Agenda item

Partner Updates - To Include Request for Review of Parking

To receive updates from the following partners:

a.    Wiltshire Police (attached)

b.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (attached)

c.    NHS Wiltshire (attached)

d.    The Traffic Working Group 

e.    Devizes Community Area Partnership (attached)

f.     Town and Parish Councils (attached)

g.    Young People.


The Chairman provided information about the request for a review of parking. A paper had been presented to Cabinet and would be taken to a Full Council meeting in November. The Area Board were waiting for data to be collected from across the county before making any decisions.


a.     The written update from Wiltshire Police was noted. Inspector Ron Peach reminded the meeting of the new non emergency telephone number for Wiltshire Police: 101. Wiltshire Police were moving to a different response model. This would have no impact on the service provided and a lot had been invested in new technology to help with the changes. A question was raised about racing cars in the Sheep Street car park. This was a common issue across the county.



Mandy Bradley would become involved in addressing racing cars in the Sheep Street car park.    


b.     The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted.

c.     The written update from NHS Wiltshire was noted. The Chairman explained that a representative would be invited to the next Area Board meeting as they had not recently attended.

d.     The Chairman spoke about the traffic working group. The group had completed a comprehensive cycling plan. The Quakers Walk developer was predisposed towards including a cycling route in the development. Barriers were requested on the bridleway to stop motorised traffic. The Chairman confirmed that the traffic model data was complete. The traffic working group would now develop an overall traffic plan for Devizes to ease congestion and reduce pollution. The model would also be used to assess the impact on the road network of any future development.   

e.     The written report from Devizes Community Area Partnership was noted. The Chairman was pleased with the progress the Partnership had been making. She informed the meeting that ITV had also broadcast a feature on the town and it was hoped to show this at the next Area Board meeting.

f.      A question was raised under the Town and Parish Council update item about errors in the Core Strategy and communication. There would be another round of consultation in spring with an opportunity to correct the document. This would come to the relevant Area Board meeting. It was underlined that it was important to finish the Core Strategy as quickly as possible in order to prevent unwanted development. The strategic planning team were also working on improving communication with members of the public.

g.     Richard Harris, Locality Team Leader, circulated a written update about the Devizes Development Centre for Young People and CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group). The youth centre was very busy and had recently started Friday and Saturday opening. Street based work was taking place on a Monday in Devizes and on a Thursday currently in the Lavingtons and Potterne. Young people had taken part in the 13-19 strategy consultation. Several groups and individuals had also been nominated for awards at ‘The Event’, including a group who had taken part in Devizes Carnival. The next meeting would take place on 19 October at 7.00 pm to discuss fundraising. Please contact Richard if you would like to support the work of the youth centre: or 01380 722598.              

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