Agenda item

W/11/02689/FUL - Former Bowyers Site, Stallard Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire


Public Participation:

-       Mr Jonathon Knees spoke in objection to the application.

-       Mr Shaun Clarke, representing the town traders, spoke in objection to the application.

-       Mr Chris Tookey, representing ASDA, spoke in objection to the application.

-       Ms Rebecca Millard spoke in support of the application.

-       Mr Angus Horner, Managing Director for Prorsus, spoke in support of the application.

-       Mr Peter Keenan, planning consultant, spoke in support of the application.


The Area Development Manager introduced the report which recommended refusal of the application. He clarified that notwithstanding the Committee’s decision on this application at its last meeting, the application remained undetermined. The Committee was asked to consider the application in the context of relevant policies, the National Planning Policy Framework, the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy, other material considerations and taking into account representations received.


The Area Development Manager confirmed that no agreement had been secured with Network Rail over closing off the station access as had been claimed by the applicant. He explained that highway objections had not been overcome, concerns over the adverse impact the proposal would have on the town centre. For these reasons in particular, he recommended that planning permission be refused.


Cllr de Rhe Philipe, Cabinet member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning commented on the application. She referred to the planning permission recently granted to develop the St Stephen’s Place site to provide cinema facilities. She explained that whilst she understood the desire for regeneration, the former Bowyers site offered a real opportunity to bring forward a town centre use that complements, not undermines other developments in the town. Cllr de Rhe Philipe assured the Committee that should the application be refused, she would instruct officers to work with the applicant with a view to achieving this.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to speak as detailed above.


A thorough debate ensued, during which it was moved and seconded that planning permission be refused as recommended for the reasons detailed in the report presented. For the avoidance of doubt, immediately before the vote was taken, the Chairman read out the motion in full and it was




That planning permission be REFUSED


For the following reasons:


1          The proposed development would be likely to have a significant adverse impact on the holistic planning of the Central Area of Trowbridge and undermine the sustainable development of the town contrary to policies LE1, SP3 and E5 of the West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004, Core Policies 28, 29, 38, 61 and 62 of the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy and policies and objectives within the National Planning Policy Framework.


2          The proposal would result in a severe adverse impact on the local highway network, and for which no measures have been put forward by way of mitigation.  As such the proposal is contrary to policies E4, E5 and LE1 of the West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004, Core Policies 61 and 62 in the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy and policies and objectives within the National Planning Policy Framework.


3          The proposal fails to take advantage of the key relationship with the adjoining railway station, contrary to policy E4 of the West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration 2004, Core Policies 28, 61 and 62 of the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy and the policies and objectives within the National Planning Policy Framework.


The above decision was the subject of a recorded vote and recorded as follows:


For the motion (7):

Cllrs Trevor Carbin, Ernie Clark, Mark Griffiths, Christopher Newbury, Pip Ridout, Jonathon Seed and Roy While.


Against the motion (3):

Cllrs Rod Eaton, John Knight and Steve Petty.



Cllr Peter Fuller.


Supporting documents: