Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
  3. NHS Wiltshire
  4. Parish Forum
  5. Town / Parish Councils
  6. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)
  7. CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group  / YAG (Youth Advisory Group)
  8. Wiltshire Involvement Network



  1. Wiltshire Police


The meeting welcomed Inspector Matt Armstrong, who had taken up the position of Devizes Sector Inspector on 1 October.


Inspector Armstrong referred to the written report at pages 17-18 of the agenda, noting the Queen’s Award received by the Bluz ‘n’ Zuz initiative, which had started in Marlborough.


Inspector Armstrong also confirmed that he supported the principle of CCTV as a deterrent, and to promote community safety, rather than for traditional policing purposes.  He acknowledged that funding for CCTV may be difficult to justify in the current climate, but that it could offer significant benefits.


The meeting’s attention was also drawn to the “Stay out Stranger” initiative.  This sought to educate vulnerable people who may be targeted by distraction burglaries.  The project could take referrals and could also offer home visits, to provide door stickers.


  1. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Mike Franklin of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue noted the written report set out at pages 19-20 of the agenda, commenting that there had been no fires during the period.  However, there had been a high level of activity with pro-active work to raise awareness of the need to have chimneys swept at this time of year.


In response to questions, Mike commented that the Fire and Rescue Service would attend flooded premises to save life, but was not funded to undertake flood prevention work.  Mike undertook to find out the number of flood-related callouts in the Marlborough Community Area for the minutes. (Note – Subsequent to the meeting, Mike clarified that there had been no call outs to flooding incidents in the Marlborough Community Area, and the Marlborough crews had not been called to attend any flooding incidents elsewhere).


  1. NHS Wiltshire


Noted the written report at pages 21-22 of the agenda.


  1. Parish Forum


James Keith, Chairman of the Parish Forum, reported that the Traffic Project continued to progress well, with 9 plans under discussion with some projected to be complete before the end of 2012.


James also sought clarification as regards the Chairmanship of the Area Board, in light of the recent decision of the Standards Committee to censure the Chairman over a complaint under the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. 


In reply the Chairman gave the same statement he had made to the Parish Councils in his division, stating that he had resigned from the Conservative Group and would continue to discharge his functions as the elected Councillor for Aldbourne and Ramsbury, now as a member of the Independent Group. 


Councillor Jemima Milton added that she was sad that this had to be discussed, but that it was a matter of public record that the Leader of the Council had asked the Board to consider the Chairmanship in light of the Standards outcome.  Councillor Milton’s view was that Councillor Humphries should not continue as Chairman.


Councillor Nick Fogg added that, as Vice-Chairman, he had sought opinion on this matter from a number of key Area Board stakeholders.  It was a difficult issue, and there had been no clear consensus.  However, it had been noted that there was only one further meeting remaining before the May 2013 elections.  In addition, advice had been given that the Area Board had no legal or procedural mechanism to remove a Chairman, and Councillor Humphries had indicated that he wished to remain Chairman.  As such, no action had been taken at this time, and so Councillor Humphries remained as Chairman.


  1. Town / Parish Councils


There were no updates from Parish Councils.


  1. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)


There was no update from MADT.


  1. CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group) / YAG (Youth Advisory Group)


Jan Bowra, Youth Development Coordinator, noted that the CAYPIG continued to meet and to plan fundraising activities for the proposals to install floodlights at the Skatepark.


  1. WIN (Wiltshire Involvement Network)


Noted the written update from WIN at pages 23-24 of the agenda.


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