Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)   Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  NHS Wiltshire

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)

(f)   Chamber of Commerce

(g)  Shadow Community Operations Board


(a)  Police and Crime Commissioner


Angus McPherson informed the area board that the Police and Crime Plan had now been published.  This would enable further public engagement in policing to take place.  Two priorities for future funding were neighbourhood watch schemes and speedwatch.  These were both important to ensure that communities become more resilient.


(b)  Wiltshire Police


Sergeant Nick Cooke highlighted some of the offences that had been dealt with over the last few months.   These included possession of cannabis, shed break ins, thefts from motor vehicles and shoplifting.  The police had been working with the Council’s licensing officers regarding problems at the Royal Oak public house.  There had also been proactive patrols in Springfield Park following complaints regarding anti social behaviour and underage drinking.


In response to a question Sgt Cooke confirmed that the enquiry into the recent raid on the Katherine Park Co-op were ongoing.


(c)  Fire and Rescue Service


Mike Franklin reported that there was now a new Fire Authority and its first meeting would take place on 30 May 2013.  The integrated risk management plan would soon be approved and this would be brought to the area board.  The recent Sir Kenneth Knight report regarding the fire service in England and Wales stated that fires had reduced by 48%.  Partnership working was continuing in Wiltshire, however, there had been a slight increase in fires in April.


(d)  NHS


Written reports were included in the agenda papers including a statement regarding the NHS 111 number.


(e)  Box Parish Council


Cllr Pauline Lyons had been elected as chairman of the Parish Council and Cllr Alan Clench as vice chairman.  Five new councillors had joined the Council in May.  New play equipment had been purchased using Section 106 monies and fitness equipment would be purchased shortly.  The Box Revels fun weekend would be taking place over the Bank Holiday weekend on the recreation ground.


(f)   Corsham Town Council


Cllr Ruth Hopkinson had been elected as chairman of the Town Council.  The production of a new strategic plan was a priority for the Council.  There were currently five vacancies on the Town Council and 2 June was the closing date for anyone interested in being co-opted.  Armed Forces Day would be taking place on Saturday 29 June between 12 noon and 3pm.


(g)  CCAN


·         CCAN is working on an end of year report to present at the July Area Board meeting.  This will show encouraging progress in some areas of the 2012 update of the Community Plan and in developing the community network during the last year.


·         The budget proposals and new work plan for 2013/14 will also be presented at the July meeting.  The focus will be on tackling more of the community priorities from the plan. 


·         The plan will reflect the new way of working that has been explored since the autumn.  This involves moving away from a formal steering group and committee style meetings to focus instead on encouraging the network and supporting local projects.  CCAN will also look to find more effective ways to work with the area board and others to make faster progress with implementing the Community Plan including using area board meetings in new and less formal ways.


·         On 8 June 2013 there would be a forum for Community Area Partnerships at Lackham College.  This would be a whole day event entitled “Value Your Community”.


(h)  Corsham Chamber of Commerce


The Chairman introduced Sue Stockley the new President of the Corsham Chamber of Commerce.


(i)    Shadow Community Operations Board


Cllr Allan Bosley reported that construction of the Corsham campus was now underway.  The first priority would be to provide an artificial sports pitch.  This project represented two years of voluntary contribution to date and it was very important to make the campus work.  More people were still needed to assist by joining the following working groups:


·         Communications and governance

·         Campus culture and service engagement

·         Transport and catering


(j)    Suffragette March


The 100th anniversary of the suffragette march from Lands End to London would take place this year.  The original march went through Corsham and a shop in the Martingate Centre would commemorate the event.

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