Agenda item

Update from Representatives

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)     Police – update attached

d)    Fire

e)    Youth

f)      Salisbury Campus




The Board received the following updates:


Salisbury City Council (SCC) Andrew Roberts

·         There would be a Teenagers market on Sunday 13 July.

·         The Farmers markets continued to do well.

·         The Guildhall was a finalist in the Marketing Category and the Information Centre was a finalist in Tourism in the South Wilts Business of the Year Awards.

·         The judging for Britain in Bloom was taking place that day, it was hoped that Salisbury would receive an award.


Laverstock and Ford Parish Council – David Law

The Riverbourne Community Farm had held its annual open day in June, where over 4,000 people had attended the free entry event. The farm continued to support free tours for school visits.


The Laverstock Family Fund Day was planned for Sunday 20 July, where entry would be free.


Police – Inspector Dave Minty

The Police had successfully now moved in to Bourne Hill and already there had been good partnership working between the Police and Wiltshire Council, with the Public Protection teams for both sitting alongside each other.


Issues had initially been raised regarding safety in the building, some degree of this had been a perceived threat, any actual threat had been looked at and solutions had been found to address this.


There would be no custody facilities or handling of sex offender registration at Bourne Hill.


It was recognised that the signage to the Police Station needed to be improved. Due to Bourne Hill being a listed building, the options for erecting any signage on the building were limited, so the use of A-boards was being considered.


Wiltshire Police was committed to having a custody suite in the south of the county. Until a purpose build suite was ready in Salisbury, the Melksham custody suite was now in use. The Chief Constable had committed funding to the Prisoner Transport team to enable the arresting Officers to be deployed back on to the street as soon as possible.


The Drink Free Zones around Salisbury were a useful tool, as they enabled Officers to approach people drinking alcohol in those zones and remove it from them.


The Police were working with partners in the Licensing team to address the problem of urination around the city, by implementing an £80 fine to those caught.


Comments and questions were then received, these included:

·         The alleyway from Brown Street Car Park, going through to Gigant Street was a prime spot for people to sit and drink all day. Answer: We will monitor this.

·         There was no visitor’s free parking at the College Street car park, for people who wished to hand items in to the police station. Answer: Inspector Minty agreed to feed this comment back.


Wiltshire Fire & Rescue – Mike Franklin

On 12 June 2014, the Wiltshire Fire Authority met and appointed a new Chairman, who took the decision to postpone the running period of the consultation on the Future of the Fire Service. The Consultation would now run from 21 July for 13 weeks.


The three options which would be considered were:


1.    Wiltshire & Swindon Fire Authority to stay independent and increase collaboration with Wiltshire Council & Swindon Borough Council.


2.    Wiltshire & Swindon Fire Authority to stay independent and increase collaboration with Dorset Fire Authority while also collaborating with Wiltshire Council & Swindon Borough Council.



3.    Wiltshire & Swindon Fire Authority to merge with Dorset Fire Authority to create a single Combined Fire Authority while also collaborating with Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, Dorset County Council, Bournemouth Borough Council and the Borough of Poole.


Further information could be found online at by following the consultation portal to the documentation.



There would be a public meeting in Wilton on 13 October 2014 during the afternoon at The Michael Herbert Hall, and two other meetings on 14th October in Devizes and Chippenham.


Salisbury Area Board had also requested an update at a future meeting.



Ed and George who were in attendance at the meeting approached the Board for guidance on how to move forward with their movement to raise awareness of politics amongst young people and to encourage them to become actively involved.


They felt that many young people were disenchanted with politics at a national level, with over 60% of young people not voting.


Although there was a Sparksite website, which was created by young people for young people, things like this were not widely known about. Not all young people wanted the same things, like a skate park or swimming pool, some want something else.


The Chairman explained that the Youth Service was changing; the Area Board would be receiving funding to develop a new model of youth development for the Salisbury area. We would welcome having young people like you on board to work with us in achieving a new model.


Questions and comments were then received, these included:


·         Your local councillor would be a good start to get involved in politics.

·         The SCC had funding to start up a Youth Council, contact them to get involved.

·         In Salisbury we have the first Children’s Commissioner, he has no political allegiance, it may be useful to contact him.

·         All of the political parties at SCC would be interested to speak with you, it is extremely important to engage with young people, as 60% of young people aged 18 – 21 who do not vote, go on to never vote.

Ed and George ended by thanking everyone for their comments, and the invites to join various local groups; however they felt that people did not listen to young people, and invited further discussion after the meeting.


Salisbury Campus Update

Building work was about to start to develop the new Salisbury community campus at Five Rivers, due to open in Autumn 2015. 


Wiltshire Council was working with local people to develop community campuses across Wiltshire – Corsham campus would start to open in summer 2014 and Salisbury campus was the next to start being developed. 


What would be in Salisbury campus 

Salisbury campus would provide a variety of refurbished and also a number of new facilities for the local community.  Services and facilities that the Salisbury campus would provide included;


      Point of contact for Wiltshire Council and partner services

      Enlarged and refurbished café

      Climbing wall

      Refurbished and extended gym

      Dance studio

      New external changing rooms and an all weather pitch

      New dry changing rooms

      Activity spaces for exercise and other activities

      Music rehearsal rooms

      Meeting rooms

      Training kitchen for young people and people with a learning disability

      Sensory room

      Personal Care Room

      Facilities for police teams

      Hot desking


Who would build the campus

Rydon had been selected to build the campus and would be starting the works in July 2014.  

During the construction, different areas of the centre would be unavailable at different times and classes or activities would be relocated where possible – user groups would be contacted about specific areas in good time for alternative arrangements to be made where necessary.  


The swimming pool and other wet areas of the centre would remain largely unaffected and disruption would be minimised to these areas as much as possible whilst the campus was developed.  


Reduced fees across all activities at Five Rivers would be introduced throughout the duration of the build process in order to recognise the disruption that would be faced, although the council was working hard to ensure this was reduced. 


What will happen when

More information regarding the timeline would become available as each phase was approached, but the indicative phasing of the work was ;




Mobilisation and enabling works – changes to car park and setting up of Rydon’s site

Sports hall and conference suite refurbishment begins

During September – October 2014            

Sports hall becomes available

Dry changing rooms relocate to new area

from September/October 2014 to late spring 2015

Temporary gym provided whilst gym extended and refurbished

Dance studio created from existing dry change (reprovided in new area)

Construction starts on new campus extension – includes activity space, music facilities, police areas and hot desking

Late spring/summer 2015            

Work to circulation areas and new single point of contact

Café area refurbished

Autumn 2015

Completed campus opens




·         Would there be only one music rehearsal room? Answer: It was planned that rooms would be available, and there would be a dedicated room for Base Connections to use.


Further questions could be sent to or telephone 01225 718350


Supporting documents: