Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.     Wiltshire Police – to include a welcome to Inspector Matt Armstrong (attached)

b.     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (attached)

c.     NHS Wiltshire (attached)

d.     Devizes Community Area Partnership – to include information on the traffic model event on 19 November

e.     CATG – to include feedback from public exhibition for Devizes Transport Strategy

f.      Parish Forum (attached).


a.     The Chairman welcomed Inspector Matt Armstrong and thanked Inspector Ron Peach for all his hard work in the community area. The written update from Wiltshire Police was noted. Inspector Matt Armstrong gave a brief summary of his background; after 15 years of service in a wide range of roles he was now working in Devizes, Marlborough and Pewsey.


b.     The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted. Mike Franklin added there had been a local incident in which five members of a family had been treated for carbon monoxide poisoning; this highlighted the importance of having a carbon monoxide detector fitted. There would be an event focused on keeping safe at Christmas at the Market Place on 3 December.


c.     The written update from NHS Wiltshire was noted.


d.     Devizes Community Area Partnership provided feedback from the traffic strategy exhibition. Although the information available at the exhibition had been less than expected, the event had been successful in many ways and had attracted approximately 140 attendees. Responses would be looked into and the Devizes Transport Strategy may be amended accordingly. An additional event would be scheduled and information was available to view at the area board meeting. 


e.     Councillor Gamble provided an extensive update about the Community Area Transport Group. This included the following main points:


·       Suitable facilities to attract tourist coaches to Devizes (please see resolution below).

·       The accident on Armistice Day on the A360 between Littleton Panell and Black Dog crossroads – very sadly a child of 13 had since died. Any response would await the coroner’s report.

·       The new crossing of the Nursteed Road near the back entrance to Devizes School was now operational.  

·       The cycle route on Quakers Walk was now legal.

·       A cycle route across The Green had been surveyed and discussions were underway about lighting.

·       Bike stands in or near the Market Place were under discussion.

·       Village gates at Marston were being planned.

·       There was room for new items on the CATG agenda. The possibility of providing informal pedestrian crossings in West Lavington and Littleton Panell was being looked into. 

·       Speeding issues – Councillor Gamble thanked residents for the Horton Road petition and speed limits on this route were under review with a report expected in the New Year with additional steps taken to improve the bus stops.

·       The Worton road was similarly under review.

·       A metro-count was being arranged at Church Hill in Bromham and, subject to results, a Community Speed Watch scheme may be appropriate.

·       Councillor Carter was in discussion with local businesses to help ensure the Domino’s pizza delivery van did not add to congestion at Rose’s roundabout on market day.

·       The location of new signs on the side road at Potterne Wick marking the speed limit were being reviewed and would be moved if necessary.



Devizes Area Board agreed that further preparation work should go ahead regarding suitable facilities to attract tourist coaches to Devizes.


f.      Councillor Paula Winchcombe commented the Parish Council’s Forum had established successful communication between parishes and the area board. Since the launch of the forum, more direct working relationships had been established in the community area. It was proposed that Devizes Community Area Partnership withdrew from supporting this service in the hope that the councils would continue to work together and maintain a dialogue on matters of common interest.           

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