Agenda item

Chippenham Campus Development

To receive a presentation from the Campus Development Team and consider the working proposals as outlined within the agenda.


The Chairman welcomed Lucy Murrey-Brown (Head of Campus and Operational Models) and Ian Bridges (Chairman of the Campus Team) to the meeting.  Both were in attendance to give a presentation on the work undertaken by the team and to seek approval on the next proposed steps.


In making the presentation the following points were raised.


The campus development team were a group of community representatives working as a group of the Area Board whose key responsibility was to represent the views of the local community on campus proposals.


The campus aim was to make efficient use of council buildings and deliver facilities that delivered more for the local community.


The team had now completed its first consultation exercise which had completed in November 2012.  The results of the consultation were provided within Appendix 1 of the report.


One of the main requirements identified from the survey was that all key services should be provided from one location and meet the needs of the community.


Several potential sites had been discussed including sites owned by the Council, college and private sector. 


The next phase would be to develop a community campus with enhanced leisure facilities by creating one building currently proposed to comprise Wiltshire Council office building and Olympiad Leisure Centre.


The team aspiration was for the campus site to become a focal point for community activities, providing a wide selection of services, facilities and amenities to support the area.


Working proposals included:


·         A change to the aspect of the current council offices so that the principal entrance faced the River Avon and that the building should work in harmony with its surroundings and town centre.


·         That external enhancements should include an atrium entrance at ground floor level with external seating linked to a cafe/catering facility and adjoined outdoor performance area.


·         A library/family learning/information technology centre and public access areas to computers and the internet.


·         Central reception area.


·         Improved disability access.


·         Multipurpose areas for a wide range of activities, i.e. for conferences and performance use.


·         Training links to Chippenham College and development opportunities for social enterprise facilities.


·         Provision for essential and specified Wiltshire Council services for the community area.


·         Suitable areas for local organisations, charities, the elderly, disabled and voluntary sector to operate from and function within.


·         Functional space for partners, such as Wiltshire College and CAB


If agreed, the next stage would be to commence a second phase of consultation on the above mentioned proposals.


The Chief Executive Officer of the Rise Trust was also in attendance and expressed her support to the proposals made by the Campus team.


In opening up discussion to the floor the following clarifications were made:


·         That the budget available would be provided at a later date, following approval of the proposals by the Area Board in the first instance.  This would require a detailed feasibility study to be undertaken before this point.  With this in mind it was unlikely that the project would be submitted to Wiltshire Council Cabinet for approval until Summer 2014.


·         Corsham Campus was highlighted as an example of a more progressed campus project with clarification provided that the Mansion House and Library buildings were being sold and the services provided relocated to the new Campus site. 


·         The resulting services provided from the Chippenham Campus would be complimentary to existing provision and were not proposed to duplicate.


In receiving the information provided and prior to the views of the Board members, the Chairman asked that those in attendance give an indication on whether they supported the proposals.  Attendees were asked to indicate whether they supported the proposals by a show of hands and were in unanimous support.


Comments received by the Board members included:


·         There was a need to ensure the Town Council building remained fit for purpose, alongside any new campus development;


·         The voluntary sector in the area should be involved to ensure that, where possible, their needs were taken into consideration.


·         That any future design team should take into consideration accessibility for emergency services, pedestrian access to all levels and parking, noting that current parking was situated at the higher level of the Olympiad Leisure Centre.


·         That youth provision and registration services (such as births, marriages and deaths) should be included within the Campus, together with consideration of transport links for the community as a whole to enable access.


The Chairman thanked the officers for the presentation made.




The Board agreed that the second phase of consultation should be completed based on the proposal to site a campus facility at Olympiad/Monkton Park offices as outlined in the report; and


That the results from the consultation are brought back to the Board for consideration no later than March 2014.

Supporting documents: