Agenda item

Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider the recommendations and note the actions arising from the last meeting of the CATG, which took place on 7 February 2014, as detailed in the attached paper.


The Board noted the actions arising from the last meeting of the CATG, which took place on 7 February 2014, and considered the recommendations as detailed in the paper attached to the agenda.


Cllr Clewer noted his concern  that the Devizes road crossing scheme had not been approved in full when CATG had approved schemes for bus shelters  and white fences.  He questioned whether these should be matters of priority when money for a scheme designed to improve the safety at a crossing where there were concerns about accidents had not been completed in full.



The Salisbury Area Board approved the following CATG schemes:


·         Coloured surface treatment & bollards at BP Garage (London Road): confirmation had been sought from the Garage owners and that subject to this the scheme would be implemented as recommended. 

·         Dropped kerbs in The Oakbournes (Ash Crescent): close issue.

·         Bus Shelter – Balmoral Road:  this scheme would be taken forward as part of the bus shelter replacement programme and is afforded top priority.

·         Dropped kerbs in Odstock Road: close issue.

·         Controlled crossing near bus stop adjacent to Ambulance Station (Odstock) and Zebra Crossing in Ridings Mead:
that subject to the removal of branches that obstruct visibility from the south and the provision of appropriate signage, the option of introducing two crossing points at the top and bottom of the road be approved and £5,500 be allocated to enable the scheme to be implemented.

·         Pedestrian Crossing in Roman Road near Bus Stop: Close issue.

·         Improvements to Junction at York Road/Devizes Road: Retain on list and notify residents that it may be considered if there is substantial support – with a request for ideas from local residents.

·         Request for one way system in Macklin Road: Close issue and remove from list indicating that it may be reopened if the residents wish to have a Metrocount survey.

·         Request for village gates at Stratford sub Castle: £5,000 was allocated from the CATG budget to facilitate the installation of white painted ‘village gates’ at the northern end of Stratford Sub Castle adjacent to the 30mph signs.

·         Bollards in St Edmund's Church Street: £1,800 was allocated for a feasibility assessment including test drillings to find the location of underground utility channels.

·         Junction improvements at Roman Road/Pembroke Road: £1,000 was allocated from the CATG budget to support a bid to the substantive highways budget for a further £7,000 to remove the area of traffic island south of the refuge to widen access at the junction. However, if the substantive bid fails this matter be referred back to CATG later in the summer/autumn for further consideration.

·         Replacement of the Bus Shelter Pembroke Road/Pulman Drive: that this scheme be included in the bus shelter replacement programme and afforded high priority.

·         Request for 2 “Slow children at play” signs in Pinewood Way: £500 was allocated from the CATG budget to provide the signs.

·         Pedestrian Crossing at Bottom of Devizes Road: £1,200 was allocated from the CATG budget for new signs and the issue be closed and removed from the list,  recognising that this may be reconsidered should problems persist.

·         Parking in Middle Street, Harham: that further confirmation is sought from the Environment Agency about the disposal of land necessary to achieve the required improvements and that Salisbury City Council be approached and asked to consider making a contribution toward the cost of acquiring the small piece of land concerned.

·         RTPI sign Manor Farm Road: retain on list, and request that Wilts & Dorset Bus Company carry out an assessment of usage of the bus stop and report back to next CATG meeting.


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