Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.         Wiltshire Police

b.         Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.         Health Services

d.         Devizes Community Area Partnership

e.         Devizes Campus Team

f.          Young People

g.         Schools updates

h.         Town and Parish Councils


a)    Wiltshire Police


A police report was contained within the agenda pack.


b)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


A fire and rescue report was contained within the agenda pack. An updated report was available at the meeting and was published as an agenda supplement on the Wiltshire Council website.


c)    Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)


Helen Osborn, Chair of West Wiltshire and Devizes CCG gave an update. The group were working to develop the next health care model. Bureaucratic processes had hindered the delivery of efficient services. Following the GP forum development of diagnostic services, improving integration to reduce duplication and improving access to the system were identified as key priorities.


d)    Devizes Community Area Partnership (DCAP)


Chris Butler, Chairman of DCAP gave an update. A consultation on the Pewsey Vale bus route was ongoing. The business group were due to meet on Thursday 27 March to discuss the upcoming business reception, annual benchmarking report and CCTV. Local businesses were encouraged to attend the next Area Board meeting as part of the launch of the Devizes Means Business website.


e)    Devizes Area Tourism Partnership


Tony Aldridge gave an update. Wiltshire Museum had won the Wiltshire attraction of the year award and the procession around White Horses had won 3rd place in the cultural event category. The coach set down bays in Devizes town had been approved. The museum and 21 other group operators had recently explored Devizes by coach and following support from the community Devizes had been awarded coach friendly status. Tony was exploring the possibility of setting up an event to inform coach operators of this new status.


The Chairman thanked Tony for his hard work.


f)     YAG


The Area Board were encouraged to visit the YAG Facebook page at The group were organising a trip to Parliament and had attended the YAG consultation day. They were awaiting a response from Aster Housing regarding a group of elderly residents they hoped to work with. The group continued to with local shops to develop a video to train security guards about young people. Concern was expressed regarding funding cuts to youth services. The group were organising a litter pick and had been supported by the River Trust and the canoe club.


g)    Schools update


Malcolm Irons, Headteacher of Devizes School gave an update. Year 11 were expected to beat their GCSE targets. A planning application was underway for the construction of seven classrooms with attached facilities.


Pupils had recently taken part in the BBC School Report event and the school was hosting BBC Wiltshire between 12pm and 2pm on Thursday 27 March. A trip to Disney Land Paris had occurred and drama students had won the opportunity to perform. Pupils would visit Kenya for four weeks in the summer. Pupils were due to visit the World War One trenches in Belgium, which would be the 10th trip of its kind. The school production of the Wizard of Oz had been a success. The school had obtained youth sports club sponsorship and had been recognised as a health and wellbeing lead school. Special Educational Needs students had won a new age curling event.


h)   Parish and Town Councils


An update for Easterton Parish Council was contained within the agenda pack.


Following questions it was confirmed that an additional £51 million had been allocated to improve the condition of roads across Wiltshire over the next six years.

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