to proceed.


Supporting documents: