Agenda item

W/13/06140/FUL - Land at Snarlton Farm, Snarlton Lane, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 7QP - Development of 80.5 ha Solar Photovoltaic Farm with Attendance Equipment and Infrastructure

 Members will recall that consideration of this application was given at the last meeting of this Committee when it was resolved to defer consideration pending the holding of a site visit. 


Members attending the site visit will report back to this meeting after which the Committee will be asked to determine the application.  An updated  report by the case officer is attached.


The following people spoke against the proposal:


Mr Jack Churchill, a local resident

Mr David Hawkins, a local resident

Mr John Kirkman, representing the CPRE

Cllr Tony Murch, representing Seend Parish Council


The following people spoke in support of the proposal:


Mr Roger Keen, landowner

Mrs Sophy Fearnley-Whittingstall, representing Wiltshire Clean Energy Alliance

Mr St John Hughes, the applicant


The Committee was reminded that consideration of this application had been given at the previous meeting of this Committee when it had been resolved to defer consideration pending the holding of a site visit which had taken place earlier that day.


The Committee received a presentation by the Area Development Manager who set out the main issues in respect of the application. In introducing the report, he stated that it had been updated since the previous meeting to include details of the National Planning Practice Guidance relevant to this proposal that had been recently issued by the Government. The report recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions after which the Committee received statements from members of the public as detailed above, expressing their views regarding the planning application.


Members of the Committee then heard the views of Cllr Jonathon Seed, an adjoining local Member, who explained that a number of his constituents in Seend objected to the proposal on account of the size of the development

and the visual impact from their properties. 


During the following discussion, Cllr Terry Chivers reported that, as local Member, he had widely consulted his local constituents and also the local councils within his constituency and had received only one objection.


A number of Members of the Committee stated that, whilst they supported renewable energy, they considered that the scale of the proposed development was unacceptable. Furthermore, the number of similar operations proposed or built within this area of Wiltshire was such that they considered that the cumulative effect was leading to an industrialisation of the countryside.


Cllr Terry Chivers proposed and Cllr Graham Wright seconded a motion to move the Officer recommendation to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the report.  


The motion was put to the meeting and lost, whereupon it was




To refuse planning permission for the following reasons:-


The proposed development, by reason of its size and scale, would have an unacceptable visual impact on the landscape. This would conflict with policies C34 (a) and C1 of the West Wiltshire District plan (1st alteration) and with policies CP42 (i) and CP51 (iv and vi) of the emerging Core Strategy (April 2014 tracked changes version) and with the Government's Planning Policy Guidance that recognises that large scale solar farms can have a damaging effect on the landscape. Furthermore, when taken together with the existing solar farm at nearby Craysmarsh, the development would have an unacceptable cumulative impact on the landscape of the area and an unacceptable cumulative visual impact when viewed from nearby public rights of way; from the A3102 at Sandridge and from Seend Ridge to the south. This would conflict with Government's Planning Policy guidance.



(Cllr Terry Chivers requested that his vote against the motion be recorded.)

Supporting documents: