Agenda item

Reports on issues facing the community as a whole

To receive any Partner updates, questions and statements. Some written updates are also attached to the agenda.


·         Police

·         PCC

·         Fire & Rescue Service

·         New Housing Developments

·         Wiltshire Council

·         Southern Wiltshire Issues System

·         Any other comments or reports


Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) – Angus Macpherson

The results from the recent public opinion survey were attached to the agenda pack, Angus explained that the figures were informative and in time would build up a picture of the community area.


The Community Speed Watch (CSW) scheme had recently been re-launched and two new members of staff had been recruited. The CSW scheme was now ready to hear from new groups interested in training to become volunteers in their own villages.


Comments and Questions


·       What was happening with Lorry Watch? Answer: The Lorry Watch scheme was not administered by the PCC.


The Chairman added that it was a good idea for watch schemes to work together but the Commissioner did not know whether it was possible for the volunteers to be trained to carry out both schemes at the same time. He agreed to take the suggestion back for consideration.


Tom Bray also undertook to find out about the current status of the Lorry Watch Scheme.


Action: Angus Macpherson & Tom Bray


Police – Sergeant Jen Bailey Hobbs

PC Henry Clissold had been working with local volunteers from the agricultural community to carry out rural patrols.


PCSO’s Rachel Gunn and Luke Taylor had both recently been successful in becoming Police Constables.


The Local Resolution programme had recently applied in Downton following the arrest of a person who had caused damage to the skate park.


Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service – Mike Franklin

The Board noted the written update attached to the agenda. In addition Councillor Devine noted that during the recent 4 hour fire fighters strike, Salisbury had 3 appliances fully crewed by retained fire fighters. Longer strikes were expected to follow in due course.


New Housing Developments in Downton – Councillor Julian Johnson

The Core Strategy listed 215 new houses to be built in Downton. There was local concern regarding the lack of primary school spaces, insufficient drainage and NHS provisions for the area once the new houses had been built.


Current residents in the village were concerned that the new arrivals would take school places which they required for the existing children. The parish council had written to Cabinet members; Cllr Sturgis and Cllr Mayes highlighting their concerns, but had not yet received a response.


There would be 45 applicants for 30 places at the local primary school for September 2014; this figure did not include applications from any new families.


The planned drainage system did not take account of the high levels of water drainage present during the winter.


Councillor Johnson asked the Area Board for their support in submitting a letter to the relevant parties to facilitate a meeting with all of the stakeholders as a matter of urgency.


The Chairman advised the parish council to make sure their local member called in the planning application, should it reach that stage.



Councillor Richard Britton to write to the Cabinet members and ask them to respond to the PC and Cllr Johnson.


Questions and Comments included:


·       Laverstock & Ford had always invited the planners to meet with them to discuss any considerations, as they felt that the planners were then able to take the list back with them for future consideration when reviewing the plans.

·       Downton parish council had had a public consultation with Persimmons where a list of public concerns had been compiled.

·       Landford parish council had been having a long struggle with Wessex Water regarding sewage, as when it rained heavily the sewage comes up through the manholes and flows into people’s gardens. Although the company has the responsibility to clean the mess up after an event, they won’t come and fit a return valve as a preventative measure. Answer: Cllr Devine suggested that the Local member for Landford should write to Wessex Water to ask them to resolve the problem under grounds of public health and safety. 


Action: Cllr Randall to write to Wessex Water to ask for a solution to the issue of leaking sewage in Landford.


Wiltshire Council Items for Information

The Board noted the following papers attached to the agenda:


·       Core Strategy Consultation on Schedule of Proposed Modifications.

·       Pest Control Update.


Southern Wiltshire Issues System

A table listing the Issues currently on the system was attached to the agenda pack.


The new ‘My Wiltshire’ app had now been launched. This enabled users to take a photo of a pothole or other road maintenance issues and send it through online.


The Issues system was a great way to identify new projects for consideration by CATG.


For further information contact Tom Bray, Community Area Manager or 01722 434252.


The Chairman then invited any other comments or reports, these included:


·       Susan Barnhurst Davis – Neighbourhood Tasking Group

A group of local residents had carried out a survey to monitor the number of 7.5 ton vehicles that are not observing the area weight limit.


Cllr Randall added that the problem affected Landford and Redlynch as the current weight limit restrictions had been in place for over 6 years, without a review having been carried out. The review would need to be carried out by Highways, and should have been done 2 years after implementation. One of the reasons for the review not having been carried out was because the route went across county boundaries.


Tom Bray agreed to liaise with all parties involved to schedule a collaborative meeting to resolve the issue.


The Chairman said he would inform the Cabinet member of the issue.


Action: Tom Bray, Community Area Manager, Cllr Richard Britton.


·       Councillor Devine suggested that the Police could produce an update for a future meeting to give feedback on the Lorry Watch results.


Supporting documents: