Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
  3. NHS Wiltshire
  4. Parish Forum
  5. Town / Parish Councils
  6. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)



  1. Wiltshire Police


Inspector Ron Peach spoke to the written update which was set out in the agenda pack at page 17.


·         Marlborough Mops had gone very well from a police perspective, with only one minor issue relating to drugs.

·         There had been a spate of criminal damage in Aldbourne, with 17 incidents in one night.  Thanks to community intelligence, three people had been arrested and an outcome was anticipated at the end of the month.

·         Marlborough was currently receiving an enhanced Anti-Social behaviour service from Swindon.

·         A “Bluz and Zuz” event had recently been held in Marlborough as part of the programme of diversionary activities for young people.

·         In response to a question regarding theft of metals, especially lead from churches, Ron commented that this was a national problem.  Regular work was undertaken with scrap metal merchants and spot checks were carried out on records of transactions.  In addition, churches were encouraged to use smart water which could help mark the metals.


Kieran Kilgallen, Chief Executive of Wiltshire Police Authority, was also present to speak about the on-going consultation on the police precept for 2012-13.  The government had proposed a 3% increase for 2012-13, if there was a 0% increase for 2013-14.  However, this was set against the context of the review of policing priorities.  The consultation could be viewed online.


Kieran also referred to the government’s decision to establish elected police commissioners, to replace the Police Authorities.  The first election would take place on 15 November 2012.  Responding to a question, Kieran confirmed that it was open to anyone to stand for the position, although it was anticipated that the political parties would put forward their own candidates.  Elections would be held every four years, with the first appointment running for three and a half years.



  1. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Mike Franklin of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue referred to the report in the agenda, at pages 19-20, commenting on the low number of fires (10), none of which had been significant.  However, the Marlborough Area had seen a high number of chimney fires and so people were reminded to get their chimneys swept. 


A question was raised regarding alarms provided by the fire service to old people’s homes, as these now needed replacement batteries but were sealed units.  Mike advised that the fire service would replace the units on request.  Please contact Mike on 07919 306037 or via



  1. NHS Wiltshire


The written update was noted.



  1. Parish Forum


Mary Spender referred to the written update which had been tabled.


In relation to the Reclaiming Villages from Traffic Initiative (item 3 on the written update), it was hoped that the Area Board could help fund the first stage of the project.  Officers advised that the next opportunity to agree funding would be the meeting on 7 February 2012.  The following points were made:


·         It was important to get the project going as soon as possible, and certainly before February.

·         The initiative had been raised at previous Area Board meetings as an on-going project for the Parish Forum.

·         The Area Board and Community Area Transport Group had already discussed the project informally and supported the principle of the project.

·         Mary clarified that the initial stage of the project would cost around £3,000.

·         Councillor John Thomson, Deputy Leader of the Council, suggested that, in the circumstances, the Area Board could agree to support the project in principle subject to further information, and to delegate authority to release the funding to the Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman of the Area Board.



The Marlborough Area Board agreed in principle to the Parish Forum’s “Reclaiming Villages from Traffic” initiative, and delegated authority to the Community Area Manager (in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Area Board) to agree the release of funding for the first stage of the project (around £3,000), subject to the receipt of further information about the project.

Reason – To allow this project to proceed before the next meeting of the Area Board.


ACTION: Dave Roberts


  1. Town / Parish Councils


Reference was made to the poor internet speeds in the rural areas of the community.  Councillor John Thomson reported that the Council had been successful in a bid for £15 million government funding to help address this problem.  A project plan was being developed and priority areas could be put forward to Ian Baker on 01225 713000. 


Adrian Hampton undertook to reply to Fyfield and West Overton regarding a replacement for the bag of gritting salt which had solidified and been removed.


ACTION: Adrian Hampton



  1. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)


There was no update from MADT.


Supporting documents: