Agenda item

Wiltshire Council's Draft Business Plan for 2013-17


Public Participation


Mr Brian Warwick, Chairman of the Melksham Seniors Forum addressed Cabinet on this item. He considered that the reference to tourism in the Plan should be strengthened, welcoming the comments of Scrutiny in this respect. The Leader confirmed that the point made by Scrutiny had been accepted. Cllr Fleur de Rhé Philipe, Cabinet member for Economy, Skills and Transport also referred Mr Warwick to the work of Visit Wiltshire.



The Leader presented the draft Business Plan for 2013-17 for Cabinet’s consideration having regard to the views of Scrutiny before being recommended to Council for adoption at its extraordinary meeting called for that purpose on 3 September 2013.


The Plan gave an account of how the Council would manage the changes and challenges over this period. It focused on how the Council would continue to work with its communities and partners to protect those who were most vulnerable, to boost the local economy and to bring communities together to enable them to do more for themselves.


The Plan explained how the Council would deliver its shared vision, namely to create stronger and more resilient communities. The Leader referred to the various initiatives already implemented and those planned for the future which were innovative and ground breaking and would see the Council working more closely with its partners and sharing resources to meet the continued financial challenges.


To provide focus, the Plan set out the following 12 key actions to be delivered over the next four years:


  • Invest additional money between 2014 – 2017 to reduce the historic backlog in highway maintenance;
  • Stimulate economic growth and create additional jobs in partnership with the LEP;


  • Further enhance the role of Area Boards, developing innovative community led approaches to designing and delivering services;


  • Improve the attainment, skills and achievement of all children and young people;


  • Support the most vulnerable in our local communities and improve our safeguarding services;


  • Invest to refurbish council housing and encourage the development of new affordable homes, including supported living in rural areas;


  • Build on the work of the Military Civilian Integration Programme and maximise benefits arising from the Army Basing Plan;


  • Delegate cost neutral packages of land, services and assets to town and parish councils;


  • Create a campus opportunity in each of the 18 community areas;


  • Integrate public health at the heart of all public services;


  • Do things differently to deliver at least £120 million of savings over the next four years and


  • Develop the leadership, knowledge, skills and expected behaviours of our managers and staff.


The most important thing was that the Plan reflected the most important aspect which was to continue to support the people of Wiltshire and provide the services they needed and wanted and to continue to make Wiltshire a great place in which to live, work and visit.


The Business Plan had been subject to scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee with detailed scrutiny undertaken by the individual Select Committees, each focusing on their respective disciplines. A meeting of the Chairmen of the Select Committees had co-ordinated the comments into one report.


Cllr Simon Killane, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee explained that there had been good scrutiny of the Plan. He thanked the members of Scrutiny for their work in scrutinising the Plan so diligently in the time available and officers for their support. He presented the Scrutiny report together with an appendix of comments and suggested amendments for Cabinet’s consideration. A summary of the Cabinet and CLT’s response to these comments and suggested amendments was tabled at the meeting.


Cllr Killane and other Councillors commented that they had expected to see a revised Plan incorporating the views of Scrutiny. Corporate Director, Maggie Rae explained that these would subject to what was agreed at this meeting, be incorporated and circulated to Councillors. This it was felt would preserve an audit trail of the scrutiny comments.


Cllr Jon Hubbard welcomed the Plan accepting that a lot of it was indeed very good. He considered that Scrutiny should have an opportunity to review the Plan as revised before progressing to Council. It was agreed to circulate the revised Plan as soon as possible and hopefully by the following day.


The Leader thanked Scrutiny for its contribution to the development of the Plan and answered Councillors’ points of detail. She explained that between now and the Council meeting, the Plan would benefit from editing and design to ensure an easy to read format. It would also include a credit sized summary that would be a useful handout for Councillors, staff and the public.




(a)          To note the draft Business Plan as presented.


(b)         To note the report of Scrutiny detailing their comments and suggestions and to thank Scrutiny for its work.


(c)          To accept the report circulated at the meeting as Cabinet and the Corporate Leadership Team’s responses to the comments and suggestions put forward by Scrutiny.


(d)         That the draft Business Plan be revised to incorporate the responses referred in (c ) above and be circulated to all members of the Overview and Scrutiny Management and Scrutiny Select Committees to give them an opportunity to consider the final draft Plan before being presented to Council.


Recommended to Council


That the Draft Business Plan as revised be presented to Council for adoption at its extraordinary meeting on 3 September 2013 together with any further comments from Scrutiny.


Reason for decisions


To enable Cabinet to fully consider the draft Business Plan, to review feedback from Scrutiny and to recommend a final draft to Council. The Business Plan would enable the Council to set its strategic direction, priorities and key actions for the next four years.

Supporting documents: