Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.     Wiltshire Police (attached)

b.     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (attached)

c.     NHS Wiltshire (attached)

d.     Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership (attached)

e.     Town and Parish Councils

f.      Young People

g.     Malmesbury and District Chamber of Commerce.


The Chairman invited updates in addition to the written update reports set out at pages 23-32:


a.     Wiltshire Police

The Chairman introduced Mark Thompson and Martin Alvis from Wiltshire Police who updated the meeting with the report on page 23. Inspector Mark Thompson also confirmed that following the issuing of the report, there had been 4 additional burglaries in the Malmesbury Area.


Mark suggested that this was a stand-alone event, and confirmed that similar burglaries had been conducted in other regions across south west and central counties, and that due to the transient nature of the associated crimes, it is likely that there will not be any further incidents.


Councillor Sturgis then raised the issue of a suspicious event he had heard of in the area, and Mark stated the importance of residents collecting information (license plates etc.) regarding suspicious behaviour, and reporting it to the police. Martin Alvis confirmed that the police are working with residents in vulnerable areas of Sherston as a result of these events.



The Area Board noted the report.


b.     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

The Chairman introduced Mike Franklin who gave a short presentation on the report attached on page 25, and the additional report that had been circulated at the meeting.


Mike confirmed there had been 1 additional fire in February and reaffirmed the importance of smoke alarm fitting and testing. Mike stated that vulnerable people could be eligible for free supply and fitting, and urged possible beneficiaries to contact Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service on 01380 723601.



The Area Board noted the report.


c.     NHS Wiltshire

There were no questions regarding the report submitted on page 27.



The Area Board noted the report.


d.     Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership (MVCAP)

The Chair introduced Mark Allen who updated the meeting with the report on page 29 of the agenda pack.


Mark confirmed the next meeting of MVCAP would be on Wednesday 27th March 2013 at 7:30pm at Malmesbury Fire Station.


Mark also confirmed that MVCAP would be supporting sports events to be held over the summer to mark the legacy of the Olympics, and that further details of events and activities would be given at the next meeting.


The issue of road surfacing was then raised, and Councillor Sturgis confirmed that the Council were working towards improving road access but that the difficult winter had meant many major works had been postponed until the summer to prevent repetition of damage.


A question was asked as to why there were deviations in the life cycle of some roads in the north and south of the County, which Councillor Sturgis then confirmed was in the most part due to variances in the construct of the ground the roads are built on. It was suggested that a presentation on life cycle differences between North and South, be made by MVCAP at the next Area Board meeting in July.



The Area Board agreed to consider the issue of road surfacing at its July meeting.


e.     Town and Parish Councils

No written update was made, however a question was asked regarding the re-instatement of road surfaces, and the responsibility that private companies have with regard to ‘putting right’ works that require excavation of the road surface.


Councillor Killane confirmed that re-instatement of roads and surfaces was often a result of these works, and that the area board would be interested to receive the costing involved with council re-instatement following private company works.



A presentation would be made by Town and Parish Councils regarding the re instatement works across the area at the next Area Board Meeting in July.


f.      Young People

No update was made


g.     Malmesbury and District Chamber of Commerce

No update was made

Supporting documents: