Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.     Wiltshire Police – to include an update on Sheep Street (attached)

b.     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (attached)

c.     NHS Wiltshire

d.     The Traffic Working Group

e.     Devizes Community Area Partnership (attached)

f.      Town and Parish Councils (attached)

g.     Young People.


a.    The written update from Wiltshire Police was noted. Inspector Peach added that anti social behaviour with motor vehicles was being addressed at Sheep Street. A number of telephone reports had been investigated and followed up with letters and signage had been put up to warn individuals of the consequences of their behaviour. Inspector Peach reminded the meeting that Wiltshire Police appreciated reports of anti social behaviour and these could be made on the 101 number.


While there had been a spike in crime linked to the night time economy, this had reduced in the last few months. A number of windows in the town had been broken and four ATM cash machines had been hammered. However no issues had been raised over Halloween and Bonfire Night. He cautioned the meeting to be especially careful with securing their motor vehicles and homes in the run up to Christmas. 


The local area also welcomed PC Emma Reed, the new recruit for Devizes North rural.


Councillor Caswill then gave an update from the Wiltshire Police Authority. He explained the policing element of council tax in 2012/13. The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced on 3 October that grants would be paid to police authorities which freeze the element of council tax attributable to policing for the year 2012/13. This would mean the policing precept stayed at the 2011/12 level.


Legislation to create a new directly elected office holder, responsible for the totality of policing in the force area had also received Royal Assent. The first elections to this post would be in November 2012. 


b.     The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted.


c.    The Chairman explained that Maggie Rae, Corporate Joint Director of Public Health and Wellbeing, would provide an update about NHS Wiltshire later in the meeting. A question was raised about the lack of X-ray facilities in Devizes. Maggie Rae commented that facilities had been promised to the town and the NHS must be held to account. The Health and Social Care Forum were working to follow up this issue. The Chairman took a show of hands from the room to measure support.



The room was in strong support of having X-ray facilities in Devizes.  


d.    Councillor Mayes gave an update about the traffic working group. Full minutes of their meetings would soon be available on the Wiltshire Council website. A county wide air quality strategy was being developed and would be presented to Cabinet in December 2011. The public protection service had assessed the air quality at Southbroom Road in Devizes. While action would not be taken at present, the site would continue to be assessed. The Chairman was disappointed that the A342 at Rowde had been assessed in the speed limit review as a 50 mph zone. The Area Board would help the village to reduce speeding with two different initiatives. A trial 20 mph limit and improved signage was being introduced at Cheverell Magna. The traffic working group were now focusing on the new traffic model.


e.    The Town and Parish Council forum was gaining momentum and looking into how to address a number of shared issues.


f.     The written update from Richard Harris, from the Integrated Youth Service, was circulated at the meeting. There was the opportunity for young people to apply to take part in the Wiltshire Assembly of Youth and the UK Youth Parliament. Further information was available from the sparksite website:           

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