Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:


a.            Wiltshire Police;

b.            Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service;

c.            NHS Wiltshire;

d.            Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP);

e.            Parish Councils;

f.             Pewsey Community Area Young People Issues Group (CAYPIG); and

g.            Extended Services.


(a)       Wiltshire Police


Inspector Ron Peach referred the meeting to the written update in the agenda.  Key points raised included:


·         Vacant positions in Pewsey were about to be filled.


·         There was a significant reduction in most crime categories.  However non dwelling burglaries remained a concern in rural locations including a recent increase in quad bike thefts over the last 8 months.  It was acknowledged that this was a cross border problem and additional resource were in place which had secured arrests in the past couple of weeks, in part assisted by tracking devices fitted to some of the bikes stolen.


·         Theft of lead also remained an issue although attendees were reminded that this could also be secure marked.


·         The new national 101 number was now active.  The public were encouraged to use this number for non-emergency calls.


(b)       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


            Mike Franklin, of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue, was unable to attend the meeting.  However, Cllr Robert Hall referred all to the update provided with the agenda and the additional update circulated at the meeting.  A copy of which can be found attached to these minutes.


(c)        NHS Wiltshire


The update circulated with the Agenda was noted.


 (d)      Pewsey Community Area Partnership


Bob King, Chairman of the Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) gave an update on the work of PCAP.  This included:


·         That the restorative justice training was now proceeding.  Parish Councils, etc, would be informed of the dates which were likely to be at the end of Winter or beginning of Spring.


·         The PCAP survey had finished.  A date would now be arranged to consider the information received.


·         PCAP would be meeting with interested parties in early February to ascertain the next steps required to improve the Information Shop.


·         A request had been received from Stanton St Bernard for all lights to be switched off between midnight and 5am.  Highways officers would undertake an assessment if approved by area board.  A map of the area which included details of the 15 lights to be switched off was circulated with the agenda on page 35.


Upon vote all members of the Board approved the request.




That the matter would be referred to the appropriate Highways Officers with clarification that this was with the support of the Area Board.


·         Early in November 2011 signs diverting HGVs from their previous route on the A360 (Devizes to Salisbury) were erected through Devizes advising drivers to take the A342 and A345.  There was previously a diversion for high vehicles (due to the railway bridge at Littleton Panel) through Great Cheverell which led to 10 HGVs per day travelling through the village.


One of the signs described had appeared at the A361 roundabout which it would seem has directed vehicles from the A4 through the housing estate, past the primary school and then back to the A342 South of Devizes.


Concern was raised that no consultation had taken place with residents along the affected route (or Parish Councils, PCAP and the Area Board) and the implications of the new signage.  A number of communications had been sent to the Head of Highways on the matter although a response had not been received to date.


PCAP had been asked to submit a response to the core strategy consultation in 2010/11 where contributions had been made including the potential damage implications of heavy use vehicles.  Following this consultation it was understood that the A345 was not considered a strategic route for HGVs.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler confirmed that a paper relating to the erection of signage across the County was to be produced within the next few weeks.


The attending Service Director, Ian Gibbons, confirmed that the matter would be reviewed and appropriate action taken following the meeting.  Cllr Wheeler would also raise the issue at the next Cabinet meeting.


The Board members would, following the meeting, seek further clarification on the matter and, if the matter was understood to have been inappropriately handled, a motion would be brought to the attention of neighbouring area boards expressing concern over the matter.  An update would be provided at the next meeting.


(e)       Parish Councils


Chirton and Conock Parish Council drew the Board’s attention to the fatality at the junction of Hollow and Chirton.  Highways would be contacted to ascertain whether the planned speed restriction along this route from 50mph to 40mph could be extended to Conock.


(f)        Pewsey Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG)


No update was provided.


(g)       Extended Services


No update was provided.

Supporting documents: