Agenda item

Partner updates

To receive updates from any of the following partners:


a.    Melksham Youth Advisory Group (YAG)

To include a short Mental Health film made by the YAG.


b.    Community Area Partnership Representative


c.    Wiltshire Police


d.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

          To include:

·         Draft Public Safety Plan update.

·         Integrated Risk Management Plan update.


e.    NHS Wiltshire/Clinical Commissioning Group


f.     Melksham Town Council


g.    Parish Council Nominated Representatives


h.    Melksham Chambers of Commerce


i.      Melksham Senior People’s Forum



a)    Melksham Youth Advisory Group (YAG)


Details were provided on YAG involvement with the recent Carnival and efforts to increase the profile of the YAG, including a YAG produced video on the problem of litter that has been showing in the area’s schools and increased co-operation with other bodies.


A video on mental health issues produced with the assistance of the YAG was then shown, and the Area Board welcomed the efforts of the young people to spread important information throughout the community area.


b)    Community Area Partnership Representative


Details were provided on efforts to upgrade the CCTV in Melksham, with work to begin in several weeks following the completion of the tendering process.


There were also updates on work to determine policing priorities, an initiative begun to improve the bus service and the forthcoming planning application regarding the Melksham Link canal.


c)    Wiltshire Police


It was stated the Carnival and party in the park had been well supported with only a single arrest made, with reported crime in the sector down approximately 9% since the last meeting, though domestic burglary reports had increased slightly. The update closed with a reminder for people to be wary of theft from vehicles by locking their cars and not leaving valuables within them.


d)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


Details were provided on the progression of the Draft Public Safety Plan and Integrated Risk Management Plan, with the end date of the final consultation being 1 August.


It was also noted that, in line with national figures, local fires were down approximately 45% in ten years.


e.    Clinical Commissioning Group


The written update was noted.


f.     Melksham Town Council


Details were provided of a new open market to be in place from September in the Church Street car park, plans for the centenary commemoration of WW1 and the 5th Melksham Food and Drink Festival, to be held from 6-51th September at Melksham house. Further details were available at the Town Hall or Melksham community blog.


g.    Parish Council Nominated Representatives


It was reported that Melksham Without Parish Council had reached full membership and that a Muga (Multi use games areaf) was being planned to the East of Melksham.


It was also reported that during the Inquiry regarding the Wiltshire Core Strategy, representations had been made to emphasise the local view that Bowerhill should be classed as a village in its own right, and not merely an extension of the Melksham urban area.


h.    Melksham Chamber of Commerce


It was noted that Melksham was the only area in Wiltshire to not be part of the ‘Visit Wiltshire’ scheme, and it was suggested the position should be reviewed.


The next meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was stated to be on 10 September 2013.


i.      Melksham Senior Peoples’ Forum


The programme for the Forum was stated to be strong through to April 2014, although the event in August 2013 had been cancelled. A meeting with Wiltshire Police had been arranged to discuss issues, and three consultations – on rural transport, welfare caps and environment and health issues, were ongoing or planned.


The issue of pensioner poverty, particularly among single women, was highlighted for the Area Board, and it was confirmed discussions with central government was ongoing, as was intergenerational work.


It was noted that the next Area Board meeting would have a focus on Older Peoples’ issues.


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